Download Revision on Universe 1-The nearest planet to the sun is Mercury

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Revision on Universe
1-The nearest planet to the sun is Mercury,while Neptune is the farthest planet
2-A phenomenon of day and nightsequence results from the rotation of the Earth around its axis
,while the four seasons sequence results from the revolution of Earth around the sun
3-Revolution of Earth around the sun once every 365 1\4 ,while rotation of Earth around its axis once
every 24 hours
4-The day hours are nearly equal to the night hours in spring and autumn seasons
5-The Moon is the nearest space body to the Earth
6-The Earth's axis is inclined
7-Earth is the third planet away from the sun
8-The biggest planet in the solar system is Jupiter
9-In the summer season,hours of day are longer than night's
10-The day is shorter than night in winter season
Put ( T ) or ( F )
1-In winter and summer seasons, the day hours are equal to the night hours ( F ) spring and autumn
2-Earth is the most beautiful planet in the solar system
( F ) Venus
3-The sun is a big sized star
( F ) medium sized
4-Planets are shiny bodies that revolve around the sun
5-The sun is a planet that emits light
( F )a star
6-Neptune is the cold planet as it is the farthest planet from the sun
7-We see the Moon shining because it radiates light
)dark bodies
( F ) blue planet
( F )reflects sunlight
Give reason
1-Hours of day not equal hours of night
because the axis of the Earth is inclined
2-The sun seems bigger to us than the other stars although it is a medium sized star
Because it is the nearest star to us
3-The stars seem very small in size
Because they are very distant from us
4-The sequence of the four seasons
Because Earth revolves around the sun once every 365 1\4 days
5-The Moon is a dark body but we see it luminous
Because it reflects the sunlight
6-The sun is a star , while the Earth is a planet
The sun is astar because it emits heat and light but Earth is aplanet because it is a dark body
Scientific term
1-Dark body revolves around the Earth and reflects the sun rays
( moon
2-One of the solar system planets that has coloured rings around it (saturn
3-The biggest planet in the solar system
( Jupiter
4-The planet that called the red planet
5-The central body of the solar system
( The sun
6-The sun and the eight planets revolve around it
( solar system
7-Dark bodies that revolve around the sun
8-Dark body that reflects the sunlight falling on it
9-The blue planet in the solar system
10-The galaxy which contain our solar system
(eight planets
(the moon
( Neptune
(Milky way