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Mercury is the closest to the
Sun planet of the Solar
system. It`s appearing around
the Sun for 88 earth days.
This is the smallest planet .
Mercury relates to the inner
planets, as well as it`s orbit
passes closer to the Sun than
asteroid belt. After deprivation
Pluto in 2006 the status of the
planet , Mercury passed the
title of the small planet of the
Solar system. We know only
a few information about this
planet because of high
temperature. The scientists
completed the first map of
Mercury in 2009 .
Venus is the second
planet of the Solar system .
It`s 500 mln. years. It`s
sometimes called the sister of
the Earth. Venus is the third
brightest object in the sky of
the Earth after The Sun and
The Moon . Venus is closer
to the Sun than the Earth. Its
maximum brightness Venus
reaches shortly before
sunrise or after some time
after sunset, which gave
occasion to call it`s also
Evening star or Morning star.
The surface of this planet
coveres a thick cloud of
sulfuric acid. It has a bright
features volcanic activities.
The atmosphere consists of
carbon dioxide without water.
The high temperature loses
by and by.
The Earth (lat. Terra)
is the third planet of
the Solar System
from the Sun. It`s the
largest in diameter,
mass and density
among the planets.
The Earth is
often called the
World, the Blue
planet, or Terra (from
lat. Terra).The
oceans contain 97%
of all the water on the
Earth. It`s the only
planet of the
Universe where
living creatures live
Mars is the fourth of
the distance from the
Sun and the seventh
on size planet of the
Solar system.The
weight of the planet is
10.7 % of the mass of
the Earth. This planet
was named in honour
of Mars —the roman
god of war. It`s
sometimes called
the "red planet"
because of the red
colour of the surface
attached to it`s iron
Jupiter is the fifth planet
from The Sun and the
largest planet in the
Solar system. Jupiter is
classified as gas planet.
Saturn, Uranus and
Neptune are classified as
gas giants too.The planet
was known to people
since ancient times, as
reflected in mythology
and religious beliefs of
different cultures: the
Greek and others.
Saturn is the sixth
planet from the Sun
and the second on size
planet in the Solar
system after Jupiter.
Saturn, and Jupiter,
Uranus and Neptune,
are classified as gas
giants. The atmosphere
of this planet consists of
hydrogen with impurities
of helium and water,
methane,ammonia and
rocks. There are 62
satellites revolve around
the planet. The ring
system is full of
ice,rocks and dust. The
speed of wind can
reach up to 1800km/c.
Uranus is the seventh
planet from the Sun. It`s
the third in diameter and
the fourth in mass
planet of the Solar
system.It was opened in
1781 by astronomer
William Hershel. It was
the first planet
discovered with a
telescope. Sometimes
we can see this planet to
the naked eye.The basis
of the atmosphere are
hydrogen and helium.
This is the coldest
planet. The temperature
is -224 .
The speed of the wind is
Neptune is the eighth
and the most distant
planet of the Solar
system. Neptune is also
the fourth in diameter
and the third in mass
planet. The Mass of
Neptune is 17.2 times,
and the diameter of the
equator in 3.9 times
more than the Earth.
This planet relates to a
category of ice giant. It
is blue because of
methane.The strongest
wind blows on the
surface of this planet.
The speed of wind can
reach up to 2100km/c. It
has weak ring system.
Pluto is the dwarf
planet, the
celestial body,
circling to the Sun.
Originally Pluto is
classified as a
planet but today it is
considered as one
of the largest object.
It weighs less than a
mass the Moon in
five times. The
atmosphere of this
planet consists of
rock and ice.