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L1: Outline
Notes on
Neuron structure, types of neurons, and reflex arcs
Simple Reflex arc in claymation
Reflex arc video
ActivityLink: Reflex Timing
L1: What is the Nervous System
A collection of specialized cells called neurons that
connect your 5 senses to your brain
make up your brain and allow thought
connect to your muscles and allow movement
L1: Main parts of a Neuron
Cell body: each neuron
is a single cell
Myelin sheath: insulates
axon to speed up the
Dendrites: receives
impulses (messages)
Axon: sends messages
L1: Dendrites and Axons
Bring information to the cell body
Rough Surface (dendritic spines)
Usually many dendrites per cell
No myelin insulation
Branch near the cell body
Take information away from the cell body
Smooth Surface
Generally only 1 axon per cell
Can have myelin
Branch further from the cell body
L1: 3 Neuron Types
Sensory neurons: carry messages from the
senses to the brain/spinal cord
Interneurons: in the brain and spinal cord,
process the messages
Motor neurons: carry messages to muscles
L1: Reflex Arc
A nerve pathway designed to react quickly to painful/
motor stimuli. Consists of..
Sensory neurons
interneurons in the
spinal cord
Motor neurons
L1: Neuron Structure Quick Quiz
Myelin sheath
axon endings
Cell body
L1: Assignment
Read pages 372-376
  Define
the terms
 afferent
 efferent
 innervate
Do reflex activity.
  Work on Major Lab Project
Reflex Activity
Watch videos on
  Deep
leg reflex
  Plantar
Do reflex activity on above plus retinal