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Black Hole Instrument Finds One Star That's Actually Two
A new astronomical tool used to study black holes in Chile was able to discover that a
particular star in the Orion star formation area, called Theta Orionis F, is actually a pair of very
close stars, rather than one. The primary reason that scientists were unable to discern this until
now is that previous telescopes and cameras were not able to take very long exposures, like the
newer instrument named Gravity. Using the new sensitive instrument, Gravity has a future of
observing black holes, galactic cores, and phenomena surrounding new stars.
How Astronomers Could Actually See Planet Nine
It was announced today that a previously unknown planet, currently just called Planet
Nine, could be orbiting our sun 600 astronomical units (AU) away. Although evidence for the
planet's existence is not very substantial yet, many scientists believe that more will be found
soon. All current knowledge we have on the planet is based on computer simulations, but
scientists hope to observe it directly soon with a telescope.
Hubble Spies on a Beautifully Messed Up Galaxy
Recently, the galaxy only known as NGC 5408 has been more closely observed and been
determined to be a very interesting irregular galaxy. The celestial object has been known since
1834, but back then it was only thought to be a planetary nebula. However, with recent
observations and research, NGC 5408 has been determined to be a galaxy with a strangely high
output of x-rays. The object in the galaxy is known as NGC 5408 X-1, and further studies might
reveal it to be an intermediate black hole.
Crescent Moon Joins Pre-Dawn Planet Parade
A number of planets are currently in a visible line in the sky in the early mornings, and
this morning our moon joined the array in its crescent stage. Over the next few days, the moon
will progress in its forms and appear in different positions in the "parade". It's not an everyday
occurrence, and it's definitely something to be admired and appreciated.
In Historic First, Einstein's Gravitational Waves Detected Directly
It was officially announced today that gravity waves, as theorized by Einstein, have been
discovered. The Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory used two long lasers as
sensors to observe a catastrophic collision of two black holes a great distance away from us, and
happened about 1.3 billion years ago. The discovery of this phenomena will allow scientists to
observe the universe in a brand new light, as black holes and other similarly undetectable objects
in space are now available to us to observe and begin to understand.
Japan Launches X-Ray Observatory to Study Black Holes & Star Explosions
Japan launched a new observatory named Astro-H into space early this morning. It is
equipped to help scientists study black holes, supernovas, and galaxy clusters. It is also highly
sensitive to X-rays, and can observe them 10x better than Japan's previous equipment. The "H"
in the name of the craft stands for the Japanese word "hitomi", which means eye.
Plans Being Devised for Human Outpost Near the Moon
As plans and outlines for a space station orbiting the moon develop, the possibilities for
deep space exploration and observation increase. The primary research concerns that scientists
have for this project currently are life support, radiation protection, and communications.
Developers are also looking forward to enjoying some autonomy from the craft, as it won't need
orbital alterations like the International Space Station, as it orbits the moon, rather than the Earth.
Back on Earth: Astronaut Scott Kelly Faces Gravity After 1-Year Mission
Astronauts Scott Kelly and Mikhail Kornienko returned from 340 days aboard the
International Space Station this morning in Kazakhstan. After exiting the space craft, both
astronauts were taken to medical tents to be examined, tested, and treated if necessary. After
living so long under different gravitational conditions, their bodies will need time to get
reacquainted with the gravity of Earth.
Total Solar Eclipse of 2016 Occurs Today: What to Expect
The only solar eclipse of this year will happen tonight as the moon passes in front of the
sun. It will only be visible in Eastern and Pacific countries. However, there will be a number of
live streams available online for those who aren't able to see it.
Minor Lunar Eclipse: Earth's Shadow to Darken Moon Wednesday
Following last week's solar eclipse, there will be a very minor lunar eclipse in a few days.
It will only be visible for a short amount of time. These minor eclipses are known as penumbral
eclipses, and they are very subtle and hard to observe.
Two Comets Just Made Historic Near-Earth Flybys
Over the past couple of days, two comets flew past Earth, one on Monday, the other
yesterday. The first one, 252P/LINEAR, came around 3.5 million miles from Earth, and the other,
named 2016 BA14, came around 2.1 million. Only one comet has come closer to Earth than
2016 BA14, which was the comet Lexell, which came 1.4 million miles away from Earth in 1770.
Scientists have theorized that BA14 could possibly be a piece of 252P, but it has not been
Video Shows Japan's Hitomi Satellite Tumbling in Space, Rescue Efforts Underway
An amateur astronomer discovered the Japanese satellite Astro-H, or Hitomi, tumbling
through its orbit. The Japanese Aerospace Exploration Agency is making efforts to correct its
path, but is having difficulty communicating with the craft, they have only received two
messages, and neither of them are clear. The satellite appears to be pulsating in its light output,
this serves as evidence that the craft is tumbling.
Launch. Land. Repeat. Blue Origin's Amazing Rocket Liftoff & Landing in Pictures
Blue Origin, an independent space flight company, successfully launched and landed
their craft New Shepherd for the third time this morning. The craft uses its rocket to push in the
opposite direction as it falls, granting it a gentle vertical landing. In addition to this landing being
the third, it is also the third consecutive endeavor the vehicle has undertaken with the same
rocket boosters. Advanced in this technology will lower the costs of operating space craft in the
future, making astronomical advances much more possible.
Stephen Hawking Helps Launch Project 'Starshot' for Interstellar Space Exploration
Hawking announced today the launching of this project, which aims to revolutionize
space exploration technology. Space craft will be propelled by lasers from high altitude facilities,
and be carried by light sails, with very light frames to speed up travel times. Scientists estimate
that such technology could be propelled to 20% the speed of light. With such speed, a craft could
potentially reach Alpha Centauri in two decades. Scientists and developers are calling the craft
Some Science Coming from Japan's Ailing Hitomi Satellite
The Hitomi spacecraft is reportedly in pieces, but before its death in March, the Hitomi
was able to make observations of two celestial objects: the Crab Nebula and the Perseus Cluster.
It was able to take the spectra of both objects, helping astronomers understand their chemical
make-up. It is not yet understood what happened to the Hitomi craft that would cause it to tumble
and disassemble.
Japan Abandons All Hope of Saving Ailing Hitomi Astronomy Satellite
The Japanese Aerospace Exploration Agency announced yesterday that their Hitomi
space craft has taken too much damage to be of any further use. The solar panels are either too
damaged or have been completely dislodged, they report. JAXA lost contact with the craft back
in March, and since then things have looked pretty grim. It served its purpose very briefly, but
JAXA has ultimately decided to abandon it.