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Europe—Modern History
Chapter 10
The Modern Era—Section 1
Industrial Revolution
• Began in Great Britain in the 1700s.
• Refers to a time when people used machinery
and technology to increase productivity.
• Why Great Britain?
▫ Ready supply of natural resources
▫ Plenty of raw materials—wool/cotton
▫ Large population—human resources
 Fewer people were needed to farm because of
technological advances so more people would move
into cities to find jobs.
Major Industries
• Textiles—woven cloth—was the major industry
in Great Britain.
• Prior to the industrial revolution cloth making
was a cottage industry
▫ Made by families in their homes
• Steam engines were used to produce things more
▫ Thomas Newcomen invented the steam engine
▫ James Watt improved the steam engine in 1769.
Changing Lifestyles
• People left the rural areas for
the cities to find work.
• Lives changed drastically
• The entire family worked.
▫ They worked long hours
▫ For little pay
▫ In dangerous conditions
• Cities were
▫ Crowded
▫ Dirty
▫ Had slums/ghettos
• Eventually Unions were formed to improve workers
conditions in the factories, improve pay, and restrict
child labor.
• Unions were not liked by business owners and
Union leaders often beat or killed.
• Union members would go on strike to get what they
• The Industrial Revolution (IR) was difficult in the
short term, however in the long term it has made
our lives easier.
• How did the IR help in the long term?
▫ Clothing was cheaper and better
▫ Could afford more clothes and wash them more
▫ This helped to reduce sickness and disease
• The IR helped to great strong economies which lead
to European dominance of the world in the 1800s &
the early 1900s
World War One
• Also known as:
▫ The Great War
▫ The war to end all wars
The Great War
• Started in 1914
▫ Result of the alliance system and the assassination of
Archduke Ferdinand of Austria-Hungry by a Serbian
• Two sides: Allied & Central
• Allied:
▫ France, Great Britain, Russia, Italy& eventually the
United States
• Central:
▫ Austria-Hungry, Germany, Ottoman Empire, Bulgaria
The Great War
• The industrial revolution made this war deadly
• This war was the first to have:
▫ Airplanes
▫ Tanks
▫ Machine guns
Countries used trench warfare—What is this?
The war lasted 4 years
Over 15 million killed
Numerous European cities destroyed.
The Great War
• The Central Powers lose.
• Germany is given most of the blame and is required to
pay the winners.
• Most of Europe is in ruins.
• Russia dropped out of the war and had the Bolshevik
Revolution—Communism starts in 1917.
• Communism is based off of Karl Marx and Frederich
▫ German philosophers who hated capitalism and thought it
▫ Communism everyone works together for the betterment of
the group
 Nice idea—doesn’t work in practice because humans are sinful.
World War Two—WWII
• The Great Depression is the back drop for
• The entire world was suffering economically and
many governments struggled to provide for their
• In Germany this economic struggle allowed
Hitler to rise to power.
Adolf Hitler
• Hitler fought in WWI and in some of the most violent
• He was a lower ranking military personal.
▫ He was a Gefreiter (Private first class)
• After the war he was upset that Germany got all the
blame for the war.
• He started to get involved with politics.
• Hitler was a gifted orator.
• During a speech in a beer hall he was run out and
pursued for high treason.
▫ Hitler was put in jail for 5 years.
▫ During which he wrote Mein Kampf.
• When Hitler was released he was able to rise to power in
the political scene in Germany.
Adolf Hitler—con’t.
• Hitler transforms the Nazi party and becomes its
• He gets people to believe that Germany had been
wrong by the Treaty of Versailles and gradually
starts to blame others for Germany’s problems.
• Hitler is elected Chancellor in 1933.
• Hitler gradually makes himself a dictator.
• Hitler starts to rebuild Germany and their army.
▫ Rebuilding the army is a direct violation of the
Treaty of Versailles.
• The rest of the world ignores this violation and
others of Hitler and start a practice of
• Hitler invades Poland in 1939 and thus begins
• We are going to look at another power point that
shows on a map the European side of WWII>
• Tell me what you know.
• 12 million died
• 6 million Jews died
• This was a horrible event that actually did
• In 1943 Italy surrenders and turns over to the
• In 1945 Germany surrenders
▫ Hitler killed himself
• Japan continues to fight but also surrenders
later in 1945
▫ After atom bombs were dropped on Hiroshima
and Nagasaki.