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Name ______________________________
Chapter 5 Questions:
1. College students faced with unsolvable problems eventually give up and make only half-hearted attempts to solve new
problems, even when the new problems can be solved easily. This behavior is probably due to __________.
2. Which of the following is the best example of shaping?
3. For extinction to occur, which of the following must be true of the conditioned response (CR), the conditioned stimulus
(CS), and the unconditioned stimulus (UCS)?
4. A child who learns that spoons are tableware and then correctly calls forks and knives tableware is demonstrating
5. John B. Watson is best known as the founder of
6. Robert Rescorla found that the CS must __________ the UCS or conditioning does not occur.
7. A technique that enables a person to control physiological responses that are normally involuntary, such as level of
blood pressure, is known as
8. Which of the following is a partial reinforcement schedule that is most resistant to extinction? Hint: It can explain why
playing slots at a casino is a hard habit to break.
9. The reappearance, after a rest period, of an extinguished conditioned response is called
10. Michael grows up in a home where his father is generally unloving toward his mother. He observes his father yell and
degrade his mother, and he notices that his mother never resists this treatment. Based on the work of Bandura, what might
we predict about Michael’s own relationships when he is older?
11. A child has learned that her grandparents ignore rather than reward her tantrums. Which of the following operant
principles are the grandparents using to control the child’s behavior?
12. A person closes a window to shut out traffic noise. The reduction in noise leads the person to close the window every
day. This is an example of
13. Classical conditioning is most efficient when the unconditioned stimulus (UCS)
14. Which classic study forms the basis for social (observational) learning?
15. __________ is any relatively permanent change in behavior brought about by experience or practice.
16. A response graph like the one above would likely show which of the following examples?
17. Learning to make a reflex response to a stimulus other than to the original, natural stimulus is called __________.
18. Alan always turns the aquarium light on before putting fish food into the tank. After a while he notices that the fish
swim to the top to look for the food as soon as he turns on the light. In this example, the __________ is the unconditioned
19. Which of the following processes do not occur in both operant and classical conditioning?
20. After a CS comes to elicit the CR, the CS now can be paired with a new neutral stimulus and this second neutral
stimulus will start to elicit a CR. This process is called __________.
21. Watson’s experiment with Little Albert demonstrated that fears might be __________.
22. It is even possible to become classically conditioned by simply watching someone else respond to a stimulus in a
process called __________.
Name ______________________________
23. . A farmer is being troubled by coyotes eating his sheep. In an attempt to solve the problem, he kills a sheep and laces
its body with a nausea-inducing drug. He leaves the sheep out where he knows the coyotes roam. He hopes they will learn
not to eat the sheep. The farmer is attempting to apply the principle of _____________ to accomplish this.
24. A mother tells a young child that when her father comes home, he will spank her because she was “bad”. One negative
consequence of this punishment is that __________.
25. The kind of learning that applies to voluntary behavior is called __________.
26. “If a response is followed by a pleasurable consequence, it will tend to be repeated. If a response is followed by an
unpleasant consequence, it will tend not to be repeated.” This is a statement of __________.
27. A box used in operant conditioning of animals that limits the available responses and, thus, increases the likelihood
that the desired response will occur is called a __________.
28. A __________ reinforcer is any reward that satisfies a basic, biological need, such as hunger, thirst, or touch.
29. A reinforcer is a consequence that __________ a behavior, while a punisher is a consequence that __________ a
30. An unpleasant stimulus presented to a person or animal that decreases the probability of a particular response is
known as __________.
31. Which of the following is true of research on insight?
32. You spend days wandering aimlessly around a park with many different paths that end at different parts of the park.
One day when you arrive at the park you get a call on your cell phone from your cousin whom you haven’t seen for years,
and she says she is waiting for you in a particular section of the park. Even though the paths are complicated and twisted,
you manage to find the shortest route to your cousin. How would Tolman explain your efficient passage through the park?
33. You walk up to a soda machine and put in a dollar, and are rewarded with a bottle of root beer. When you put in
another dollar, you get another soda. Assuming that the machine does not run out of root beer, which kind of
reinforcement schedule does this machine operate on?
34. When the number of responses is important to a schedule of reinforcement, that schedule is called a __________
35. Al must build 25 radios before he receives $20. What schedule of reinforcement is being used?
36. A discriminative stimulus is a stimulus that __________.
37. In their 1961 paper on instinctive drift, which assumption or assumptions of Skinner’s did the Brelands determine was
NOT true?
38. In order to get her 2nd grade students to memorize the poem written on the chalkboard, Mrs. Thyberg gives the
students stickers for each poem they can recite from memory. After earning 5 stickers, a student gets to pick a prize out of
the goody box. Mrs. Thyberg is using (a) __________ to modify the children’s behaviors.
39. Applied behavior analysis (ABA) has been used with autistic children. The basic principle of this form of behavior
modification is to break down social skills to very basic steps and reinforce each one. This is a type of __________.
40. An infant who is fed every four hours is on a schedule that is SIMILAR to which of the following?
41. Neurofeedback, a newer type of biofeedback, involves trying to change __________.
Name ______________________________
42. The idea that learning occurs and is stored up and hidden, even when behaviors are not reinforced, is called
43. If a rat has learned to press a lever to obtain pellets of food and, all of a sudden, the response permanently ceases to
produce any food, then _______ will occur.
44. When a pleasant stimulus is removed from a person or animal resulting in a decrease in the probability of response, it
is known as __________.
45. You need to remove a broken light bulb from a lamp. Without a pair of gloves, you are likely to cut yourself on the
jagged glass. Suddenly, it occurs to you that you can use a cut potato to remove the light bulb from the socket even though
you’ve never heard of that technique before. You have just demonstrated __________.
46. Who is best known for studying the phenomenon of insight in animals?
47. A young child watches her mother make pancakes. She wants to please her mother so she pays attention. However,
when she goes to make them on her own, she can’t break the eggs for the batter without making a terrible mess and
dropping them on the floor, no matter how hard she tries. Her attempt failed because of a problem with which part of the
necessary components for observational learning?
48. Little Albert’s acquired fear of a white rat (or the good feelings a couple gets when hearing their “special song”) is an
example of a(n) __________ response.
49. Which type of learning occurs when we watch how other people act?
50. A person who is fearful of rattlesnakes but not garden snakes is exhibiting
Chapter 6 Questions
1. In a memory study, the experimenter reads the same list of words to two groups. She asks group A to count the letters
in each word, and she asks group B to focus on the meaning of each word for a later memory quiz. During a recall test,
participants in group B recall significantly more words than participants in group A. Memory researchers attribute this
effect to differences in
2. A person assembling a tool one week after reading the instructions can remember the first and last steps of the
procedure but not the middle ones. This best illustrates which of the following?
3. Memory for automatic activities, such as bike riding and handwriting, is known as
4. A moviegoer who cannot identify the name of a film star remembers the name when a friend reviews a list of stars. This
incident illustrates which two concepts in human memory?
5. An example of episodic memory is the memory of
6. Memory is defined as an active system that consists of three processes. They are __________.
7. The first step in the memory process is __________ information in a form that the memory system can use.
8. Which of the following statements is true about retrieval?
9. The processes of encoding, storage, and retrieval are seen as part of __________ model of memory.
Name ______________________________
10. In the __________ model, memory is seen as a simultaneous process, with the creation and storage of memories
taking place across a series of networks “stretched” across the brain.
11. Which memory system provides us with a very brief representation of all the stimuli present at a particular moment?
12. You are out for a drive with the family and are lucky enough to get a window seat. The rapidly passing scenery you
see out the window is first stored in __________.
13. Which of the following might be the most appropriate analogy for eidetic imagery?
14. Forgetting that occurs as a function of the passage of time defines ________.
15. The duration of iconic memory is __________ than echoic memory, but iconic’s capacity is probably __________.
16. Information gets from sensory memory to short-term memory through the process of __________.
a) elaborative rehearsal
b) maintenance rehearsal
c) automatic encoding
d) selective attention
e) purposeful encoding
17. Which memory system is the one that is a working, active system that processes the information within it?
18. According to Baddeley, which memory system is best conceived of as three interrelated systems: central executive,
visual sketchpad, and auditory recorder?
19. In the 1950s, George Miller estimated the number of items that could be stored in short-term memory to be the magic
number __________.
20. Bits of information are combined into meaningful units so that more information can be held in short-term memory
through the process of __________.
21. Maintenance rehearsal is defined as __________.
22. __________ is the tendency for older or previously learned material to interfere with the retrieval of newer, more
recently learned material.
23. If one wanted to use the best method to get storage in long-term memory, one would use __________.
24. The best analogy for the way long-term memory is conceptualized would be __________.
25. The portion of memory that is basically permanent is called __________.
26. Which type of long-term memory is most resistant to loss with Alzheimer’s disease?
27. A police officer is shot in a gun battle with bank robbers. Although emergency brain surgery saves his life, it leaves
him unable to store new information. The officer’s family is applying to the state for compensation for his injuries. When
asked to provide a diagnosis of the difficulties he suffers, what will they write?
28. A soldier was injured when a mortar exploded next to him. Although he recovered from his wounds, he is not able to
recall information from years ago. What term is used to describe this soldier’s condition?
29. Memories for general facts and personal information are called __________.
30. Declarative memories are to __________ memories as procedural memories are to __________ memories.
Name ______________________________
31. General knowledge, language, and concepts are seen as parts of __________.
32. Personal facts and memories of one’s personal history are parts of __________.
33. Long-term memory is thought to be organized in the form of __________.
34. When asked to recall the date of John Kennedy’s assassination, Peter draws a blank; however, when asked whether it
was October 24, 1962, November 22, 1963, or February 1, 1965, he correctly answers with the second of the choices. This
example most clearly demonstrates the value of __________.
35. Encoding specificity and state-dependent learning refer to __________.
36. Under most circumstances, when you are intentionally trying to remember an item of information, __________ is an
easier task than __________.
37. When a word is the aspect of a memory that cannot be retrieved, leaving only the feeling of knowing the word without
the ability to identify or pronounce it, this is known as __________.
38. When given a list of items to remember, people tend to do better at recalling the first items on the list than the rest of
the list. This is known as the __________.
39. When given a list of items to remember, people tend to do better at recalling the last items on the list. This is known as
the __________.
40. False positives occur when a person incorrectly “matches” a stimulus that is merely similar to a real memory to that
memory. One major problem with eyewitness testimony is that __________.
41. The most influential researcher into eyewitness memory has been __________.
42. Memories that occur because events are highly significant or very emotional and are vividly remembered are called
43. As memories get older, they are most likely __________.
44. Evidence suggests that short-term memories are stored in the __________.
45. Based on one of the studies done by researchers, subjects viewed a slide presentation of an accident, and some of the
subjects were asked a question about a blue car when the actual slides contained pictures of a green car. When these same
subjects were asked about the color of the car at the accident, they were found to be confused. This is an example of the
46. According to research on the effects of hypnosis, __________.
47. Researchers using functional MRI (fMRI) scanning have found that __________.
48. Evidence suggests that procedural memories are stored in the __________.
49. In the curve of forgetting developed by Ebbinghaus, the greatest amount of forgetting occurs __________.
50. Most people have difficulty actually recognizing the correct image of the Lincoln penny. The most likely cause of this
problem is __________.
Name ______________________________
Chapter 7 Questions
1. You ask a student to describe the path to his dorm room. The most likely way in which he will do this is to _________.
2. PET scans have demonstrated that when you are creating a visual image, ____________.
3. Concepts are ideas that represent ___________.
4. Compared to formal concepts learned in science and math, natural concepts tend to be ____________.
5. What systematic problem-solving method guarantees a solution, provided that one exists?
6. What problem-solving strategies don’t guarantee solutions but make efficient use of time?
7. Seventy percent of the students in a classroom are women and 30 percent are men. One student is described as tall,
athletic, and assertive. Why are most people likely to think this description refers to a male student?
8. In a heuristic called ___________, a person determines the difference between the current situation and the goal and
then tries to reduce that difference by various methods.
9. “Building”, “school” and “Superior High School” show which concepts respectively?
10. A seemingly flash “out of the blue,” through which the solution to a problem suddenly becomes apparent to you, but
you do not consciously know how you “figured it out,” is called ______.
11. A loose screw on the visor causes it to drop down while Ben drives; however, he keeps forgetting to take a
screwdriver out to the car to fix it. When he notices the visor drop again, he reaches into his pocket for a dime he uses to
tighten the screw holding the visor. What problem-solving difficulty did Ben overcome?
12. The tendency to perceive and approach problems in the same ways that have worked in the past is called ______. It
sometimes leads to people hesitant or unable to think of other possibilities.
13. Which type of thinking is most closely related to creativity?
14. Which is NOT a characteristic of creative people based on Csikszentmihalyi’s research?
15. The ability to produce solutions to problems that are unusual, inventive, novel, and appropriate is called
16. The ability to learn from one’s experiences, acquire knowledge, and use resources effectively in adapting to new
situations and solving problems is the psychologist’s working definition of ____________.
17. Gardner and his associates are known for proposing ______.
18. What three types of intelligence constitute Sternberg’s Triarchic theory of intelligence?
19. Sternberg has found that __________ intelligence is a good predictor of success in life but has a low relationship to
___________ intelligence.
20. According to Robert Sternberg, _______________ is best described as “street smarts,” or the ability to use
information to get along in life. People who have it know how to be tactful, how to manipulate situations to their
advantage, and how to use inside information to increase their odds of success.
21. Alfred Binet designed the first ______ test.
Name ______________________________
22. The correct formula for determining IQ as used in Terman’s development of the Stanford-Binet Test was
23. What two categories of subtests make up the Wechsler intelligence tests?
24. Jackson receives a Full Scale IQ score of 125 on the Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scales. This score indicates that he
25. A test is said to be reliable if _________________.
26. Most standardized tests of intelligence have a distribution of scores that _________.
27. Many items on a “culture-fair” test require the use of _______________.
28. Which of these is an element of the formal definition of intellectually disabled?
29. Which of these is an element of the formal definition of intellectually disabled?
30. A psychological test that measures what we intend it to measure is said to be ___________.
31. Which of the following people would be classified as having a profound developmental delay?
32. Which of the following is not a typical cause of an intellectual disability?
33. People are termed gifted in terms of intelligence if their IQ is above _______.
34. Which two multiple intelligences are most related to emotional intelligence?
35. Beliefs that being gifted or a genius lead to being weird, socially awkward, or more likely to suffer from mental
illnesses were put to rest by ___________.
36. . Which is the most likely prototype for the concept “vehicle”?
37. ____________ has been suggested by Goleman to be a more powerful influence on life than more traditional views of
intelligence. It includes understanding yourself and others.
38. If intelligence is determined primarily by heredity, which pair should show the highest correlation between IQ scores?
39. If a group of psychologists reviews current research, they would most likely conclude that that the heritability of
intelligence is about….
40. Charles Spearman believed that intelligence is composed of ____________.
41. A system for combining symbols so that an infinite number of meaningful statements can be made is called ______.
42. At the current time, which statement is true about our knowledge of whether animals can use humanlike language?
43. According to famed linguist Noam Chomsky, humans have an innate ability to understand and produce language
through a device he called ____________.
44. The system of rules for combining words and phrases to make grammatically correct sentences is called
45. The basic meaningful units of any language are called ______.
Name ______________________________
46. Language is based on basic sound units called ______.
47. Pragmatics are defined as _____________.
48. Which developmental psychologist theorized that concepts preceded and aided the development of language?
a) Vygotsky
b Whorf
c) Sapir
d) Piaget
e) Chomsky
49. What do we call the hypothesis that language influences what we think?
50. Researchers have found that despite the number of color names in a language, the basic abilities to perceive color are
unchanged. This finding supports the idea of ________.
Chapter 8 Questions
1. Which of the following concepts provides the best explanation for why people seek to put on
they start to feel cold?
warmer clothing when
2. The process by which activities are started, directed, and continued so that physical or psychological needs or wants are
met is called __________.
3. Extrinsic motivation is defined as __________.
4. In the earliest discussions of motivation, psychologists were inclined to explain motivated behavior by attributing it to
5. The state of tension created by biological needs is called a(n) __________.
6. Which of the following activities is inconsistent with drive-reduction theory?
7. Drive-reduction theory would say getting a haircut to look attractive is a(n) __________.
8. According to David McClelland, which of the following is true of individuals who have a strong need for achievement?
9. Which of the following is correct for all people high in the need for achievement?
10. Sydney said, “I don’t care much about my grades as long as I’m the most popular girl in the class!” What need is this?
11. Jack said, “I want to rule the world.” What type of need is this?
12. According to Carol Dweck, these types of people believe intelligence is fixed, unchanging,
and independent.
13. Glenn believes he can learn from his mistakes and that study and perseverance will help him improve his
intelligence. According to Dweck, what locus of control does Glenn have?
14. Which of the following statements best depicts the concept of incentive theory?
15. Bobby is a very active 5-year-old compared to others in his class. He appears to seek a great deal of stimulation, and is
very playful, curious, and explorative. Bobby’s seemingly unlearned motives, which are likely to increase stimulation, are
called __________.
16. Jack, compared to most other people, appears to need a high level of arousal. He enjoys doing potentially lifethreatening hobbies such as skydiving, swimming with sharks, and bungee jumping from bridges. Jack is likely to be
Name ______________________________
17. Which of the following is a conclusion that can be drawn from the Yerkes-Dodson Law?
18. The Yerkes-Dodson Law is part of the __________ approach to motivation.
19. Jill is motivated by money and the things money will bring her. Jack is motivated by a belief in the importance of
doing good things, and his incentives are based on that belief. Which
theory incorporates both these types of
motivational causes?
20. Which level of Abraham Maslow’s hierarchy is epitomized by the U.S. Army’s slogan “Be all that you can be”?
21. According to Abraham Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, the need to have respect for ourselves and to be valued by others
is classified within the category of
22. According to Abraham Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, which of the following needs must first be met before
belongingness and love become important?
23. Which of the following is one of the three inborn and universal needs that help people gain a complete sense of self
and whole, healthy relationships with others, according to the self-determination theory?
24. Maslow’s theory and the self-determination theory both fall under the __________ approach to psychology because
25. Hormones secreted by the pancreas after we begin to eat to control fat levels, proteins, and carbohydrates are called
__________ and __________.
26. One factor in hunger seems to be the increase in __________, which causes blood sugar levels to eventually drop
several hours after we eat.
27. The ventromedial hypothalamus (VMH) may be involved in __________.
28. Anna Nicole weighed about 125 pounds most of her adult life. However, it seemed like whenever Anna Nicole gained
weight, it was easy to lose and get back to 125. But when she wanted to go below 125 it took forever, and even the
slightest deviation from her diet got her back to 125. What explanation would you give Anna Nicole?
29. Basal metabolic rate
30. Obesity is defined as the condition of being at least __________ percent over the ideal body weight.
31. Which hormone is secreted into the bloodstream by fatty tissue to signal the hypothalamus that the body has had
enough food, reducing appetite and increasing the feeling of being full?
32. Positive psychology can be thought of as __________.
33. People who are attempting to become extremely thin by refusing to eat suffer from
34. An eating disorder characterized by eating binges followed by self-induced vomiting is called __________.
35. The neurotransmitter associated with anorexia nervosa and bulimia is __________.
Name ______________________________
36. Which of the following best supports the hypothesis that basic human emotions, such as sadness, are innate?
37. Which division of the nervous system is working when we experience emotions?
38. The part of the brain that seems to influence emotion (especially fear) is the __________.
39. Researchers have found that negative feelings such as sadness, anxiety, and depression seem to be a function of
40. A psychologist who has studied emotions with Paul Ekman for decades is going to present a summary of the research.
Which title might this psychologist consider?
41. __________ can vary from culture to culture and are socially acceptable ways of showing emotion in public settings.
42. Which sequence of events in emotional responses is characteristic of the James-Lange theory of emotion?
43. Which theory of emotion first emphasizes the role of the thalamus and then the simultaneous triggering of the
sympathetic nervous system and the cortex?
44. The common sense theory of emotion is the opposite of the ___________ theory.
45. Although Kim just ate a huge meal and feels “stuffed,” the idea of a chocolate sundae is too good to pass up, so she
orders one. Which motivational term explains the appeal of the sundae?
46. Stanley Schachter and Jerome Singer view emotion as resulting from
47. According to Lazarus’ cognitive-mediational theory, what is likely to influence an individual’s emotional experience?
48. You just finished a cup of very strong coffee, which causes your body to have a general feeling of arousal. That
afternoon, you walk past a cemetery where several people are crying at a graveside. According to Schachter and Singer,
which of the following would most likely occur?
49. Facial feedback hypothesis is defined as __________.
50. Which of the recent studies that follow casts doubt on the facial feedback hypothesis?
Chapter 9 Questions
1. Kirima has her doctorate in health psychology. Which of the following research questions might she be most likely to
2. _________ is the term used to describe the physical, emotional, cognitive, and behavioral responses to events that
are threatening or challenging.
3. Which of the following are considered emotional, as opposed to mental, symptoms of stress?
4. Events that cause a stress reaction are referred to as _____________.
5. _________ is the optimal amount of stress that people need to promote health and well-being or also stress
associated with positive events.
6. Which of the following is the term used to describe unpredictable, large-scale events that create a great deal of stress
and feelings of threat?
Name ______________________________
7. A disorder resulting from exposure to a major stressor, with symptoms of anxiety, nightmares, poor sleep, reliving the
event, and concentration problems, lasting for more than one month is called_________.
8. Linda’s house was flooded in a hurricane. Upon losing her home, she had nightmares, disturbed sleep, and anxiety
that lasted about two weeks. Linda most likely suffered from ______________.
9. An assessment that measures the amount of stress in an adult, non-student’s life resulting from major life events over
one year is called the __________.
10. According to Holmes and Rahe, a person who scores over 300 on the Social Readjustment Rating Scale is more likely
than are people with lower scores to have what kind of experience in the near future?
11. The term hassles refers to__________.
12. An urgent demand or expectation for our behavior that comes from an outside source is called ________.
13. The _______ control one has, the _______ the degree of stress.
14. ______ occurs when a person is blocked or prevented from achieving a desired goal or fulfilling a perceived need.
15. After a particularly rough day at work during which she got screamed at by her boss, Anja came home and started
yelling at her daughter for not putting her laundry away. This is an example of __________.
16. The most extreme form of escape or withdrawal from frustration is ________.
17. Which of the following is a myth about suicide?
18. In a(n) __________ conflict, a person must choose between two desirable goals.
19. Which psychologist is credited with proposing the general adaptation syndrome?
20. What is the correct sequence of stages in the general adaptation syndrome?
21. In which stage of the general adaptation syndrome has the body reached the limits of its ability to adapt to stress,
which may result in the development of stress-related diseases?
22. Which of the following statements best explains the relationship between stress and physical illness according to
23. Which of the following is an example of an avoidance-avoidance conflict?
24. Stress has been shown to put people at a higher risk for ________.
25. According to Lazarus, our first task when faced with a potential stressor is to estimate its severity and to determine
whether it is a challenge or threat. This evaluation is referred to as ______________.
26. A person who is ambitious, time conscious, extremely hardworking, easily annoyed, and tends to have high levels of
hostility and anger is said to be exhibiting a ______ personality.
27. People who respond to life events with a laid back, relaxed, easygoing attitude, and are slow to anger are said to
have a ____________ personality.
Name ______________________________
28. The Type A behavior pattern is a significant predictor of ________.
29. Tad seems to thrive when faced with difficult challenges and usually feels in control of his life. He would probably be
labeled a ________ personality.
30. Lizzie is a freshman in college who needs to declare her major. She is interested in four things: history, psychology,
medicine, and law. As she thinks about each of these potential majors, she considers both the positive and negative
aspects of each, which cause her to go back and forth in her decision. Lizzie is experiencing a(n)__________ conflict.
31. When looking at a glass that is neither completely full nor completely empty, a(n) __________ might say “That glass
is half full,” while a(n) ____________ might say “No, that glass is half empty!”
32. Which individual is most likely to experience acculturative stress?
33. Imagine that you have just flunked a class. You evaluate this situation and decide that flunking a class is stressful and
important enough to be upset about. Next, you decide to repeat the class in summer school. You have made
34. The method in which the minority person tries to maintain a sense of original cultural identity while also trying to
form a positive relationship with members of the dominant culture is called _____________.
35. Research has consistently shown that having a good _________ is of critical importance in a person’s ability to cope
with stressors.
36. Working a second job to pay off credit cards is an example of __________.
37. Vanna’s mother is ill and Vanna is feeling overwhelmed and sad. To cope with this stress of her mother’s illness,
Vanna has been writing her feelings down in a journal. Vanna is using ___________.
38. Which of the following is a mental series of exercises meant to refocus attention and achieve a trance-like state of
39. A student who is failing but does not study because she refuses to believe that the instructor will really assign her an
“F” at the end of the term is using the psychological defense mechanism of ______.
40. The psychological defense mechanism someone uses when trying to become like someone else in order to deal with
anxiety is called __________.
41. Soldiers who break down in the battlefield often cope with their situation by blocking out all memories of their
behavior and their situation. This phenomenon is an example of ______.
42. Maria is unconsciously attracted to her best friend, Lydia, but she constantly talks about how much she hates
homosexuals. Maria is demonstrating _____________.
43. According to studies, people who are involved in a religion and attend services regularly are more likely to ________.
44. Which of the following is one of the ways in which religion helps people reduce or cope with stress?
45. Which of the following wouldn’t have a positive impact on someone’s overall wellness?
Name ______________________________
46. Iram made a New Year’s resolution to promote wellness in his life. Which of the following are ways in which he can
begin to incorporate wellness into his life?
47. Lupe works 50 hours each week. However, she plays tennis twice a week and attends a book group every Tuesday
night. By engaging in fun activities each week, Lupe is_________.
48. Individuals who choose to neither maintain contact with their original culture nor join the majority culture are
considered ________.
49. The Type C behavior pattern can be a predictor of ______ due to the internalized negative emotions that may
increase the levels of harmful stress hormones and weaken the immune system.
50. Which of the following traits is associated with people who live to be very old?