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1066-1087- The reign of King William the Conqueror
The Battle of Hastings and the defeat of Harold Godwinson
The Building of Norman castles in England including the
Tower of London in 1073
1086 - Compilation of the Doomsday book
9th September 1087: William the Conqueror dies at SaintGervais near Rouen, France
1087-1100- The reign of King William Rufus (son of William)
William invades Wales and builds castles on the borders
1100-1135- The reign of King Henry I (William Rufus brother)
1135-1154- The reign of King Stephen (nephew of Henry I)
1099: First Crusade. Jerusalem is re-taken from the Muslims
on the urging of Pope Urban II
1118: The Knights Templar founded to protect Jerusalem and
European pilgrims on their journey to the city
1147: Second Crusade
1154-1189- The reign of King Henry II (grandson of Henry I)
1156: Kremlin built in Moscow
1158: The Hanseatic League is founded
1184: The first of many Inquisitions begins
1170: Thomas a Becket is murdered in Canterbury Cathedral
1189-1199- The reign of King Richard I (third son of Henry II)
Richard the Lionheart embarks on the Third Crusade
William Longchamp, the Bishop of Ely was appointed his
1190: Third Crusade. Saladin manages to unite the Muslim
world and recapture Jerusalem, sparking the Third Crusade
1191: Prince John opposes the powerful Bishop Longchamp
and lays siege to the Tower of London
1199-1216- The reign of King John (fifth son of Henry II)
1200: Fourth Crusade embarks. Eventually sacks
1212: Children's Crusade
1214 -1215: Barons revolt
1215: Magna Carta is signed
1216: Legend has it that King John lost the Crown Jewels,
which were kept in Westminster Abbey, in quicksand
1216-1272- The reign of King Henry III (son of John)
King Henry III was only ten years old when he was crowned
1258: Provisions of Oxford forced upon Henry III of England,
establishing a new form of government limited regal authority
1241 - 1244: The Welsh Prince Gruffydd was imprisoned and
fell to his death in a bid to escape
1263 - 1267: The Barons War. The barons led by Simon de
Montfort force the king to submit to government by council
leading to the formation of the English Parliament
1272-1307- The reign of King Edward I (son of Henry III)
1273: Rudolph I of Germany is elected Holy Roman Emperor
1274: Thomas Aquinas' work, Summa Theologiae is published
1295: Marco Polo publishes his tales of China
1297: William Wallace emerges as the leader of the Scottish
resistance to England
1307-1327- The reign of King Edward II (son of Edward I)
1307: The Knights Templar are rounded up and murdered by
Philip the Fair of France, with the backing of the Pope
1311-1315: The Great Famine
1324: Roger Mortimer, the first Earl of March, leads the
barons in a rebellion against King Edward II. He was
incarcerated in the Tower but managed to escape to France,
followed by his lover, Isabella of France, wife of Edward II
and Queen of England!
1327: The king was forced to abdicate in favour of his young
son, Edward III. England was ruled by Mortimer and Isabella
who are believed to have arranged the murder of Edward II
at Berkeley Castle
1327-1377- The reign of King Edward III (son of Edward II)
1328: First Outbreak of the Black Death in Asia
1330: When the young king came of age he incarcerated
Roger Mortimer in the Tower. He was condemned without
trial and hanged at Tyburn on 29 November, 1330
1337: The Hundred Years War begins. England and France
struggle for dominance of Western Europe
1346: Battle of Crecy
1347: The Black Death ravages Europe for the first of many
times. An estimated 20% - 40% of the population is thought to
have perished within the first year
1348 - 1349: The terrible Black Death reached England killing
nearly one third of the population - in London it was much
worse and the population almost halved to 30,000. Princess
Joan, one of the Kings daughters, was killed by the Black
1356: Battle of Poitiers
1377-1399- The reign of King Richard II (grandson of Edward III, son of
the Black Prince)
1380: Chaucer begins to write The Canterbury Tales
1381: Peasants Revolt in England. The Peasant's Revolt was
instigated by a new poll tax and peasants marched on London
led by Wat Tyler and John Bull. Richard II and many of his
family and household were forced to shelter in the Tower
while over 10,000 rebels plundered and burned London for
two days.
1382: The Bible is translated into English by John Wycliffe
1399: John of Gaunt died and King Richard seized his lands.
Gaunt's son, Henry Bolingbroke invaded England, whilst
Richard was on campaign in Ireland, usurping the throne
from the king
1 October 1399: King Richard II was condemned as a tyrant.
He renounced the crown in his chamber in the White Tower
and Henry IV was proclaimed King the next day
1399-1413- The reign of King Henry IV (grandson of Edward III, son of
John of Gaunt)
1399 Henry invaded England while Richard was on campaign
in Ireland, usurping the throne from the king
Henry IV died suffering from leprosy and epilepsy
1413-1422- The reign of King Henry V (son of Henry IV)
1414: Lollard revolt
1415: Battle of Agincourt and English claims to the French
1413 - 1422 The wars with France waged during his reign left
England deeply in debt
1422-1461- The reign of King Henry VI (son of Henry V) and the Dual
Monarchy of England and France
Henry VI (son of Henry V) reigned during 1422 - 1461 & 1470
- 1471
1429: Joan of Arc lifts the siege of Orleans for the Dauphin of
France, enabling him to eventually be crowned at Reims
1430: Capture, trial, and execution of Joan of Arc
1434: The Medici family rises to prominence in Florence
1452: Leonardo da Vinci is born
1453: The Hundred Years War ends. Calais is the only
English possession on Continental Europe
1455: Johann Gutenberg prints the first of his Bibles on his
new printing press
1455: The Wars of the Roses begins in England
1461-1483- The reign of King Edward IV ( youngest son of Edward III)
The mentally unstable and pious Lancastrian King Henry VI
and his headstrong and ambitious wife Margaret of Anjou
were imprisoned in the Tower of London from 1465 until 1470
Henry was briefly restored to power in 1470
22nd May 1471 The last Lancastrian king was murdered in
the Wakefield Tower, whilst he was at prayer, the following
day. He was probably murdered on the orders of Edward IV
William Caxton sets up a printing press in Westminster
Edward IV was a notorious womaniser - his affairs led to
claims of illegitimacy and ultimately led to the murder of his
1483- 1483: The young Edward V (eldest son of King Edward IV and
Elizabeth Woodville) should have reigned
1483 The boy king was on his way to his coronation in London but
was intercepted by his uncle, and Protector ( who would become
Richard III ). Edward was escorted to London and then to the
Tower. On the 16th June 1483 he was joined by his brother Prince
Richard. The coronation was cancelled.
1483: The thirteen year old King and his ten year old brother
mysteriously disappeared in the Tower after being declared
illegitimate. They were believed to have been murdered and are
referred to as the Little Princes in the Tower
1483-1485- The reign of King Richard III (uncle of Edward V)
June 25 1483: Parliament declared the two little princes
illegitimate and, as next in line to the throne, their uncle and
Protector, Richard, Duke of Gloucester, was declared the true
King. The two little princes were never seen again
August 22nd 1485: A Lancastrian rebellion rose against the
Yorkist Richard and on he fell in the Battle of Bosworth Field
to Henry Tudor
1485: The Wars of the Roses ends and the Tudor dynasty