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The fire that got out of control, the cell is able to create fire, which is
outside the regulated process of destroying or damaging property by
fire, during which there are factors that are dangerous for living beings
and the environment. The initial process of fires occurs when cold
flammable substance when entering a thermal pulse oxidized with
oxygen begins to rapidly warm up, followed by heat, which warms the
adjacent layers of combustible material, which also starts to develop
an intense chemical reaction. The reaction rate determines the
intensity of warming fire, it is the most important characteristic. The
zone, which runs a chemical reaction and heated flammable substance
called fire front. Layered heating process, oxidation and combustion
takes so long until it will burn the entire volume of combustible
material. The space in which the fire developed, conventionally divided
into three zones: the combustion zone of thermal performance and
smoke zone. Burning Zone is part of the space in which the processes
of thermal decomposition or evaporation of substances or materials.
Zone heating action is called space where the process of heat
exchange between the surface and the flame of combustible material,
adjacent to the limits of combustion where thermal effect creates
conditions that are impossible for people staying without thermal
protection smoke Zone is part of the area, bordering with the zone of
combustion and filled with smoke gases in concentrations that pose a
threat to life and health. This zone includes all space heating operation
and significantly exceeds it.
What classes are divided according to the properties of fire of
combustible materials? Depending on the type of materials and
substances burning fires are divided into classes: A, B, C, D and
E, with A and B classes are divided into two subclasses, and the
class D - even three. Fire class related fires, characterized by
burning solids except metals. If the solid is able to smolder
(paper, wood, rags), the fire is classified as A1. If the substance
is not able to smolder (plastic) - the class A2. Fire class related
fires with burning fluids that are easily ignited. If burning liquid,
insoluble in water (petrol, oil and so on. Al.), The fire is
classified as B1. If flammable substances soluble in water
(alcohol, acetone) - the class B2. Class C fires to include fire
from burning gaseous matter (hydrogen, methane, gas from gas
wells, etc. Etc.). The class D fires include fires of burning metal.
When lit light metal - aluminum, magnesium or their alloys, fire
is classified as D1; If burning alkali metals (sodium, potassium,
and so on. al.) - the class D2; If burning metal organic
compound (methyl sodium, magnesium and diethyl v. al.) - in
Class DZ. Fire class E fires include electrical energized.
What is a Fire? Fire Safety System - a complex of
organizational measures and technical means to prevent fires
and reduce damage from them. Fire safety - a state of the
object in which the probability of occurrence and likelihood of
exposure to hazardous factors fire, do not exceed the
allowable values normalized. Fire safety system made the
creation of fire prevention and active fire protection. Fire
prevention - a complex of organizational and technical
measures to safeguard people, fire prevention, limiting its
development and create conditions for the fire. The system of
active fire protection is a complex of organizational and
technical means to fight fires and prevent dangerous effects on
people and harmful factors of fire, and to limit material damage
from it to prevent fires developed organizational, technical,
operating, fire evacuation, tactical prevention, civil and
structural measures and tools, as well as firefighting plan in
case they occur.
Organizational measures include proper organization
processes, lack of cluttering the area and workplace, adequate
supervision and control, appropriate allocation of material
warehouses for storage of explosive substances employed in
learning corresponding level and others. Technical measures
regarding proper selection and installation of electrical
equipment, modes of operation of machines and equipment
that eliminates the appearance sparks, flames or hot surfaces
contact with combustible materials. The security measures
include banning smoking, lighting fires, proper storage of oiled
rags and those substances that have the ability to self-ignition.
Tactical and prophylactic measures include prompt action of
fire departments, providing facilities management primary
means of fire, continued support in working condition and
water supply and others. Construction and structural measures
implemented at the design stage of construction,
reconstruction, and the design of new machines, equipment
and machinery.
The earthquake - a natural oscillation of the atmosphere - hard shell
crust that is in constant motion. Often such phenomena occur in
mountainous areas. This is where underground rock continues to
emerge, resulting in the crust of the Earth is particularly mobile.
The causes of earthquakes may be different. One of them - this is the
bias and collision oceanic or continental plates. When such symptoms
surface of the Earth vibrates noticeably and often leads to the
destruction of buildings. These are called tectonic earthquakes. They
may form new basin or mountain views. Volcanic earthquakes occur
due to constant pressure of hot lava and various gases in the earth's
crust. Such earthquakes can last for weeks, but massive damage
usually do not carry. Moreover, this phenomenon is often a prerequisite
for a volcanic eruption, the effects of which can be much more
dangerous to people than just disaster. There is another kind of
earthquake - dam taking place for quite another reason. Groundwater
sometimes form underground voids. Under the pressure of the earth's
surface large plot of land with a roar fall down, causing small
vibrations felt by many kilometers from the epicenter.
Scores of earthquakes to determine the strength of the
earthquake mostly resorted to or ten- or to the twelve scale.
10-point Richter scale determines the amount of emitted
energy. 12-point system Medvedev Shponhoyera Karnyka describes the impact of fluctuations in the Earth's surface.
Richter scale and 12-point scale comparable. For example,
scientists double blow bomb underground. One at a depth of
100 meters, the other - at a depth of 200 m. The timing is the
same energy that leads to the same assessment on the Richter
scale. But the result of the explosion - shift crust - has varying
degrees of severity and different impact on infrastructure.
What degree of damage in terms of earthquake seismic devices? The
phenomenon at one point determined only equipment. 2 points can be
felt animals and, in some cases, particularly sensitive people who are
on the upper floors. 3 points for vibration sensations reminiscent of
buildings from trucks passing by. 4-magnitude earthquake causes lung
drebezzhanyyu glasses. With five points phenomenon felt by all, and
no matter where the person on the street or in the building.
Earthquake 6 points called strong. It is in many horror, people ran out
into the street, and some of the walls are formed Teschin. 7-point lead
to cracking of almost all houses. 8 points throw monuments, factory
chimneys, towers, and the ground cracks appear. 9 points lead to
severe damage to buildings. The wooden structure or thrown or major
settling heavily. 10-point earthquake leading to cracks in the ground, a
thickness of 1 meter. 11 points - a disaster. Crumbling stone houses
and bridges. There landslides. 12 points beneath the structure. When
a disaster relief varies Earth is the deviation reaches of rivers and
waterfalls appearance.
The frequency of earthquakes
Thus, the movement of the earth's crust has various natural causes.
The earthquake, according to seismologists, is up to 500,000 annually
in different parts of the Earth. Of these, about 100,000 people there,
and 1000 has serious damage, destroying buildings, highways and
railways, interrupts the power lines, sometimes takes the ground
entire towns.
Tornado, tornado - atmospheric phenomenon that is rapidly bell-shaped
swirl up to 1.5 km, which is extracted from cumulonimbus clouds to
surface water or ground.
The greatest number of tornadoes, 148 in one day, was 3-4 in April
1974 over the southern US states. The highest rate was recorded
tornadoes moving 2 April 1958 near Wichita Falls, Texas. It was 450 km
/ h.
The strongest tornadoes in the British Isles were recorded in 1091 in
London, December 14, 1810 in Portsmouth.
Tornado in Shatursh in Bangladesh April 26, 1989 hit the Guinness
Book of Records as the most tragic in the history of mankind.
Residents of this city, received a warning about the impending tornado,
ignored it. The result - killed 1,300 people
Places formation of tornadoes
Places where tornadoes may form on the map with orange
Thunderstorms are in most of the world except sub-Arctic regions
of the Arctic climate and climate, but tornadoes can only
accompany thunderstorms, located at the junction of atmospheric
The greatest number of tornadoes recorded in the North American
continent, particularly in the central states of the US, at least - in
the eastern US states.
The second region of the world where there are conditions for the
formation of tornadoes, is Europe.
Thus, tornadoes mainly occur in temperate zones of both
hemispheres, from about the 60th parallel 45 parallel 30 in Europe
and the US in parallel. Also recorded tornadoes in eastern
Argentina, South Africa, west and eastern Australia and some
other regions where conditions may also be a clash of atmospheric
Compound tornadoes usually have ultra-high capacity and lead to
major losses.
Bychepodibni - the most common.
Vague tornado - when the diameter of a tornado can exceed
Tornadoes also classified according to wind speeds and
destructive force. To do this, use Fujita Scale.
Tsunami - a wave length of 500 m, which are formed in the sea
or in the ocean is usually as a result of earthquakes (or
asteroid etc.) and cover the entire water column In deep water
a tsunami propagates with the speed of several hundred
kilometers per hour and is undergoing minor energy losses.
The main difference from other types of tsunami waves on the
water is moving all the water, not only in the surface layer. In
the sea, in deep water a tsunami pose no threat to shipping,
they can not even notice. However, near the shore, where the
depth gradually decreases, the tsunami slows down, and wave
height increases, it becomes a moving wall of water. When you
exit aground off the coast of height can reach tens of meters.
In addition, the wave that runs at an angle to the shore,
slowing unevenly and tends to turn around the shore.
Tsunami warning systems
A sign indicating the way to escape from the tsunami on the
road in Alberdini, Washington, USA
Tsunamis can cause considerable damage to the coast and
islands, even at distances where the initial quake registered
only devices.
The greatest threat to the tsunami are places in the ocean near
seismic zones - on. Haiti, Japan, Philippines. Over 80% of
tsunamis recorded on the periphery of the Pacific Ocean.
Tsunami warning systems are based largely on seismic data
processing, if an earthquake has a magnitude of more than 7
and its epicenter located under water is supplied tsunami
warning. Depending on the region and the population of the
coast of the signals may vary.
The essential point warning system is awareness. It is
important that residents Coast imagined that the threat of a
tsunami. For example, in Japan, there are numerous
educational programs on natural disasters and Indonesia are
mostly unaware of the tsunami, which caused a large number
of victims of the 2004 tsunami in Indonesia was despite the
fact that the inhabitants of this country would be appropriate
In New Zealand Lake Taupo in the year 186 BC was the largest in the
history of volcanic eruptions. Its effects are described in the
chronicles of China and Greece. At the site of the eruption today is a
lake area, which is approximately equal to the area of Singapore.
Another of the largest known eruptions should obviously consider the
eruption of Krakatoa August 26, 1883. During the eruption of 1883
volcano threw more than 25 cubic kilometers of stones, ash and
pumice, and created the loudest historically known sound - a
catastrophic explosion was clearly heard in places at such distances
as Perth in Australia (about 1,930 miles or 3,100 km), and island of
Rodrigues near Mauritius (about 3,000 miles or 4,800 km). The shock
wave in the atmosphere went around the Earth seven times and
recorded for five days. In the 1883 eruption of Krakatoa, east of about.
Java accompanied by such a crash that he heard in America.
70 thousand. Years ago was the eruption of Toba on the island.
Sumatra, the island that covered a layer of ash height of 300 meters.
One of the biggest eruptions occurred on earth 65 million years ago. It
lava covered almost the whole of India.
During the eruption of Mount Vesuvius in Italy in 79 AD. E. e., the
population of the Roman city of Pompeii is completely lost. The ruins
of the town, completely buried under a layer of ash were found in the
XVIII century.
The eruption of Tambora on Sumbawa island in 1815 raised so much
dust that it zaslonyv sun over the entire globe. This led to a cold
summer for two consecutive years.