Download How do Tornadoes form? Tornadoes are critical thunderstorm also

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How do Tornadoes form?
Tornadoes are critical thunderstorm also know as a super cell. Tornadoes last longer than regular
thunderstorm that is the difference. What happens is that
the wind because it is so fast is spins around in circles and
forms a funnel. As the air spins fast in the funnel, the air
begins to create a very low aired pressure area which makes
the tornado pull up more air; this is why it could possibly
pull up objects.
Tornadoes usually form when cold air meets warm, moist,
tropical air. The most common place is a place in United
States, which has been given name Tornado Alley. Contrary
to that the weather needs to be unstable.
Tornadoes can form any time they want really, but they mostly occur during May. Although, severe and
ones that cause more damage often occur in April. As you head towards north, the later the peek
tornado season is. This is because it takes more time to warm the atmosphere of the northern parts, so
tornadoes form later.
Formation Points:
Tornadoes are also known as Super Cells.
The difference between a thunderstorm and a
tornado is that tornadoes last longer.
The middle of a Tornado is called a Funnel.
When the tornado creates low pressure that is
when it starts to pull up things.
They form when cold air meets warm air.
Normal Tornadoes form in May, but severe
ones occur in April.
Saskia Rock-Williams
Humanities: How Tornadoes Form?