Download Muscles - Maria Regina

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The Muscular System
• Muscles are organs that relax and contract,
and provides the force to move your body
– Voluntary muscles muscles you are able to
– Involuntary muscles  muscles you cannot
Types of Muscle Tissue
• Skeletal
• Cardiac
• Smooth
Skeletal Muscle
• Move bones
• Most common type of
• Tendons thick bands
of tissue that attach
muscle to bones
• Voluntary muscles
• Contract quickly and
tire more easily
• Look striped, or striated
Cardiac Muscle
• Found only in the heart
• Striated (like skeletal muscle)
Smooth Muscles
• Found in internal organs (like the intestines)
• Involuntary
• Contract and relax slowly
Slides of Different Muscle Cells
• We can move because pairs of muscles work
– When one muscle of a pair contracts, the other
• Muscles always pull
• Over time, muscles become smaller or larger
depending on whether or not they are used
• Blood carries energy-rich molecules to the
muscles so they can do their work
Importance of Exercise
• Exercise is very important!
• The stronger your muscles
are, the less stress is put on
your bones/joints/heart
• Aerobic exercise, like
running/swimming/ biking,
are especially helpful
strengthen your cardiac
• Anaerobic exercise, like
squats/weight lifting/push
ups, help strengthen your
skeletal muscles