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A Survey on a ICC-Based Malware
Detection on Android
Department of computer engineering, Savitribai Phule Pune University MH India.
Prof. Amruta gadekar,
Sharad goykar,
Shesharao chatse, Vishaka deore
Abstract— Many existing malware detection methods are developed
to detect malwares based on required resources, such as permissions,
system calls and suspicious API calls. Now a days android's
permission system is used to inform users about the risks of installing
applications. World Wide users have begun downloading an
increasingly large number of mobile phone applications in response
to advancements in Android technologies and wireless networks.
Increased in number of applications result in a greater chance of
installing defected applications and malware. When a user installs an
application, user has the opportunity to review the android
applications permission requests and cancel the installation if the
permissions are objectionable or excessive. In existing system first
examine whether the Android permission system is it effective to
warning users. In particular, then evaluate whether Android users pay
attention to, learn, understand, and then act on permission
information during installation. Other approach detect malwares and
provide defence mechanism, by using permission based security for
the malicious components. Depending on permissions required for
android components, it is enhanced approach to detect potential
malicious components of application.
Mobile phones have become popular in our lives
since they offer almost the same functionality as
personal computers. Recently in mobile technology,
Android application based mobile devices gaining
more popularity and, they were now an ideal target
for attackers. Android based smartphone users can
download free applications from Android
Application Market. These applications were not
certified by authorized organizations and they may
contain malware applications that can use and steal
privacy information for users. The increasing
number of security threats that target mobile
devices has emerged. In fact, malicious users and
hackers are taking advantage of both the limited
capabilities of mobile devices and the lack of
standard security mechanisms to design mobile
specific malware that access sensitive data, steal the
user’s phone credit, or deny access to some device
There are three different types of malware detection
techniques: attack or invasion detection, misuse detection
(signature-based) and anomaly detection (behaviour-based).
Attack or Invasion detection tries to detect unauthorized access
by outsiders. But, misuse detection (signature-based) tries to
detect misuse by insiders and describes very good detection
results for specified, well-known attacks. The advantages of
misuse detection are: it has no false positives and can quickly
detect intrusion. Disadvantage is not capable of detecting new
unfamiliar intrusions, even if they are built as minimum variants
of already known attacks. Anomaly detection (behaviour-based)
refers to detecting patterns in a given dataset that do not conform
to an established normal behaviour. It also attempts to estimate
the abnormal behaviour of the system to be protected and
generate anomaly alarm whenever the deviation between a given
observation at an instance and normal behaviour exceeds a
predefined threshold. Advantage is potential to detect previously
unseen intrusion events and disadvantage is many false positives
and requires a large set of training data to construct normal
behaviour profile. For removing these shortcomings of misuse
detection and anomaly detection profiles should be updated with
large amount the datasets at regular interval of time [16].But a
large amount of the datasets also increases the problem of
inconsistency, redundancy and ambiguity. Several data mining
techniques have been applied for intrusion detection. K-Mean
Clustering is an unsupervised data mining technique for intrusion
detection and it is easy to implement.
Most existing mobile malware detection methods (e.g., Kirin
and DroidMat) are designed based on the resources required by
malwares (e.g., permissions, application programming interface
(API) calls, and system calls). These methods capture the
interactions between mobile apps and Android system, but ignore
the communications among components within or cross
application boundaries. As a consequence, the majority of the
existing methods are less effective in identifying many typical
malwares, which require a few or no suspicious resources, but
leverage on inter-component communication (ICC) mechanism
when launching stealthy attacks. To address this challenge,
propose a new malware detection method, named ICCDetector.
ICCDetector outputs a detection model after training with a set of
benign apps and a set of malwares, and employs the trained
model for malware detection.
ICCDetector consists of two phases, including Training Phase
and Detection Phase . In the training phase, ICCDetector
extracts ICC-related features by analyzing the ICC sources
and sinks of certain benign
apps and malwares, and generates feature vector for every
processed app. A classification method is used to take its
input from the generated feature vectors of benign apps
and malwares, and outputs a detection model. This detection
model can be used to differentiate between benign apps and
malwares, and it is transmitted to the detection phase. In the
detection phase, ICCDetector generates a feature vector for
each app being detected and feeds the feature vector into the
detection model, which outputs whether the detected app is
benign or malicious.
A. Crowdroid [1]
Crowdroid is a machine learning-based
framework that recognizes Trojan-like malware
on Android smartphones, by analyzing the
number of times each system call has been
issued by an application during the execution of
an action that requires user interaction. A
genuine application differs from its trojanized
version, since it issues different types and a
different number of system calls. Crowdroid
builds a vector of m features (the Android
system calls).
agglomerative clustering algorithm which
capable to provide personalized query clusters.
1) Pros: our method can effectively make
personalized query suggestions as per the
individual user conceptual needs and also
computational cost.
2) Future Scope: to enhancing the
between users’ preferences and concepts to achieve extra
personalized and accurate query suggestions and also
integrating the clickthrough data and concept
relationship graphs into ranking algorithms.
D. Optimizing Search Engines using Clickthrough Data [4]
Thorsten Joachims introducing a method which is
mechanically optimizing the retrieval superiority of
Spontaneously, a superior information retrieval
method giving significant or most probable
B. MADAM: [2]
documents first in the ranking and less amount of
a Multi-Level Anomaly Detector for Android relevancy documents following below. The main
Malware [5] uses 13 features to detect android objective of is to build up a technique which utilizes
malware for both kernal level and user level. clickthrough data for preparation, specifically the
MADAM has been tested on real malware found in log record of the query search engine in association
the wild and uses a global-monitoring approach that with the log of links on which users clicked on in
is able to detect malware contained in unknown the existing ranking. The clickthrough data is
applications, i.e. not previously classified. [7] accessible in great quantity and can be recorded at
monitors smartphones to extract features that can be small cost. With the help of Support Vector
used in a machine learning algorithm to detect Machine mechanism, a process for learning
anomalies. The framework includes a monitoring retrieval functions. This technique is well suited in
client, a Remote Anomaly Detection System a risk minimization framework.
(RADS) and a visualization component.
1) Pros: In the proposed method a Support Vector
C. Personalized Concept-Based Clustering of Search Engine
Machine algorithm which heads to a bulging
program and wide-ranging to non linear
Kenneth Wai-Ting Leung, Wilfred Ng, and Dik
ranking functions.
Lun Lee introducing an effective and efficient
method to present personalized query suggestions
2) Future Work: In this framework it might also
which captures the user’s conceptual preferences.
be possible to explore mechanisms that make
This objective accomplish with two new procedures.
the algorithm robust against “spamming”.
First, online ways that take out concepts from the
web-snippets of the search result given by the E. Applying Co-training to Clickthrough Data for Search
Engine Adaptation [5]
queryand make use of the concepts to recognize
correlated queries for that query and second,
Qingzhao Tan, Xiaoyong Chai, Wilfred Ng, Diksuggest a novel two stage personalized Lun Lee propose a novel algorithm technique,
Ranking Support Vector Machine in a Co-training
Framework (RSCF). Basically, the algorithm preparation is for performing at the Optimized
considers the clickthrough data which includes the Personal Search Engine server.
things in the search result that used or clicked by a
user as an input, and produces adjustive rankers as
1) Pros: identifying distinctive characteristics of
an output. Analyzing the clickthrough data, RSCF
content and location concepts, to provide a
distinguish the data as the labeled data set,
logical policy using client-server architecture to
containing the objects that scanned already, and the
incorporate them into an identical solution for
unlabelled data set containing the objects that not
the mobile atmosphere. The confidentiality
scanned. The labelled data is then improved as
parameters make possible smooth control of
compare with the unlabelled data to achieve a
privacy experience at the same time as
superior data set for training the rankers.
maintaining good ranking superiority.
1) Pros: The proposed method is capable to get
better retrieval superiority of search result by
2) Future Work: enhance the normal travel
learning from clickthrough data and algorithm
patterns and query patterns from the GPS and
does not put in any burden to the users for the
clickthrough data.
duration of the process of web searching.
2) Future Work: To enhancing the ways to
recognize sessions of clickthrough data into log
files also to provide individual needs in
accumulation to adapting the search engine to
F. Optimized Mobile Search Engine [6]
E.Chaitanya, Dr.Sai Satyanarayana Reddy,
O.Srinivasa ReddyThey proposed a Optimized
Personal Search Engine for mobile, which considers
users preferences and analyzed clickthrough data in
the type of related concepts. Location of the user is
one of the important factors in the mobile search so
the optimized personal search engine categorizes
the concept into content and location concepts. The
GPS system s used for identifying the users location
and also important to collect location interrelated
information. The preferences are controlled with the
help on ontology and further useful in personalized
ranking function for search results. To typify the
concepts related with a query, its relevance’s to the
users need to equilibrium the weights which linking
the content and location facets. In this scheme the
client brings together and stores locally the click
through data and also responsible to defend Privacy,
In System architecture we provide an APK
file to the preprocessing unit in this first
phase decompress the APK file then
decompile and extract the features which is
given to the feature selection phase were
FAST algorithm are used to store data on the
database. In next phase feature classification
are perform on this data for that SVM
Classifier are used to training and detection
which decide the given APK file is malicious
or not.
Knowledge and Data
Engineering, IEEE
PMSE: A Personalized
Mobile Search Engine
Kenneth Wai-Ting
Dik Lun Lee, WangChien Lee
Personalized ConceptBased Clustering of
Search Engine Queries
Personalized a
metasearch engine using
SpyNB. the
personalized metasearch
engine enhanced the
ranking superiority and
capable to provide
Users' specific interests.
the explanation
Does not take for granted
any scanning order on the
ranked results.
Kenneth Wai-Ting
Wilfred Ng,
Dik Lun Lee
A projected method is
based on concepts and
their relations extracted
from the submitted
user queries, the websnippets, and the
clickthrough data.
The new personalized
concept based clustering
method capable to attain
personalized query
suggestions for each and
every users based on own
conceptual profiles.
Thorsten Joachims
Taking a Support Vector
(SVM) approach,
presents a technique for
Learning retrieval
functions with the help of
Support Vector Machine
(SVM) mechanism. This
is well-suited in a risk
minimization framework.
Taking a Support Vector
mechanism, the resulting
training problem is
Obedient even for large
numbers of queries and
large numbers of
Wilfred Ng,
Lin Deng ,
Dik Lun Lee
IEEE transactions on
knowledge and data
Knowledge Discovery
and Data Mining ACM
Optimizing Search
Engines using
Clickthrough Data
Applying Co-training to
Clickthrough Data for
Search Engine
Qingzhao Tan
Xiaoyong Chai
Wilfred Ng
Dik-Lun Lee
Optimized Mobile
Search Engine
(IJCSIT) International
Journal of Computer
Science and
In the proposed scheme
privacy parameters is
capable to alleviate
smooth control of
privacy experience at the
same time as maintaining
good ranking quality.
A new SpyNB
preference mining
algorithm is proposed,
which is more efficient
and correct compare with
obtainable algorithms.
Another is, a search
engine personalization
structure based on
preference mining is
ACM Transactions on
Internet Technologies,
Mining User Preference
Using Spy Voting for
Search Engine
A suggested practical
approach for
Personalized Mobile
Search Engine by
assuming the metasearch
method which is capable
to reply on the
commercial search
engines, to carry out a
genuine search.
E.Chaitanya, Dr.Sai
Satyanarayana Reddy,
O.Srinivasa Reddy
Propose a novel
algorithm technique,
Ranking Support Vector
Machine in a Co-training
Framework . Basically,
the algorithm considers
the clickthrough data
which includes the things
in the search result.
Proposed a Optimized
Personal Search Engine
for mobile which Based
on the client-server
model, with a thorough
planning and design for
accomplishment of
Optimized Personal
Search Engine.
The proposed method is
capable to get better
retrieval superiority of
search result by learning
from clickthrough data
and algorithm does not
put in any burden to the
users for the duration of
the process of web
Identifying distinctive
characteristics of content
and location concepts, to
provide a logical policy
using client-server
architecture. The
parameters make
possible smooth control
of privacy experience for
maintaining good
ranking superiority.
We learn the personalized mobile search engine
is the interfacing among the users and search engine
is restricted due to the small form factors of mobile
devices. Identify distinguishing characteristics of
content and location concepts, to provide a logical
policy using client-server architecture. The
confidentiality parameters make possible smooth
control of privacy experience for maintaining good
ranking superiority. The preferences are controlled
with the help on ontology and further useful in
personalized ranking function for search results. To
typify the concepts related with a query, its
relevance’s to the users need to equilibrium the
weights which linking the content and location
This paper will provide the person who reads
with the groundwork for research in personalized
mobile search Engine.
We thank the mysterious referees for their
valuable suggestions to improvise the content and
quality of this paper. The author is grateful to our
principal for providing necessary facilities towards
carrying out this work. We acknowledge the
diligent efforts of our Head of the Department to
guide us towards implementation of this review
Kenneth Wai-Ting Leung, Dik Lun Lee, and Wang-Chien Lee “PMSE:
A Personalized Mobile Search Engine”, IEEE Transactions On
Knowledge And Data Engineering, Vol. 25, No. 4, April 2013.
Wilfred Ng, Lin Deng and Dik Lun Lee “Mining User Preference
Using Spy Voting for Search Engine Personalization” ACM
Transactions on Internet Technologies, Vol. 7, No. 3, August 2007,
Pages 1-28.
Diego Kenneth Wai-Ting Leung, Wilfred Ng, and Dik Lun Lee,
“Personalized Concept-Based Clustering of Search Engine Queries”,
IEEE transactions on knowledge and data engineering, vol. 20, no. 11,
november 2008 .
Thorsten Joachims “Optimizing Search Engines using Clickthrough
Data” Proceedings of the eighth ACM SIGKDD international
conference on Knowledge discovery and data mining, ISBN: 1-58113567-X.
Qingzhao Tan Xiaoyong Chai Wilfred Ng Dik-Lun Lee “Applying Cotraining to Clickthrough Data for Search Engine Adaptation”; In
Proceedings of DASFAA. 2004, 519-532.
E.Chaitanya, Dr.Sai Satyanarayana Reddy, O.Srinivasa Reddy
“Optimized mobile search engine”, (IJCSIT) International Journal of
Computer Science and Information Technologies, Vol. 5 (4) , 2014,
S.Karthika, S.Gunanandhini, Mr.A.Vijayanarayanan, “ Android Based
Effective and Efficient Search Engine Retrieval System Using
Ontology”, IJREAT International Journal of Research in Engineering
& Advanced Technology, Volume 1, Issue 1, March, 2013 .
Akshaya V Deshmane, Reshma A Sawant, Anant A Kaulage “ A
survey on personalized mobile search engine ”, International Journal
Computer Science and Management Researche, eETECME, Oct 2013,
ISSN 2278-733X .