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Advanced Physiology of Exercise
PEMES 6253
Study Guide Test 1
Chapter 8. Measurement of Human Energy Expenditure
1. Understand and be able to explain the difference in direct and indirect calorimetry. Understand open-circuit
2. Understand the instrument components necessary to determine VO2 in the lab (i.e. what does a metabolic system
consist of?)
3. Understand the difference between the RQ, non-protein RQ, and the RER (or R).
4. Know the normal RQ for fat, carbohydrate, and protein.
5. Understand how RER varies with non-steady state exercise and hyperventilation.
6. Given the fractions of inspired O2 and CO2 and the ventilator volume, be able to compute VO2 , VCO2, and
the RER (page 181-182).
Chapter 6: Energy Transfer in the Body
1. Know and understand the central role/function of ATP in providing energy for muscular contraction.
2. Know the amount of free energy released when ATP is hydrolyzed and the enzyme catalyzing this reaction.
3. Be able to diagram the reactions showing the break down of ATP and the resynthesis of ATP from CP
(Figure 6.5).
4. Know and understand the role of creatine phosphate (CP) in providing energy for muscular contraction.
5. Know how much ATP and CP are typically stored in muscle on a time duration basis.
6. Know which enzymes catalyze the breakdown of ATP and CP.
7. Understand the role of the mitochondria in producing energy for muscular contraction.
8. Understand the basic steps in the following energy systems: ATP-PC, anaerobic glycolysis, aerobic
glycolysis. Know the capacity and power of each to resynthesize ATP.
9. Be able to explain the role of carbohydrates and fats in energy production for muscular contraction. Be able
to follow a molecule of glucose or a fatty acid through the energy systems.
10. Understand the role of NAD and FAD in the energy systems.
11. Be able to differentiate between oxidative phosphorylation and substrate-level phosphorylation.
12. Know and understand the specific role of oxygen in oxidative phosphorylation.
13. Know the two major sites of glycogen storage and how much is stored at each site. Understand the role of
the liver in glycogen/glucose metabolism
14. Know the role of PFK in glycolysis and the role of PFK in fatigue caused by lactic acid production.
15. Know how and why lactic acid is produced.
16. Know what happens to lactic acid after it is produced.
17. Know the net ATP produced when one molecule of glucose is completely degraded to water.
18. Know the role of lipase and lipoprotein lipase (LPL) in fat metabolism.
19. Know approximate amounts of lipid stored in humans.
20. Know how much ATP is produced when one molecule if triglyceride is completely catabolized.
21. Know and understand the role of protein in energy production for muscular activity.
22. Know how fats, carbohydrates and protein are interconvertible.
23. Know and understand the basic regulatory mechanism for regulating the activities of the energy systems
individually and integrating them into a single functional energy system.