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Deep Time: How Old Is Old?
Understanding Geologic Time
Geologic Time
Discovering the magnitude of the Earth’s past was a
momentous development in the history of humanity.
Geologic Time
Understanding time
permits assigning an age
 Rocks.
 Fossils.
 Geologic
 Landscapes.
 Tectonic
Geologic Time
Deep time – The immense span of
geologic time is so vast that it is
difficult for people to grasp.
We think of time in terms of our
The lives of our parents and
The lives of our children or
Human history is tiny compared
to geologic time.
Geologic Time
James Hutton (1726-1797), Scottish physician.
Called “the Father of Modern Geology.”
First to articulate the “principle of uniformitarianism.”
Of the abyss of time, Hutton wrote: “…we find no
vestige of a beginning; no prospect of an end.”
Geologic Time
James Hutton’s principle of uniformitarianism.
“The present is the key to the past.”
Processes seen today are the same as those of the past.
Ancient mudcracks formed as mudcracks do today.
Geologic change is slow; large changes require large amounts
of time.
Paleozoic mudcracks:
this is solid rock.
Geologic Time
There are two ways of dating
geological materials:
 Relative
ages – Based upon
order of formation.
 Absolute
ages – Actual
number of years since an
Quantitative method.
Age is assigned a
Relative Age
Logical tools are useful for defining
relative age.
Principle of uniformitarianism.
Principle of original horizontality.
Principle of superposition.
Principle of original continuity.
Principle of cross-cutting relationships.
Principle of baked contacts.
Principle of inclusions.
Geologic Time
Uniformitarianism – The present is the key to the past.
 Physical
processes that we observe today operated in the
same way in the geological past.
 Modern
processes help us understand ancient events.
Relative Age
Horizontality and continuity.
 Strata
often form laterally extensive horizontal sheets.
 Subsequent
 Flat-lying
erosion dissects once continuous layers.
rock layers are unlikely to have been disturbed.
Defining Relative Age
In an undeformed sequence
of layered rock each bed is
older than the one above,
 Younger
strata are on top;
older strata below.
Relative Age
Cross-Cutting Relations.
Younger features truncate (cut across) older features.
Faults, dikes, erosion, etc., must be younger than the material that is
faulted, intruded, or eroded.
A volcano cannot intrude rocks that aren’t there yet.
Relative Age
Inclusions – A rock fragment within another.
 Igneous
xenoliths – Country rock that fell into magma.
 Weathering
rubble – Debris from preexisting rocks.
The inclusion is older than the material enclosing it.
Relative Age
Baked contacts.
 Thermal
metamorphism occurs when country rock is
invaded by a plutonic igneous intrusion.
 The
baked rock must have been there first (it is older).
Relative Age
Determining relative ages empowers geologists to
easily unravel complicated geologic histories.
Geologic History
Relative ages help to unravel a complicated history
Simple rules permit one to decipher this diagram.
Geologic History
Deposition of horizontal strata below sea level in
order 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 (oldest to youngest).
Geologic History
An igneous sill intrudes.
Geologic History
Folding, uplift, and erosion take place.
Geologic History
An igneous pluton cuts older rock.
Geologic History
Faulting cuts the strata and the pluton.
Geologic History
A dike intrudes.
Geologic History
Erosion forms the present land surface.
Fossil Succession
Fossil remnants or traces of once-living organisms are often
preserved in sedimentary rocks.
Fossil are useful for relative age determination.
 Several
 Fossils
types of fossils will occur as an assemblage.
are time markers.
Fossil Succession
Species evolve, exist for a time, and then go extinct.
First appearance, range, and extinction are used for dating.
Fossils succeed one another in a known order.
A time period is recognized by its fossil content.
Fossil Succession
Fossil range – First and last
 Each
fossil has a unique range.
 Overlapping
ranges provide
distinctive time markers.
Permit correlation of strata.
 Locally.
 Regionally.
 Globally.
An unconformity is a time gap in the rock record due
to non-deposition or erosion.
There are three types of unconformity: angular
unconformity, nonconformity, and disconformity.
Three unconformity types:
Angular unconformity – Represents a huge gulf in time.
Horizontal marine sediments deformed by orogenesis.
High mountains are eroded away to below sea level.
Sediments deposited horizontally on the erosion surface.
Angular Unconformity
James Hutton was the first to
realize the enormous timesignificance of angular
Mountains created.
Mountains completely erased.
New sediments deposited.
Incomprehensible time.
Mountains form and layers
fold, then erosion removes
the highland.
Angular Unconformity
“Hutton’s Unconformity” on Siccar Point, Scotland, is a
common destination for geologists.
 Vertical
beds of Ordovician sandstone.
 Overlain
by gently dipping Devonian redbeds.
 Missing
time? 50 million years.
Three unconformity types:
 Nonconformity
Metamorphic or igneous
rocks overlain by
sedimentary strata.
Crystalline ig/met rocks
were exposed by erosion.
Sediment was deposited
on this eroded surface.
Erosion removes cover, so
basement lies exposed at the
Earth’s surface.
Cambrian Sawatch sandstone.
Pre-Cambrian Pikes Peak granite
near Manitou Springs, Colorado.
Three unconformity types:
Disconformity – Parallel strata bracketing non-deposition.
Due to an interruption in sedimentation.
May be difficult to recognize.
Sea level drops and flat-lying
strata are eroded.
Earth history is recorded in
Missing strata = missing
The Grand Canyon:
Thick layers of strata.
Numerous gaps.
A partial record of
geological history.
Stratigraphic Correlation
Stratigraphic columns depict
strata in a region.
 Drawn
to scale to accurately
portray relative thicknesses.
 Rock
types are depicted by
graphical fill patterns.
 Divided
into formations
Mapable rock units.
 Formations
separated by contacts.
Stratigraphic Correlation
In 1793, William “Strata” Smith was the first to note that strata
could be matched across distances.
 Similar
 Rock
rock types in a similar order.
layers contained the same distinctive fossils.
After years of work, he made the 1st geologic map.
Stratigraphic Correlation
Lithologic correlation is based on rock type.
Sequence – The relative order in which the rocks occur.
Limited to correlation between nearby regions.
Fossil correlation – Based on fossils within rocks.
Applicable to much broader areas.
Stratigraphic Correlation
National Parks of Arizona and Utah.
 Formations
 Overlap
can be traced long distances.
is seen in the sequences of rock types.
 Overlapping
rock columns are used to build a
The Geologic Column
A composite stratigraphic column can be
Assembled from incomplete sections across
the globe.
It brackets almost the entirety of Earth’s
Geologic Time
The composite column is divided into time blocks.
This is the geologic time scale, Earth’s “calendar.”
Eons – The largest subdivision of time (100s to 1000s Ma).
Eras – Subdivisions of an eon (65 to 100s Ma).
Periods – Subdivisions of an era (2 to 70 Ma).
Epochs – Subdivisions of a period (0.011 to 22 Ma).
Geologic Time and Life
Life first appears on Earth ~ 3.8
Early life consisted of anaerobic
single-celled organisms.
O2 from cyanobacteria built
up in atmosphere by 2 Ga.
~ 700 Ma, multicellular
life evolved.
~ 542 Ma marks the
1st appearance
of hard shells.
Origin of Life
Complex life appears
Cambrian E
Age of dinosaurs
Age of mammals
Numerical Age
Many relative ages can now be assigned actual dates.
Based on radioactive decay of atoms in minerals.
Radioactive decay proceeds at a known, fixed rate.
Radioactive elements act as internal clocks.
Numerical dating is also called geochronology.
Radioactive Decay
Isotopes – Elements that have varying #s of neutrons.
Isotopes have the same atomic number but different mass
 Stable
– Isotopes that never change (i.e. 13C).
 Radioactive
– Isotopes that spontaneously decay (i.e.
Radioactive Decay
Radioactive decay progresses along a decay chain.
 Decay
creates new unstable elements that also decay.
 Decay
proceeds to a stable element endpoint.
Parent isotope – The isotope that undergoes decay.
Daughter isotope – The product of this decay.
Radioactive Decay
Half-life (t½) – Time for ½ unstable nuclei to decay.
 t½
is a characteristic of each isotope.
After one t½, one half of the original parent remains.
After three t½, one eighth of the original parent remains.
As the parent disappears, the daughter “grows in”.
Radiometric Dating
The age of a mineral can be determined by…
Measuring the ratio of parent isotopes to daughter isotopes.
Calculating the amount of time by using the known t½.
Must pick the right mineral and the right isotope.
Geochronology requires analytical precision.
What is a Radiometric Date?
Radiometric dates give the time a mineral began to preserve all atoms
of parent and daughter isotopes.
Requires cooling below a “closure temperature.”
If rock is reheated, the radiometric clock can be reset.
Ig / Met rocks are best for geochronologic work.
Sedimentary rocks cannot be directly dated.
Other Numerical Ages
Numerical ages are possible without isotopes.
 Growth
rings – Annual layers from trees or shells.
 Rhythmic
layering – Annual layers in sediments or
Dating the Geologic Column
Geochronology is less useful for
sedimentary deposits.
It can, however, constrain these
Sediments can be bracketed by
numerical dates.
Yields age ranges that narrow
as data accumulates.
Defines major boundaries in the
geologic column.
The Geologic Time
Names of the Eons.
Phanerozoic “Visible life” (542 Ma to the present).
Started 542 Ma at the Precambrian / Cambrian boundary.
Marks the 1st appearance of hard shells.
Life diversified rapidly afterwards.
Proterozoic – “Before life” (2.5 to 0.542 Ga).
Development of tectonic plates like those of today.
Buildup of atmospheric O2; multicellular life appears.
Archean – “Ancient” (3.8 to 2.5 Ga).
Birth of continents.
Appearance of the earliest life forms.
Hadean – “Hell” (4.6 to 3.8 Ga).
Internal differentiation.
Formation of the oceans and secondary atmosphere.
The Geologic Time Scale
Names of the Eras.
Cenozoic – “Recent life.”
65.5 Ma to present.
The “Age of Mammals.”
Mesozoic – “Middle Life.”
251 to 65.5 Ma.
The “Age of Dinosaurs.”
Paleozoic – “Ancient Life.”
542 to 251 Ma.
Life diversified rapidly.
The Age of the Earth
Before radiometric dating, age
estimates varied widely.
 20
Ma – From Earth cooling.
 90
Ma – Ocean salinization.
If oceans started as fresh.
Unchanging mass of
dissolved material added by
 Uniformitarianism
and evolution
indicated an Earth much older
than ~100 Ma.
The Age of the Earth
The oldest rocks on Earth’s surface date to 3.96 Ga.
Zircons in ancient sandstones date to between 4.1and
4.2 Ga.
Age of Earth is 4.57 Ga based on correlation with…
Moon rocks.