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Money and
What is money?
Anything that serves as a medium of exchange
Unit of account: Compare value of goods and services
Store of value: Keeps value if stored/saved
Unless there is inflation that devalues currency
Inflation: Too much money in circulation, causes $ to lose values and prices to rise
Barter: Direct exchange of one set of goods or services for another
Disadvantages: Must find a person that wants what you have and has a
something that would qualify as an even exchange
Inflation Rate in the US
2015: Currently 0%
Characteristics of Viable Currency
Durability: Survive wear and tear?
Portability: Easy to carry around for daily use
Divisibility: Can be broken down into smaller denomination
Uniformity: All money is the same, unlike fish or stones, etc.
Limited Supply: There is enough money in circulation, but not too
much so that it loses value and creates inflation
Acceptability: Everyone agrees that this currency has value
Bitcoin: Current value 1 bitcoin = $362
Bitcoin Value and Exchange Rate
Source of Value
Commodity Money: Currency that has value in itself, useful not just
as $ but in other ways
Ex: wheat, salt, pepper, cows, stones, jewels, fish, etc.
Ancient Egypt: Beer used to pay workers who built the Pyramids
Representative Money: Has value because the holder can
exchange it for something else with value (gold/silver)
Specie: Coined money
Paper receipts for gold was an early form of currency
Fiat Money: Decreed by govt to be acceptable way to pay debt
Current system
History of Money in America
American Revolution: Continentals
Couldn’t redeem for gold because the govt didn’t have the power to
collect taxes = unsuccessful
The Gold Standard: After establishing the Constitution in 1789
Could redeem cash for gold until the 1930s (Ended officially in 1971)
Whose faces are on our currency? Have there been any women?
History of Banking in America
Local banks were informal: Collected small fee to keep your $ safe
1789: After Constitution, Debate between Federalist Hamilton and
Anti-Federalist Jefferson
Hamilton wanted a strong central bank to promote trade, and to
monitor $ and private banks
Jefferson fears wealthy will gain control of the bank and believes states
should regulate it themselves
1791: 1st Bank of the US (20 year charter)
Holds tax $ and issues representative $
Congress doesn’t actually have this power under the Constitution
People had little confidence in the bank = collapse
History of Banking
1816-1832: 2nd Bank of the US
Sought to rebuild confidence in the banking system
1837-1863: Free Banking Era
Bank runs: People panic and rush to withdraw all $ until the bank shuts down
Wildcat banks on the Western Frontier
Fraud and counterfeiting: Producing fake currency
Multiple currencies exist
Civil War: Union issues greenbacks and this becomes the single national
currency afterward
History of Banking
1870s: The Gold Standard – paper currency is backed by gold and can be
exchanged for it’s value
One ounce = $20
Provides stability and confidence
1913: The Federal Reserve System
Today’s currency: Federal Reserve Bank Notes
12 regional government/central banks that oversee member banks
Federal Reserve Board appointed by the President
Promote banking stability
Provide short-term longs to private banks to prevent bank failure
Control money supply
Regulate inflation through interest rates
Inflation and Interest Rates
Federal Reserve banks lend money to private banks in order to insure your money:
Keeping enough on hand to avoid bank failure
Private banks pay interest to the Fed for the loan
Consumers and businesses pay interest to the private banks for loans
If there is inflation: There is too much money circulating in the system
Value of currency decreases
To get rid of inflation: The Federal Reserve can raise interest rates
Less banks/consumers/businesses will take out loans to avoid fees
This means they will also SPEND less money
This leaves less money in circulation = fixes inflation
Deflation is the opposite: Not enough money in the system
Lower interest rates = more loans = more spending = more in circulation = fixes deflation
History of Banking
1930s: Great Depression
Many bank runs and failures
New Deal: Reforms the system in 1933
FDIC: Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
Money insured up to $250,000
Banks were closely regulated through the 1960s
1970s and 80s: Deregulation of banks and “Savings and Loans”
Interest rates sky rocket and banks give many risky loans
1989: Savings and Loans are regulated and put under FDIC
Modern Economics Issues
1990s: Subprime mortgages become popular – predatory lending
Lend to borrowers with bad credit and low ability to repay
Higher interest rate comes with higher risk = bank profit
Housing prices increase, many financial institutions invest in this system
Bubble: Prices rapidly increase due to irrational decisions
By 2005, 25% of mortgages were subprime
Rise in foreclosures: Seize property from those who can’t pay
Housing bubble burst: Real estate prices decline
Lenders and investors lose $ and are forced to claim bankruptcy,
default on debt, merge or accept a bailout
2008: Recession and Bailout (TARP)
Financial Institutions who downsize cause 100,000s to lose jobs and make it difficult
to get credit
GW Bush Administration: Decides banks are “too big to fail”
Approves $700 billion bailout of banks, auto industry and financial institutions
Obama 2009: Approves $787 stimulus package to boost economy
Included tax cuts and spending increases on infrastructure, healthcare, etc.
Glass-Steagall Act:
Govt lends them money to keep them from collapsing, restart flow of credit
Whose fault was this? Should they be punished?
After 1980s crisis, 839 bankers went to jail
After 2008, 1 banker went to jail
Currency Wars
August 2015: China devalued their currency by 4.7% in a week
Largest drop since 1994; makes their products cheaper
2nd largest economy in the world
Growth around 7-10%, slowing down usually devalues currency
Unsustainable growth: Most is investment (48%, compared to 10-15% in most
Most countries allow their currency’s value to be determined by world markets
China has used US dollar to manage/tether their currency since mid-1990s
World is urging China to use market value so everyone can benefit from their growth
and to balance US trade deficit
Not all bad: As others devalues, ours is stronger =currency appreciates
Opposite is depreciation
Financial Markets
Banking Today
Money Supply: All the money available in the US economy
Liquidity: The ability to be used as, or directly converted into cash
M1: Money that people can gain access to easily and immediately
M2: All assets in M1 and additional items of value that can be converted to cash easily
Money Market Mutual Funds: Pools money from small savers to purchase short-term govt
and corporate securities
Allows you to save and write a limited number of checks, more interest than savings account
Securities: Paper traded for value, where profit is anticipated through a third party
Stock/Equity Securities: Gives ownership position to customer
Bond/Debt Security: Gives customer loanership position
Variable annuities, options, etc.
Banking today
Certificates of Deposit (CD): Offer a guaranteed rate of interest, but
$ cannot be removed until a certain date (years) or you pay a
Fractional Reserve Banking: System that keeps only a fraction of its
funds on hand and lends out the remainder
Default: Failing to pay back a loan
Mortgage: Specific loan used to buy real estate
Principle: Amount of money borrowed
Pay this back, along with interest
Modern Banks
Commercial Bank: Majority of banks; Offer wide range of services
like checking accounts, loan services, etc.
Some chartered by states and regulated by state and FDIC
1/3rd are national banks and part of the Federal Reserve System
Savings and Loan Associations: Originally chartered to lend money
for building homes in mid-1800s
Members deposited funds into large group fund and then loaned
enough to build houses
Also called thrifts, now function like a regular commercial bank
Modern Banks
Mutual Savings Banks: Originally to serve people with smaller transactions
Credit Unions: Cooperative lending associations often established by particular
groups/employees of a firm or govt agency
Formerly owned by depositors, now sell stock to raise capital
Some open to entire community: Small and specialize in consumer loans with love
interest rates, and some allow checking accounts
Finance Companies: Make installment loans to consumers
Spread the cost of major purchases over number of months, with generally high
interest rates (Ex: car dealership)
People who do this are more likely to fail to repay loans
Saving and Investing
Investment: Redirecting resources from being consumed today so
that they may create benefits in the future
Use of assets to earn income or profit
Financial System: Network of structures and mechanisms that allows
the transfer of money between savers and borrowers
Financial Asset: A claim on the property or income of a borrower
Savings account, govt or corporate bond, CDs, etc.
Financial Intermediaries: Institutions that help channel funds form
savers to borrowers (Chart pg. 279)
Financial Intermediaries
Mutual Fund: Organization that pools the savings of many individuals
and invests this money in a variety of stocks, bonds, and other
financial assets
Hedge Fund: Private investment organization that employs risky
strategies that often made huge profits for investors
Little/No regulation from Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)
Life Insurance Companies: To provide financial protection for
families, collect premiums and lend part to investors
Pension Funds: Income that some retirees receive after working a
certain number of years or reaching a certain age (or get injured)
Withhold portion of salary, invest money, pay out later
Risk and Diversification
Diversify: Spread out investments to reduce risk
Types of Risk (pg. 280)
Credit Risk: Borrowers may not pay back the $ they have borrowed, or
they may be late in making payments
Liquidity Risk: You may not be able to convert the investment back into
cash quickly enough for your needs
Inflation Rate Risk: Inflation rates erode the value of your assets
Time Risk: You may have to pass up better opportunities for investment
Portfolios: Collection of financials assets
 Prospectus: Investment report that provides information to potential investors
 Return: $ an investor receives above and beyond the sun of money initially invested
 Bonds: Sold by govt and corporations to fund projects, sold for certain term (period of
Coupon Rate: Interest rate that a bond issuer will pay to the bondholder
Maturity: Time at which payment to a bondholder is due
Par Value: Bond’s stated value, to be paid to the bondholder at maturity
Yield: Annual rate of return on a bond if the bond is held to maturity
Bond Ratings: As with other investments, ratings are given to advise which bonds are the
most sound investment
Types: Treasury, municipal, corporate, inflation-indexed, savings bonds, junk bonds (pg. 289)
The Stock Market
Shares: A portion of stock
Dividends: Part of corporations profits paid out to stockholders, usually quarterly
Capital Gains: Difference between the selling price and purchase price that results
in a financial gain for the seller
Capital Loss: difference between the selling price and purchase price that results
in a financials loss for the seller
Stock Split: Division of each single share of a company’s stock into more than one
Stockbroker: Person who links buyers and sellers of stock
Brokerage Firm: Business that specializes in trading stocks
Stock Exchange
Stock Exchange: A market for buying and selling stock
NYSE: Since 1792, largest and most powerful in the country
Blue Chip Companies: Largest, most financially sound, best-known firms
listed on NYSE, with stock normally in high demand, long term profitably
Over-the-Counter Market: Stocks aren’t always traded on
exchange, but instead on the phone or internet or from a dealer or
Nasdaq: National Association of Securities Dealers Automated
Quotation (1971)
System to help organize the OTC market, largest electronic market for
stocks by broadcasting trading info to computer terminals throughout
the world
Futures and Options
Futures: Contracts to buy or sell commodities at a particular date in
the future at a price specified today
Options: Contracts that give investors the right to buy or sell stock
and other financials assets at a particular price until a specified
future date
Call Option: Contract for buying stock at a particular price until a
specified future date
Put Option: Contract for selling stock at a particular price until a
specified future date
Day Trading: Buy dozens of stocks a day, but only hold them for
minutes at a time
Measuring Performance
Bull Market: Steady rise in the stock market over a period of time
Bear Market: Steady drop or stagnation in the stock market over a period
of time
Dow Jones Industrial Average: Measure of stock performance, using value
of a particular set of stocks to represent the whole market (30) in various
areas, reported as number of points
S&P 500: Standard & Poor’s 500
Gives broader picture of stock performance than Dow by tracking price
changes of 500 stocks to measure the markets (from NYSE and Nasdaq)
Speculation: Practice of making high-risk investments with borrowed
money in hopes of getting a big return
Crash and Black Tuesday (1929), Black Monday (1987 & 2008)
Stock Market Simulation Links
Link to Class Game:
Investing Basics: Stocks
EBITDA: Earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation, and
Instructions and helpful hints can be found on the game site and on
your instruction sheet (see link on Economics calendar)