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NAME: _______TEACHER COPY_____________
1. Rocks on Earth are always changing, rocks and landforms can _melt_______ and even
___vaporize_____. New rocks are always being formed.
2. The youngest rocks on Earth are being formed as ____lava________ bursts and oozes
out of the ___cracks___ in our planet’s __surface_______.
3. What is bedrock?
A solid expanse of rock underlying everything on Earth. It is buried beneath the soil or
layers of gravel.
4. Name the three types or rock.
a. ____Igneous_____
b. ____Sedimentary____________
c. ____Metamorphic___________
5. How does igneous rock form?
Igneous Rocks forms when magma or lava cools and hardens.
6. What are two examples of igneous rock?
a. _____Obsidian_________
b. ___________Granite_________
7. Pumice is a type of igneous rock, how does it look and how does it form?
Pumice stones are lightweight, rough, and porous. It forms when magma cools so
quickly it preserves the air pockets created by the gas bubbles.
8. How does sedimentary rock form?
When water and wind break down rock that form layers of mud or sand. Over timed
these layers are compacted and pressed down forming sedimentary rock.
9. Below is a picture of the Grand Canyon, what type of rock formed from? Where would
you find the youngest layer? The oldest layer?
The grand canyon is formed from sedimentary rock where the
youngest layer is found on the bottom of the canyon and the
oldest layer at the top.
10.Give two examples of sedimentary rock.
a. _______Limestone________
b. ______Sandstone_______________
11. How are metamorphic rocks formed?
Metamorphic rocks are made from existing rocks that have been changed from heat and
12.Temperatures as low as __400___ degrees Fahrenheit can cause the rock in the Earth’s
interior to change its __________chemical_ and ________physical____ form.
13.What do the bands of this metamorphic rock show?
The bands in metamorphic rock represent the extreme folding and pressure the rock
went through.
14. __Minerals___ are the building blocks of rock.
15.Every mineral has its own chemical composition and properties. Give examples of these
Melting point, Hardness, Color, how shiny it is, etc.
16.__Quartz___ is a very common mineral found in granite, sandstone, and many other
rocks. It is made of two elements ___Silicon___ and ____Oxygen_____.
17.___Diamond__ are the hardest minerals in the world. ____Graphite______ is one of the
softest minerals in the world. Both are made of pure __Carbon______.