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Chp 10: The City - State
700 BC - 335 BC
Section 1: The Polis
* Polis = city - state
- was the geographic & ______________________________________
- made up of _______________________________ grouped around a
fortified hill.
* Acropolis = ____________________________________
- at the top = temple of local god
- at foot = agora = _____________________________________
* Each city state had its own government and ____________.
* About _____________ citizens
* Only _____________could vote, ________________________________
* Greek Citizens the polis gave them _________________________________
- they put the polis above everything else
* Two greatest city - states = 1) _________________ 2) ________________
- Sparta = strongest ___________
- _________ = strongest _______________
- They each had a different government and way of life.
Section 1 Assessment:
1) Define:
a) POLIS ___________________________________________________
b) ACROPOLIS _______________________________________________
c) AGORA ___________________________________________________
2) What areas generally made up each city - state ? _____________________________
3) What rights and duties did Greek citizens have ? _____________________________
4) Which of the requirements for citizenship in early Greece do you think were fair and which
were not ? Explain ___________________________________________________
5) Graphic Organizer: Draw a web to show characteristics of most Greek city-states.
Section 2: Sparta
* South Central Region of Greece
* Know as _________________
* By 500 BC became ______________________________________________
* 800 BC = aristocrats = __________________________________________
* Two Kings ruled jointly - had little power.
duties included = _________________________________
* Spartan Citizens = only aristocrats
- 20 yrs old = _______________________
- passed laws & _______________________________________
- EPHORS = _______________________________________________
- Council of __________ helped the ephors and were men over _______
and were chosen for life.
Aristocrats, Helots, and Perioeci:
* Spartans did not have interest in farming, business ,or trade.
* Helots = ___________________________________________________
- had to turn in 1/2 of their _________________________
* Perioceci = ________________________________________________
- were neither slaves or ___________
* Helots and Periocecis worked while aristocrats __________________________
* 750 BC _____________________________________________________
- aristocrats did not want to let them share in the government because they
were afraid that change would __________________________________
Spartan Way Of Life:
* Tried to become the ________________________________
* Newborns: _____________________________________________________
* 7 yr old boys were sent to live in _____________________
- trained to ________________________________________
- went barefoot, only a cloak to wear, walked in silence, and spoke only when
- slept _________
* Spartan Men married at ______________
- lived _________________________________________________
* Spartan Women had more freedom than the women of other Greek city - states.
- mixed freely with ________
- enjoyed sports ____________________
* Spartans believed _______________________________________
- tried to prevent change
- remained poor _______________________________________
- main goal was to be _________________________
Section 2 Assessment:
1) Define:
a) Aristocrats___________________________________________________
b) Helots ______________________________________________________
c) Perioeci _____________________________________________________
2) How did the lifestyles of Spartan women differ from other Greek women ? ___________
3) Why did Sparta try to prevent change ? ___________________________________
4) How was Sparta similar to other Greek city - states ? How was it different ? _________
5) Draw a chart and use it to weigh the pros and cons of living in Sparta.
Section 3: Athens
* Northeast of Sparta , located on the ____________ coast
* Different philosophy about __________ than the Spartans.
* 750 BC , Athenian _______, ____________, and ____________ took over the
government and set up an ___________________.
* Oligarchy = ________________________________________
- fights broke out over ___________________
- upper-class Athenians did not want fights and agreed to __________________
- Draco, a noble attempted to change the government but failed because he was
to __________
* Solon
- rich merchant chosen in 594 BC to _____________________________
- prepared a CONSTITUTION = _________________________________
- set a limit on how much ___________ a person could own
- gave landowners the ______________________________
- He: a) erased all _______
b) freed _______________
c) offered __________ d) ordered ________________________________
* Peisistratus
- 560 BC took over the government
- supported by _____________________
- divided large estates among ________________
- stated ________________________________________
- encouraged _________________________________________
A Democratic Constitution
* 508 BC = Spartans were overthrown by Cleisthenes
* Cleistenes
- first constitution that was ______________, or ____________________
- freedom of _____
- Opened the Assembly to all males over _____ yrs old
- elected ____ generals to serve as magistrates
- magistrates = _______________________________
- citizens were required to ___________ their sons. Boys had tutors or private
school. They also participated in sports and memorized works of Homor and Greek
* Council of Five Hundred
- handled daily business
- members chosen by ______
* Males
- when 18 became _________ and went to the temple of the god _____
and took an oath of ________.
The Persian Wars
* Ruled the largest and _______________________________
* 490 BC, Darius ________________________________________
* Persians decided to sail directly to Athens and __________________________
* They were meet by __________________________________________
* Greeks won the ______________________________
* Athens has ______ mines
* Athenians bought TRIREMES = ____________________________________
- Athens had the largest navy in Greece
* 480 BC Xerxes sent 250,000 and _________ northern Greece
* 20 Greek City States banded together to stop the Persians from taking all of Greece
The Delian League and the Athenian Empire
* Persians had been driven from Greece but sill ruled ________
* Formed a DEFENSIVE LEAGUE or ___________________________called the
- once became a League member it could not withdraw unless all members agreed
- had a common _____
- Athenian coins replaced _________
- became the _________ Empire
* Pericles = main leader of Athens
- known as _____________
- rebuilt palaces and temples on the __________
- built ___________
- led for _____yrs (art, philosophy, literature = new heights)
Decline of Athens
* Greek city states became _____ of the powerful ________
* Peloponnesian War
- Athenians attacked one of Sparta’s allies
- lasted _____ yrs
- ended in ______ when Athens surrendered to Sparta.
* Athenian men became MERCENARIES = _____________________________
* Spartans set up an oligarchy and chose 30 Athenians to rule
Section 3 Assessment
1) Define
a) Oligarchy _____________________________________________________
b) Constitution ___________________________________________________
c) Democratic ____________________________________________________
d) Triremes _____________________________________________________
e) Mercenaries ___________________________________________________
2) What political reforms did Cleisthenes introduce ? ______________________________
3) What changes did Pericles bring to Athens ? _________________________________
4) What were some of the causes and effects of the Peloponnesian War ? ________________
5) Draw a diagram and use it to show how the Delian League affected both Athens and other city
Section 4: Decline of the City States
* After the _______________, most Greeks began to lose their sense of _________
* lasted a long time / cost a great deal of money
* Bitterness between ___________ and ___________ classes
* After the war ___________________
* Spartans = harsh rulers
* Thebes:
- overthrew ________.
- was no better than that of Sparta. It weakened the city-states even more
- Greeks no longer ______________________________
* 338 BC = _________________________ conquered Greece.
Section 4 Assessment
1) How did the Peloponnesian War help destroy the sense of community in most Greek citystates?____________________________________________________________
2) What were some of the reasons for the decline of the Greek city-states? _____________
3) Why might the Greeks have become more interested in making money for themselves rather
than for the city-state after the Peloponnesian War.____________________________
4) Draw a flow chart -- trace the decline of the Greek city - states after the Peloponnesian