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Integrated Science: 2nd Semester Exam Study Guide: Mr. Preston
The spectra shown below were taken in a laboratory on Earth. The spectra labeled as Star 1 and Star 2 were
taken from starlight. What element(s) is/are found in Star 1? What about Star 2?
2. In stars energy is produced primarily as hydrogen atoms are combined to form Helium Atoms
3. A light-year is a unit of distance
4. Our universe may
A. keep expanding forever
B. stabilize and approach a limit in size
C. stop expanding and start to fall back on itself
5. The Doppler effect tells us:
-light emitted shifts toward the red end of the spectrum; shows that the star is moving away from Earth
- light shifted toward the blue end of the spectrum; shows that the star is moving toward Earth
6. According to the Big Bang Theory, the universe is expanding and galaxies are
moving away from the Milky Way galaxy.
7. After the Big Bang occurred, many atoms of hydrogen and helium formed when
temperatures decreased and gravitational attractions lead to the formation of trillions of stars.
8. The peak wavelength for objects depends on the intensity of light given off at a certain point. Blue stars produce
more energy because blue wavelengths are shorter and more intense.
9. The nebular model suggests that the planets all lie in one plane and orbit the sun in the same direction the sun
rotates because the sun formed from a cloud of gas and dust collapsing due to gravity, which formed into a flat rotating
10. The planets formed out of orbiting material mostly through the process of accretion, which occurs when small
particles collide and stick together to form larger masses.
11.The Himalayas are a mountain range in India that continues to increase in both width and height. This is because it
is located at a convergent boundary where rocks will continue to pile up causing the mountain range to grow in height.
12 Know how to read and interpret the following chart.
13. The half-lives of four common isotopes used in radioactive dating are as follows: carbon-14 = 5730 yrs, uranium238 = 4.5 billion yrs, rubidium-87= 47 billion yrs, and potassium-40 = 1.3 billion yrs. If, through relative dating, you
found an igneous rock that is known to be at least 4 billion years old, which two isotopes would be best in determining
the absolute age of the rock?
carbon-14, potassium-40
uranium-238, rubidium-87
carbon-14, rubidium-87
uranium-238, potassium-40
14. Which magma would produce explosive eruptions? Which would produce non explosive eruptions?
15. Which of the following was most likely formed by wind erosion?
16. Scientists believe convection currents in the mantle to be the cause of tectonic plate movement
17. What is the law of superposition? List the layers below from youngest to oldest:
Surface of Earth
18. Heat and pressure would change a sedimentary rock to an igneous rock.
Melting and cooling form igneous rock.
19. Streets and highways are damaged more in the winter than the summer because physical weathering, such as “frost
wedging” is more common
20. The matter phase at the inner core is “solid” due to pressure
21. Skin cancer would increase if the ozone layer of the atmosphere were to be removed?
22. Gravity and solar energy causes water to move continuously through various compartments of the Earth system in
the form of water vapor, precipitation, and surface and ground water..
23. Based on the diagram below, what can you conclude about the change in temperature in the
troposphere and stratosphere?
24. Global warming or climate change MIGHT be one of the consequences of the addition of
greenhouse gases into the atmosphere?
25.Clouds form when the dew point and humidity are approximately the same.
26. Cool, dry air will have low humidity and low dew point
27. Air becomes wind as it flows from warm to cold air masses
28. In the diagram below, what is happening?
A. Warm air rises slowly and can cause clouds.
B. Warm air rises very quickly and can cause thunderstorms.
C. Warm air rises slowly, thus resulting in clear skies.
D. Warm air rises very quickly and can cause drought.
29. The reason the N. Hemisphere has warmer temperatures and longer days in the summer is the sun is higher in the
sky because of the Earth's tilt and rotation.
30. Nonpolluting sources of energy include solar and wind
velocity = wavelength x frequency Know how to solve for wavelength & frequency
Know how to read and interpret this chart
33. Know the parts of a wave as indicated in the graph below.
34. Know wave terms reflection, refraction, diffraction, interference (constructive and desonstructive):
35. A water wave will disappear because the energy will be absorbed by water and transferred to different form of energy.
36. . An ultrasound system can produce images of body structures because sound waves travel at different speeds through
materials of different densities.
37. The Doppler effect explains why The pitch of a siren is higher as they approach you and lower as it moves away.
38. You look at a red tulip, with green leaves- under green light you see green leaves and a black flower.
Which is Reflection? Diffraction?
30. Light breaks up into different colors when it passes through a prism because of change in wave speed.