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病毒相關腫瘤之致病機制與標靶治療(Pathogenesis and Therapy of
Virus-associated Cancers)
蘇益仁 Ih-Jen Su
特聘研究員 Distinguish Investigator
Phone: (06) 2083422 ext. 65201
Fax: (06) 2083466
E-mail: [email protected]
Dr. Ih-Jen Su obtained his MD from College of Medicine, National Taiwan
University in 1969 and Ph.D from Institute of Pathology, National Taiwan
University in 1988. He became a professor in Department of Pathology,
National Taiwan University in 1991. He is the recipient of many awards and
honors in recognition of his contribution to Pathology research. He joined the
Division of Infectious Diseases (formerly Division of Clinical Research), NHRI as a
director in 2002.
Research Interests
*Biology and pathology of malignant lymphoma, particularly EBV-associated
T cell lymphoma.
*Pathogenesis and mechanism of HBV pre-S mutants and
*Pathogenesis and therapy of virus-associated hemophagocytic syndrome
HBV has been closely associated with the development of HCC. In the past
years, we identified per-S mutants prevalent in patients with HCC for up to
65%, as compared to the below 10% in patients with chronic hepatitis. The
emergence of pre-S mutant in serum may provide a potentially predictive
marker for the development of HCC. The pre-S mutants are retained in
endoplasmic reticulum (ER) and induces ER stress (Am J Pathol, 2004). The
pre-S2 mutant can upregulate cyclin A and induces nodular transformation of
hepatocytes and hepatoma in transgenic mice. (Hepatology, 2005;Cancer
science, 2006;J Gastroenterol Hepatol, 2008). In the past year, we found endothelial
growth factor (VEGF)-A was upregulated by pre-S mutants. The enhanced expression
of VEGF-A and activation of Akt/mTOR in GGHs provides a potential mechanism to
explain the progression from GGHs to HCC in chronic HBV infection (Hepatology,
2009 in press). In the coming years, pre-S1 and pre-S2 mutants transgenic mice will
be established and to test whether PPAR agonists and resveratrol could prevent
HBV-related HCC.
The EBV infection of T cells may result in fatal infectious mononucleosis or
hemophagocytic syndrome (HPS) in young children. EBV LMP-1 is the responsible
viral protein in this signaling process. We identified that LMP-1 may inhibit the
expression of SAP and upregulate Th1 cytokine TNF-alpha and IFN-gamma through
the TRAF2,5/NFκB/ERK pathway (Blood, 2005). We further demonstrated LMP-1
down-regulate TNFR1 to confer EBV-infected T cells resistance to TNF-α-induced
apoptosis (Am J Path., 2007), thereby providing a mechanism for the disease
progression from primary EBV infection of T cells to disease persistence or
progression to T cell lymphoma (Cancer Science, 2007). In 2008, we identified ATF5
as the transcriptional repressor for SAP expression in LMP1-expressing T cell, and
clarified LMP-1 up-regulated ATF5 via TRAF2,5/NFκB signals to suppress SAP gene
expression (Am J Path., 2008). Since NFκB pathway plays a major role in this
pathway, the inhibitor of NFκB or agonists of peroxisome proliferators activated
receptor (PPARs) will provide potential therapy for hemophagocytic syndrome or
EBV+ T cell lymphoma which showed constitutive NFκB activation.
Selected Publications (2004~2008)
1. Yang JC, Teng CF, Wu HC, Tsai HW, Chuang HC, Tsai TF, Hsu YH, Huang W,
Wu LW, Su IJ. Enhanced expression of vascular endothelial growth factor-A in
ground glass hepatocytes and its implication in HBV hepatocarcinogenesis.
Hepatology, 2009 (in press).
2. Su IJ, Wang HC, Wu HC, Huang WY. Ground glass hepatocytes contain pre-S
mutants and represent preneoplastic lesions in chronic hepatitis B virus infection
(review). J Gastroenterol Hepatol 2008;23(8 Pt 1):1169-1174.
3. Wang HC, Huang W, Lai MD, Su IJ. HBV pre-S mutants, ER stress, and
hepatocarcinogenesis. (review) Cancer Science 2006;97:683-688.
4. Chuang HC, Wang JM, Hsieh WC, Chang Y, Su IJ. Up-regulation of activating
transcription factor-5 suppresses SAP expression to activate T cells in
hemophagocytic syndrome associated with Epstein-Barr virus infection and
immune disorders. Am J Pathol. 2008;173:1397-1405.
5. Chuang HC, Lay JD, Chuang SE, Hsieh WC, Chang Y, Su IJ: Epstein-Barr virus
(EBV) latent membrane protein-1 down-regulates tumor necrosis factor-alpha
(TNF-alpha) receptor-1 and confers resistance to TNF-alpha-induced apoptosis in
T cells: implication for the progression to T-cell lymphoma in EBV-associated
hemophagocytic syndrome. Am J Pathol. 2007;170:1607-1617.
6. Hsieh WC, Chang Y, Hsu MC, Lan BS, Hsiao GC, Chuang HC, Su IJ:
Emergence of anti-red blood cell antibodies triggers red cell phagocytosis by
activated macrophages in a rabbit model of Epstein-Barr virus-associated
hemophagocytic syndrome. Am J Pathol. 2007;170:1629-1639.
7. Chuang HC, Lay JD, Hsieh WC, Su IJ. Pathogenesis and mechanism of disease
progression from hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis to Epstein-Barr
virus-associated T-cell lymphoma: nuclear factor-kappa B pathway as a potential
therapeutic target. Cancer Sci. 2007;98:1281-1287.
8. Wang HC, Chang WT, Chang WW, Lei HY, Lay MD, Su IJ. Hepatits B Virus
pre-S2 mutant upregulates cyclin A and induces nodular proliferation of
hepatocytes. Hepatology 2005; 41:761-770.
9. Chuang HC, Lay JD, Hsieh WC, Wang HC, Chang Y, Chuang SE, Su IJ,
Epstein-Barr virus LMP1 inhibits the expression of SAP gene and upregulates
Th1 cytokines in the pathogenesis of hemophagocytic syndrome. Blood.
10. Wang HC, Wu HC, Chen CF, Lei HY, Su IJ : Different types of ground glass
hepatocytes in chronic HBV infection centain specific pre-S mutants that may
induce ER stress. Am J Pathol 2003; 163 : 2441-2449.
11. Ho MS, Su IJ. Preparing to prevent severe acute respiratory syndrome and other
respiratory infections. Lancet ( Infections Disease ) 2004;4 : 684-689.
博士後研究員 Postdoctoral Fellows: 王雅芳 Ya-Fang Wang
助研究技術師 Research Assistants: 謝汶娟, 吳漢傑
博士班研究生 Ph.D. Students: 鄧喬方, 楊瑞珠, 羅苑菁