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Coastal Zone Management
B.S., M.S.
Earth’s water—in the air, on or under the land, and in the
sea—is the unifying theme of the Department of Marine
and Environmental Systems (DMES). Using a systems
approach, DMES offers B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. degrees in science, engineering and management. Graduate programs
emphasize research on vital contemporary issues in the
environment by an interdisciplinary faculty, all with doctoral degrees in their respective area of expertise.
Earth Remote Sensing
Environmental Resource
Environmental Science
B.S., M.S., Ph.D.
B.S., M.S.
Ocean Engineering
B.S., M.S., Ph.D.
Ocean Engineering
B.S., M.S., Ph.D.
Coastal Zone Management in DMES is a science-based
decision-making program highlighted by internships
with government and non-governmental organizations,
and industry in coastal areas.
Earth Remote Sensing is the development of sensing systems and application of earth
remote observations—satellite, aircraft, hydroacoustics, in situ fixed or moving platforms—
to solving scientific, engineering and management problems using remote sensing
biogeophysical algorithms, Geographic Information Systems and other teledetection
information technology.
Environmental Resource Management is a science-based decision-making program centered
on land, air and freshwater government and non-governmental organizations, and industry
especially consulting firms.
Environmental Science at Florida Tech is a highly quantitative approach to understanding
the Earth system. DMES faculty and students study freshwater-saltwater hydrology,
human population dynamics, hydrologic optics, renewable energy, climatology and
earth system science, using in situ observations, satellite and aircraft remote sensing,
and computer models.
Meteorology, or atmospheric science, studies the coupled land-air-sea system. DMES faculty
and students study mesoscale systems, atmospheric radiative transfer, coastal and marine
meteorology, physical meteorology and severe weather, using satellite and aircraft remote
sensing, computer models and data assimilation.
Ocean Engineering in DMES includes research in naval architecture and high-speed smallcraft, corrosion and biofouling control, marine materials, ocean observing system design and
integration, beach erosion, coastal structures and processes, environmental fluid mechanics,
artificial reefs, hydrographic surveying, autonomous underwater vehicles, and marine and
environmental instrumentation.
Ocean Engineering Management is part of the College of Engineering’s management
curriculum, and in DMES is a science-based decision-making program highlighted by
internships with government and non-governmental organizations, and industry.
Oceanography is the science of the sea that integrates biology, chemistry, geology,
meteorology and physics. DMES research activities in trace-metal chemistry, water-column
biology, sediment transport, benthic ecology, maritime hazards, biogeochemical cycles,
climate and sea-level, and marine meteorology carry faculty and students to Alaska, the IntraAmericas Sea, and the Indian Ocean.
Sustainability of the Environment • Intelligent Systems • Assured Information and Cyber Security
New Space Systems and Commercialization of Space • Communication Systems and Signal Processing • Biomedical Systems
• The National Park Service has provided Dr. Tom Belanger funding to develop a coupled hydrodynamic/
water quality model for the Mosquito Lagoon, for use as a management tool by NPS Canaveral National
Seashore personnel.
• Dr. Charles Bostater’s area of research is multiplatform hyperspectral sensing systems.
• Research interests of Dr. Steven Jachec include developing and applying numerical simulations to solve
fluid flow problems in the coastal ocean.
• Dr. Kevin B. Johnson studies marine larval ecology, mortality and recruitment, especially as they relate to
issues of invasive species.
• An Improved Data Reduction Tool in Support of the Real-Time Assimilation of NASA Data Streams is one
research focus of Dr. Steven Lazarus.
• Dr. George Maul’s work involves developing a coastal ocean observing system, and Atlantic tsunami
hazard mitigation.
• Our resident naval architect, Dr. Prasanta Sahoo, studies the hydrodynamics of high-speed craft and
multi-hulled surface vessels.
• The testing and development of environmentally acceptable methods for biofouling control is the
principle focus of Dr. Geoffrey Swain.
• Dr. Pallav Ray’s areas of research are tropical meteorology, Madden-Julian Oscillation, tropicsextratropics interactions, global and regional climate modeling, air-sea interactions and large-scale
atmospheric circulations.
• Dr. Ronnal Reichard’s research focuses on composite materials and structures, with applications to
boats, ships, submarines, ROVs, bridges, docks as well as many other non-marine applications.
• Dr. John Trefry’s research programs were developed to monitor offshore oil and gas development and
production activities in the coastal Beaufort Sea in the Alaskan Arctic; the research focuses on both
short-term and long-term, cumulative impacts.
• Dr. Robert Weaver is working on numerical simulations of natural hazards to coastal engineering
structures and coastlines.
• Dr. John Windsor is studying toxic substances in sediments and clams from the Indian River Lagoon,
• Development of a new type of surface (autonomous and mobile) vehicle/buoy for Indian River
Lagoon studies for physical oceanography, environmental impact assessment, and integrated marine
environment management is one of Dr. Stephen Wood’s research projects.
• Dr. Gary Zarillo’s projects include case studies at federally maintained inlets as well as the production of
remote sensing and modeling tools that can be applied to all tidal inlets and navigational channels.
In addition, many students find research opportunities with their faculty during the academic year, and
ALL undergraduate students spend the summer between their junior and senior year in Marine and
Environmental Field Projects (MFP). MFP is a capstone experience and is a practicum in science and
engineering with a perspective to the managerial consequences of knowledge-based decision-making.
The MFP experience sets DMES students apart from the pack!
College of Engineering
Department of Marine and Environmental Systems
150 W. University Blvd., Melbourne, FL 32901
Phone: (321) 674-8096
Fax: (321) 674-7212
[email protected]
Florida Institute of Technology does not discriminate on the basis of race, gender, color, religion, creed, national origin, ancestry, marital status, age, disability, sexual orientation, Vietnam-era veterans status or any other discrimination
prohibited by law in the admission of students, administration of its educational policies, scholarship and loan programs, employment policies, and athletic or other university sponsored programs or activities. EN-091-113