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Adaptations and
Natural Selection
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Science Terms
Adaptation- A characteristic that improves an individual’s
ability to survive and reproduce in a particular environment.
Archaea- In a modern taxonomic system, a domain made up
of prokaryotes (most of which are known to live in extreme
environments) that are distinguished from other prokaryotes
by differences in their genetics and in the make-up of the cell
wall; the domain aligns with the traditional kingdom
Science Terms
Bacteria - in a modern taxonomic system, a domain made up
of prokaryotes that usually have a cell wall and that usually
reproduce by cell division; this domain aligns with the
traditional kingdom Eubacteria.
Classification - the division of organisms into groups, or
classes based on specific characteristics.
Science Terms
Dichotomous Key - an aid that is used to identify organisms
and that consists of the answers to a series of questions.
Eukarya - in a modern classification system, a domain made
up of all Eukaryotes, this domain aligns with the traditional
kingdoms Protista, Fungi, Plantae, and Animalia
Evolution - the process in which inherited characteristics
within a population change over generations such that new
species sometimes arise.
Science Terms
Extinct- Describes a species that has died out completely.
Fungi- a kingdom made up of non-green, eukaryotic
organisms that have no means of movement, reproduce by
using spores, and get food by breaking down substances in
their surroundings and absorbing the nutrients.
Fossil Record- a historical sequence of life indicated by fossils
found in layers of the Earth’s surface.
Science Terms
Geologic Time Scale- the standard method used to divide the
Earth’s long natural history into manageable parts.
Natural Selection - The process by which individuals that are
better adapted to their environment survive and reproduce
more successfully than less well adapted individuals do; a
theory to explain the mechanism of evolution.
Science Terms
Plantae- a kingdom made up of complex, multicellular
organisms that are usually green, have cell walls made of
cellulose, cannot move around, and use the sun’s energy to
make sugar by photosynthesis.
Protista- A kingdom of mostly one-celled eukaryotic
organisms that are different from plants, animals, bacteria
and fungi.
Science Terms
Species- a group of organisms that are closely related and can
mate and produce fertile offspring.
Speciation- the formation of new species as a result of
Taxonomy - the science of describing, naming, and classifying
Science Terms
Binomial Nomenclature- the two-part naming system for all
living things (uses Latin) consists of genus and species name.
AKA….scientific name
Genus is capitalized, species is not capitalized. Both in italics
Science terms
Homologous Structures- Body parts that are structurally
similar in related species; provides evidence that structures
were inherited from a common ancestor.
Analogous Structures- Body parts that are structurally
similar in unrelated species; these species evolved separately,
does not share a common ancestor.
Science Terms
Carolus Linnaeus - a scientist who in the 1700’s developed
taxonomy to classify living things. Developed binomial
nomenclature to give species a two-part name for global
Charles Darwin - a scientist who in the 1800’s developed the
theory of evolution and natural selection. He did famous
studies on many species in the Galapagos Islands.
Science Terms
Domain- the largest and most general groups. Archaea,
Bacteria, Eukarya.
Kingdom - all living things in a domain are sorted into
kingdoms. The members of one kingdom are more like each
other than they are like the members of another kingdom.
Phylum- All living things in a kingdom are further sorted into
Science Terms
Class - the members of a phyla or phylum are further sorted
into classes based on similar characteristics.
Order- Each class includes one or more orders
Family - orders are separated into families.
Science Terms
Genus- Families are sorted into genus groups. This is the first
part of the two-part scientific name.
Species - Genus members are further sorted into species
groups. This is the 2nd part of the scientific name
Examples: Tyrannosaurus rex
Homo sapiens
Felis domesticus
Stuff after this are just diagrams and pictures
Scientific Names
Homologous structures
Analogous structures
Modern Classification System