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Chapter 27 – The Planets and the Solar System
The Inner Planets
A. Two Planetary Neighborhoods
1. Inner Planets – Mercury, Venus, _______, Mars
a. All have _____________ crust
b. Dense mantle layers and ____________
c. Because of their Earth like appearance they are also
known as ___________________ planets
2. Outer Planets – Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto
a. 1st four are called ___________ – or __________ like
b. very large gaseous planets with ____ _________ crust
c. low ___________________ due to size
d. have ______________ systems
e. Pluto is an oddball – not _______ enough to be
terrestrial; too ____________ to be Jovian
B. Mercury
1. Nearest to the Sun
2. Orbits the sun in _______ days
3. ________________ of terrestrials
4. Mercury surface resembles the _____________
5. Rotates every __________ ____________
6. ________________ – day 400°C; night –200°C
C. Venus – ____________ Sister Planet – 2nd planet from the
1. Near each other similar in diameter, mass and ________
2. Venus is the only planet to __________ from east to west
3. _________________ every 243 days
4. Orbits every ____________ days
5. Thick yellow clouds make surface impossible to see
6. ____________________ radar mapped it
7. _________________ system
8. Yellow clouds made of ____________ acid
9. Surface is hot due to ________________ effect (CO2)
causing surface to be ___________°C
10. Visible from Earth in the morning or early
_____________ – “evening star”
D. Mars – ______ planet from the Sun
1. 687 day orbit
2. Axis tilted about the same as earth’s giving it
____________. However they are 2 times as long
3. Very thin atmosphere (1% of Earth’s) mostly ________
4. Has ice caps – thought to be _________covered by frozen
5. Spacecraft have photographed and landed on Mars surface
6. Largest known _________________ in the solar system
“Olympus Mons”
7. Has a valley system suggesting __________ once ran on
its surface
8. Page 543, 5 Martian landings
Outer Planets
A. _____________ Planets – Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and
1. Much _________ than terrestrials – smallest, Uranus, is
15 times more massive than earth
2. No _________ surfaces – their “surface” is an uppermost
gas layer
3. Composed mainly of light elements _____ and _____
All Jovian planets have ring systems
B. Jupiter – 5th Planet from the Sun
1. _________ year orbit
2. 10 hour rotation
3. has __________ more mass than all the other planets
4. radiates 2 times as much energy back into space as it
receives from the ___________________
5. Galileo probe entered Jupiter’s atmosphere in 1995 –
found no thick ________ and higher than expected
C. Saturn – 6th planet from the Sun
1. _____________year orbit
2. 10 hour _________________
3. lowest density of all planets, less than ________
4. Saturn also radiates ___________ ___________ than it
receives from the sun, like Jupiter it has internal heat
D. Uranus – 7th planet from the sun
1. _______ year orbit
2. 17.2 hour _____________
3. it’s rotational axis is _____________ almost completely
4. It’s magnetic field is ________ _____________
E. Neptune – 8th planet (most of the time)
1. __________ year orbit
2. ____________16.1 hours
3. Neptune was found after astronomers predicted its
location _________________________ in 1846
4. Winds over 2000 km/hr
5. Becomes the 9th planet when Pluto is taken close to the
Sun due to Pluto’s highly _______________orbit
F. Pluto
1. __________ year orbit
2. smallest planet in the ______________ _____________
3. Its moon, Charon, is _______ its size
4. Most of its atmosphere is frozen. However, it
_________ slightly when it nears the sun
III. Planetary Satellites (moons)
A. Satellites of Earth and Mars
1. Earth has one __________
2. Mars has 2 tiny moons, _____________ and Phobos
3. Phobos circles mars ________ times a day
4. ___________ and ____________ have no satellites
B. Jupiter’s Moons
1. At least ________
2. Galilean moons – Io, Europa, Ganymede and Callisto are
the 4 largest discovered by __________________
3. Io is geologically active
a. ______________ active volcanoes
b. No signs of ___________impacts
c. Galileo spacecraft found it has an __________ core
surrounded by a molten _______________ rock
d. Heat on _______ is caused by tidal forces from Jupiter
4. Europa
a. Surface is thought to be frozen ___________
b. It is thought liquid water may exist under the_______
5. Ganymede – the _________
a. Larger than Pluto and __________________
b. Surface of ____________
6. Callisto – most heavily _________ object in the solar
C. Saturn’s Moons
1. At least __________moons
2. Largest is _____________
a. Only moon in solar system to have a substantial
D. Uranus’s Moons
1. At least ___________
2. 5 major moons are Titania, Oberon, Umbriel, Ariel,
and _________________
a. all lack atmosphere and are heavily cratered
E. Neptune’s Moons
1. At least 13 moons – Triton is the largest
IV. Solar System Debris
A. Comets and TNOs (Trans ___________________ Objects)
1. Comets described as dirty snowballs
a. Spend most of their time beyond the ________ of
b. Do not become visible until they travel inside
_______________ orbit
c. Has 2 parts, ___________ and tail
d. Tail always points ___________ from the sun due to
solar winds
e. Most famous comet is _____________, it appears
once every 76 years – last visit ___________
B. Asteroids – solid rocklike masses
1. Uneven surface causes their _______________to
2. Revolve same direction as ___________
3. Most in asteroid belt between Mars and ___________
C. Meteors and Meteoroids
1. ________________ – rock or ice fragment traveling in
space, they differ from asteroids in that they are
smaller in _________________
2. ___________________ – when a meteoroid enters earth’s
atmosphere and burns up “shooting star”
3. Meteor shower – occurs when earth passes into debris
left by a _________ that crossed earth’s path – very
predictable, named after the _____________ in the
D. Meteorite
1. A large meteoroid that survives earth’s
_________________and strikes its surface
2. 3 types
a. __________ – resemble earth’s rocks, mostly made of
 95%
b. ____________ – mostly iron
 5%
c. _________________ irons
 <1%
3. Most found in the ice of _____________________
E. Impact Craters – bowl shaped depressions that remain after a
meteor or other object strikes ____________
1. ____________ on earth because
a. The ____________ burns up most meteoroids
b. ________ is geologically active
2. Best known is Barringer ____________ _________in AZ