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JDBC Virtualization with Oracle SOA Suite 11g and Oracle Database ................................ 2
Prerequisites ........................................................................................................................................ 2
Creating the Sample SOA Composite Application.................................................................. 2
Creating the database resources for HrJobService SOA Composite application... 3
Testing the HrJobService ............................................................................................................ 3
Required Configuration changes to Support Virtualization .............................................. 4
Configurations changes to LISA VSE ...................................................................................... 4
Configurations changes to Oracle Weblogic Server ......................................................... 4
Creating a JDBC data source for LISA VSE ........................................................................... 5
Recording & Playback.................................................................................................................... 12
Recording ...................................................................................................................................... 12
Deploying the Virtual Service ................................................................................................ 16
Testing against the LISA VSE Virtual Service .................................................................. 16
JDBC Virtualization with Oracle SOA Suite 11g and Oracle
This document assumes Oracle Fusion Middleware [Oracle Weblogic Server
11gR1(10.3.4) & Oracle SOA Suite], Oracle Database XE, iTKO Lisa 5.0.24+
Virtualize Edition and the latest lisajdbcsim.jar.
This document describes how to perform JDBC virtualization for SOA Composite
applications built using Oracle Fusion Middleware(FMW). Oracle SOA Application
Adapters are a component of Oracle Middleware that allows one to build SOA
composite applications that can interact with various technologies like database,
files, ftp, Oracle Applications, etc.
In this document we are going to focus on a SOA Composite Application built using
Oracle FMW 11g and uses the Oracle Database Adapter to interact with an Oracle
The JDBC virtualization process described in the document is relevant for any
application that is deployed on Oracle Weblogic and not just for SOA composite
Creating the Sample SOA Composite Application
A Simple SOA Composite application (attached
1. The sample HR schema in the Oracle Database contains tables that contain
information on employees, departments, and jobs.
2. SOA Composite exposes a hrJobService, that returns the list of valid jobs.
3. A BPEL process invokes a database adapter, to obtain a list of valid jobs from
the database.
4. A database adapter interacts with the database to return a list of valid jobs.
The database adapter configuration contains the jndi connection pool
information, which is configured on the Weblogic server. For Lisa VSE
recording and playback, this would need to be changed to point to a
connection pool created for Lisa VSE on the Weblogic Server. Configuration
for which is described in the sections that follow.
Steps to create the SOA composite application [TODO]
Creating the database resources for HrJobService SOA Composite application
[TODO] Create the JDBC Data Source and the Connection Pool (similar to
instructions in next section on creating the jdbc data source & connection pool for
VSE. Only difference would be to select the Oracle database and the Oracle thin
driver for service connections.)
Testing the HrJobService
Testing the HrJobService (SOA Composite Application) also referred to as our
system under test is done using the sample test page provided by weblogic
1. Open the SOA Infra Console at http://localhost:7001/soa-infra and login
using the weblogic user (weblogic/weblogic1). Replace the host, port and
username/password to match your own configuration.
2. Click on the Test_hrjobservice_client_ep to test the SOA composite
3. Enter a value of 1 for the input payload. And click on
4. The response returned from the HrJobService is as below. Observe the
jobTitle has a value of “President”
Required Configuration changes to Support Virtualization
This section describes the configuration changes for Weblogic, that are required
before LISA could start recording the transactions.
Configurations changes to LISA VSE
Update the LISA Installation by copying the latest version of the lisajdbcsim.jar into
the LISA_HOME/lib folder. Restart LISA VSE.
Configurations changes to Oracle Weblogic Server
1. Copy the lisajdbcsim.jar to the [FMW_HOME]/wlserver_10.3/server/lib.
2. Create a folder [FMW_HOME]/wlserver_10.3/server/ext/jdbc/lisa and copy
the lisajdbcsim.jar to the newly created folder.
3. Edit the [FMW_HOME]/wlserver_10.3/server/lib/jdbcdrivers.xml and add
the following to the end of the file.
Database="iTKO Lisa VSE"
DatabaseVersion="9.0.1 and later"
Description="for Service connections;">
<Attribute Name="DbmsName" Required="true" InURL="true"/>
<Attribute Name="DbmsHost" Required="true" InURL="true"/>
<Attribute Name="DbmsPort" Required="true" InURL="true"
<Attribute Name="DbmsUsername" Required="true"
<Attribute Name="DbmsPassword" Required="true"
4. Edit the [FMW_HOME]/wlserver_10.3/server/common/bin/commEnv.cmd
(or on linux).
5. Update the WEBLOGIC_CLASSPATH and prepend it with the location of the
lisajdbcsim.jar as below
6. Restart Weblogic server
Creating a JDBC data source for LISA VSE
Creation of the database resources is done using the Weblogic Server Console. First
create the data source and then a connection pool for that data source.
Create the JDBC data source
5. Open the Weblogic Server Console at http://localhost:7001/console and
login using the weblogic user weblogic/weblogic1. Replace the host, port and
username/password to match your own configuration.
6. On the left navigation bar, Click Services > Data Sources.
7. In the data source table, click New-> Generic Data Source.
8. Enter the data source information
Name: VSEDataSource
JNDI Name: jdbc/VSEDataSource
Database Type: iTKO Lisa VSE
The Database driver defaults to the correct driver: itko’s iTKO Lisa VSE
driver Thin for Service Connections.
9. Click Next, click Next again
10. Select the Transaction Options
Supports Global Transactions: checked
Emulate Two-Phase Commit: selected
11. Click Next
12. Enter the database connection information.
Database Name: XE (your database SID)
Host name: localhost (host where your database is running)
Port: 1521 (set according to your configuration)
Database user name: hr (your database user, e.g. sample hr schema for
Database user password: hr
13. Click Next
14. Enter/ verify the test database configuration
Driver Class Name: com.itko.lisa.vse.jdbc.driver.Driver
URL: jdbc:oracle:thin:@localhost:1521/xe (URL as per details entered
Test Table Name: DUAL
15. Click Test Configuration. Confirm success message at top of page.
16. Click Next
17. Select the Target server where your SOA component is running:
AdminServer. (your target server/servers)
18. Click Finish
Create the connection pool
Now create the connection pool. You have to edit the database adapter application
and it uses a Deployment Plan. First, create a directory to contain that plan.
1. Open the Weblogic Server Console at http://localhost:7001/console and
login using the weblogic user weblogic/weblogic1. Replace the host, port and
username/password to match your own configuration.
2. In the left navigation bar, click Deployments.
3. Click the DbAdapter application (click the name, not the checkbox)
Click the Configuration tab, and then click the Outbound
Connection Pools tab.
Click New
Select the radio button for javax.resource.cci.ConnectionFactory and
click Next
Enter the JNDI Name as follows: eis/DB/itkoVseHRConnection
Note that this is not the same value as in the step to create jdbc datasource.
It must match the value you enter in your database connection you create
when building your application using JDeveloper.
Click Finish
Now, edit the connection pool to reference the data source. Click the
Configuration tab, expand the connection factory and click your new
connection pool (click on the name, not the checkbox)
To change the property value, you must use the ENTER key and then
Save. Do not use the TAB key. Follow these instructions exactly: In the
Properties table, select the box to the far right of xADataSource. The edit
box appears. Type in your data source name that you created earlier:
jdbc/VSEDataSource. Press ENTER key to apply the value. Select Save. You
must use the ENTER key for the value to be entered in the field. You must
use the Save button to save the value.
Go back to the main Deployments page to Update the DbAdapter.
Click Deployments in the left navigation bar.
Select the checkbox next to DbAdapter.
Click Update.
Select Redeploy this application and click on the Change Path for
the Deployment plan Path. Change the path to reflect a new planyou’re
your environment. E.g.
C:\oracle\fmwhome\Oracle_SOA1\soa\connectors\hrPlan.xml. Click on
Next to confirm the deployment plan location.
Click Finish
Confirm that the connection pool is added by going back to the
DbAdapter > Configuration > Outbound Connection Pools and expand the
connection factory listed there.
Confirm the value of the xADataSource property that you entered
previously. Look closely! This is the most common place where the
configuration is in error. You donot have to restart the weblogic server for
the changes to take affect. But if you encounter any issues when using the
newly created datasource and connection pool, restart the weblogic server.
Recording & Playback
The configuration for the system under test is changed to use the
eis/DB/itkoVseHRConnection that was configured in the previous step.
1. Open the LISA Workstation. From the menu choose View -> Virtual Service
2. Click on Record to initiate the LISA VSE Recorder. Enter the following
Service Name: VseHrJobService-si
Transaport Protocol: JDBC
Model File: <FULLPATH>/VseHrJobService-vsm (set full path for your
Virtual Service Model file)
3. Click Next
4. Enter the following
Simulation Host: localhost (your server running the JDBC simulation driver)
Simulation Port:
5. Select the following
Loaded Drivers: Oracle
SQL Activity: Select the URL to record jdbc:oracle:thin@localhost:1521/xe/hr
node. Then click on Add
URL’s to Record: On clicking on Add, you can see the URL’s to Record section
is populated.
6. Submit requests to the HrJobService Composite Application using the soainfra test client.
7. Observe the total transaction count increasing as shown below
8. On completion of the tests, Click Next.
9. Click Finish, to complete.
10. Open the Service Image
11. As an example test, modify the response in the service image, for example the
string “President” is changed to “Virtual - President”
12. Click on Save
13. Open the virtual service model that was automatically generated as below
Deploying the Virtual Service
1. Deploy the Virtual Service Model to the VSE
2. Start the Virtual Service using the VSE dashboard
Testing against the LISA VSE Virtual Service
1. Submit a request using the HrJobService test client.
2. Open the VSE dashboard and observe that the total transaction count for the
virtual service increases.
3. Observe that the response contains a JobTitle of “Virtual – President”. This
verifies that the response has been returned by the LISA Virtual Service