Download Tundra Tundra is a treeless biome occurring in areas with cold

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Terrestrial Biomes
Tundra is a treeless biome occurring in areas with cold climates
and a short growing season. Alpine tundra occurs at high altitudes on
mountains, while arctic tundra occurs at high latitudes.
Most tundras receive very small inputs of water as precipitation,
but nevertheless their soil may be moist or wet because there is little
evaporation in such cold climates, and deep drainage may be prevented by
frozen soil.
The coldest, most northern, high-arctic tundras are very
unproductive and dominated by long-lived but short-statured plants,
typically less than 1.97-3.94 in (5-10 cm) tall. Low-arctic tundras are
dominated by shrubs as tall as 3.28 ft (1 m), while wet sites develop
relatively productive meadows of sedge, cotton-grass, and grass. In North
America, arctic tundras can support small densities of mammalian
herbivores such as caribou and muskox (although during migration these
animals can occur in locally large densities), and even smaller numbers of
their predators, such as wolves.
Boreal coniferous forest
The boreal coniferous forest, or taiga, is an extensive
northern biome occurring in moist climates with cold winters.
The boreal forest is dominated by coniferous trees, especially
species of fir, larch, pine, and spruce. Some broad-leaved,
angiosperm trees are also important in the boreal forest,
especially species of aspen, birch, poplar, and willow. Usually,
particular stands of boreal forest are dominated by only one or
several species of trees. Most regions of boreal forest are
subject to periodic events of catastrophic disturbance, most
commonly caused by wildfire and sometimes by insects, such
as spruce budworm, that kill trees through intensive defoliation.
Montane forests, also dominated by conifers and similar in
structure to the boreal forest, can occur at sub-alpine altitudes
on mountains in southerly latitudes.
Temperate deciduous forest
Forests dominated by species-rich mixtures of broadleaved trees occur in relatively moist, temperate climates.
Because these forests occur in places where the winters can be
cold, the foliage of most species is seasonally deciduous,
meaning that all leaves are shed each autumn and re-grown in
the springtime. Common trees of this forest biome in North
America are species of ash, basswood, birch, cherry,
chestnut, dogwood, elm, hickory, magnolia, maple, oak,
tulip-tree, and walnut, among others. These various tree
species segregate into intergrading communities on the basis
of site variations of soil moisture, fertility, and air
Temperate Deciduous Forest
Temperate rainforest
Temperate rainforests develop under climatic
regimes characterized by mild winters and an
abundance of precipitation. Because these systems are
too moist to support regular, catastrophic wildfires,
they often develop into old-growth forests,
dominated by coniferous trees of mixed age and
species composition. Individual trees can be
extremely large, and in extreme cases can be more
than 1,000 years old. Common trees of this biome are
species of Douglas fir, hemlock, cedar, redwood,
spruce, and yellow cypress. In North America,
temperate rainforests are best developed on the humid
west coast.
Temperate Rainforest
Temperate grassland
These grasslands occur under temperate climatic
regimes that are intermediate to those that support
forest and desert. In the temperate zones, grasslands
typically occur where rainfall is 9.9-24 in (25-60 cm)
per year. Grasslands in North America are called
prairie and this biome occupies vast regions in the
Temperate Grassland
Tropical grassland and savanna
Tropical grasslands can occur in regions with as much as
47.2 in (120 cm) of rainfall per year, but under highly seasonal
conditions with a pronounced dry season. Savannas are
dominated by grasses and other herbaceous plants, but they
also have scattered shrub and tree-sized woody plants, which
form a very open canopy. Tropical grasslands and savannas
can support a great seasonal abundance of large, migratory
mammals, as well as substantial populations of resident
animals. This is especially true of savannas in Africa, where
this biome supports a very diverse assemblage of large
mammals, including gazelles and other antelopes, rhinos,
elephant, hippopotamus, and buffalo, and some of their
predators, such as lion, cheetah, wild dog, and hyena.
Tropical Grassland or Savanna
Chaparral is a temperate biome that
develops in environments with seasonally
extreme moisture gradients, characterized by a
so-called Mediterranean climate with winter
rains and summer drought. The chaparral
biome is typically composed of dwarf forest
and shrubs, and interspersed herbaceous
vegetation. Chaparral is highly prone to events
of catastrophic wildfire. In North America,
chaparral is best developed in parts of the
southwest, especially coastal southern
Desert is a temperate or tropical biome, commonly
occurring in the center of continents, and in the rain shadows
of mountains. The distribution of this biome is determined by
the availability of water, generally occurring where there is
less than 9.9 in (25 cm) of precipitation per year. Not
surprisingly, the productivity of desert ecosystems is strongly
influenced by the availability of water. The driest deserts
support almost no plant productivity, while less-dry situations
may support communities of herbaceous, succulent, and
annual plants, and somewhat moister places will allow a
shrub-dominated ecosystem to develop.
Semi-evergreen tropical forest
This type of tropical forest develops when there is
a seasonality of water availability due to the
occurrence of pronounced wet and drier seasons
during the year. Because of this seasonality, most of
the trees and shrubs of this biome are seasonally
deciduous, meaning that they shed their foliage in
anticipation of the drier season. This biome supports
a great richness of plant and animal species, though
somewhat less than in tropical rainforests.
Semi-evergreen tropical forest
Evergreen tropical rainforest
This biome occurs under tropical climates
with abundant precipitation and no seasonal
drought. Because wildfire and other types of
catastrophic disturbance are uncommon in this
sort of climate regime, tropical rainforests
usually develop into old-growth forests. As
such, they contain a diverse size range of trees,
a great richness of species of trees and other
plants, as well as an extraordinary diversity of
animals and microorganisms.
Evergreen tropical forest