Download Be able to identify the following: adjacent angles, vertical angles

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Intro to Geo Quiz #1 Hints
5 fill in the blank vocabulary words
5 match symbols
Be able to calculate the distance and midpoint between 2 coordinates.
Be able to solve betweenness of points problems.
Be able to calculate precision, greatest possible error and % of error
Be able to apply geometric concepts, theorems, postulates, assumptions, etc to real world situations.
Intro to Geo Quiz #2 Hints
5 fill in the blank vocabulary words
Be able to list/identify at least 2 things that can and cannot be assumed from a diagram.
Be able to find the missing endpoint.
Be able to construct a congruent segment or a congruent angle based on a given segment/angle.
Be able to apply definitions of the types of angles to solve problems.
Be able to apply the definitions of complementary and supplementary to solve problems.
Be able to convert from degrees to degrees minutes and seconds and vice versa.
Be able to apply the concepts of clocks to angles.
Intro to Geo Quiz #3 Hints
Be able to identify the following: adjacent angles, vertical angles, lienar pairs, supplementary and
complementary angles.
Be able to find the complement and/or supplement of an angle whose measure is in degrees, minutes
and seconds.
Be able to apply the concepts of trisect, bisect and perpendicular to solve a problem.
Be able to translate and solve word problems
Intro to Geometry Exam Day 1
Several True/False questions based on vocabulary and theorems (blue sheet)
Be able to compare and contrast several vocabulary words and indicate what their implication would be to
the real-world. (Hint: line segment, line and ray; union and intersection; collinear and coplanar)
Be able to apply geometry concepts and theorems to justify real-world situations (i.e. tripod, sandwich, etc.)
Be able to complete and provide directions for 4 out of the 6 construction problems.
Be able to draw diagrams with specific requirements. Be very careful with your diagram markings.
Intro to Geometry Exam Day 2
25 multiple choice questions
5 short task problems (midpoint, distance, % of error, etc.)
Be able to identify and apply angle relationships.
Be able to determine angle measure of clock
Be able to find missing endpoint.
Be able to identify what can and cannot be assumed from a diagram.
Be able to identify characteristics of a polygon as well as a regular polygon.
Be able to classify a polygon based on # of sides, concave/convex and regular/irregular
Be able to identify types of intersections between lines and planes.
Make sure you’ve reviewed the POD/Activity from Wednesday and can do all those types of problems.