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Human Body
Major Systems
• The Circulatory System
• The Immune System
• The Digestive System
• The Respiratory System
• The Excretory System
• The Endocrine System
• The Musculoskeletal System
• The Nervous System
The human body, like the bodies of all
animals, is made up of systems.
Each system is made up of organs. The
organs are made up of tissues, and the
tissues are made up of cells.
The Human Body
• Body Structure
– Anatomists- scientists who study the body
• There are 300 muscles involved with every step
you take
– Scientists seek to understand the body
composition and structure
• We use physical and chemical laws to discover
how the body works
The Human Body
• Our Bodies Make-up:
– Body- network of systems
– Systems- Largest unit of study- groups of organs
performing similar tasks
– Organs- made up of similar tissues grouped together
– Tissues- made up of similar cells grouped together
– Cells- smallest unit of living things
– Looking at all these parts helps us see how our
bodies function as a whole
The Human Body
• All parts of the body
work together.
– The body functions as
a whole.
• Ex.- The heart pumps
blood rich in oxygen to
all parts of the body, the
oxygen comes from the
lungs where carbon
dioxide from the
working of the body is
breathed out and
oxygen is brought in.
The Human Body
• Systems:
– Highest level of organization.
– Defined as: a group of organs which function
together as a unit to perform a definite job for
the body.
• All systems work together and when one is not
working it affects others
• Each body system performs its own special job
The Circulatory System
The work of the
circulatory system is
to circulate blood
throughout the body.
Some organs in the
circulatory system are
the heart and the
The Circulatory System
• Cardiovascular System:
– All cells must have food, water, and oxygen and have
wastes removed!
• The cardiovascular system is the transport system for your
– Main Parts:
Heart- organ that pumps blood
Arteries- carry blood away from the heart
Capillaries- tiny connecting tissue (gets blood to cells)
Veins- collect blood from capillaries and return to heart
The Circulatory System
• Cardiovascular System:
– Oxygen, nutrients, and wastes are all
exchanged from blood to cells and cells to
• This takes place by diffusion
– Diffusion: The mixing of gas or liquid, molecules by
movement of molecules.
• Muscle system helps blood pump through the
The Circulatory System
• Heart
• Atrium- upper heart
• Ventricle- lower heart
– Pulmonary Circulation
• Pulmonary Circulation: the flow of blood between
the heart and the lungs
• Right side of heart pumps blood full of carbon
dioxide to lungs
• Left side of heart pumps oxygenated blood to body
The Circulatory System
• Heart
– Coronary Circulation:
• The flow of blood which serves the tissues of the
heart itself
– Systematic Circulation:
• The flow of blood between the heart and rest of the
The Circulatory System
• Blood:
– Blood Transports:
Oxygen from Respiratory System
Nutrients from Digestive System
Wastes from bodies cells
Hormones from Endocrine System
Micro-organism fighting antibodies from the lymphatic system
Blood Proteins
The Lymphatic System
• Blood:
– Circulatory system links all the systems of the body
• Lymphatic System:
– Function is to assist in circulating certain body fluids
and in protecting your body from disease
• Tissue Fluid- liquid that surrounds cells
• Lymph Capillaries- dirty fluid is forced into capillaries to leave
the body (fluid now is called lymph)
The Lymphatic System
• Lymphatic System (Immune System):
– The lymphatic system moves lymph similar to
how blood moves, but lymph does not
– Lymphatic system moves lymph with muscle
– Lymph is stopped from leaking back by valves
– These organs make up the immune system
The Immune System
• Immune system:
– Immune system- a special system of defense
that fights invading microorganisms
– Integumentary system- also helps immune
• Skin- protects from microrganisms
• Mucous- traps invaders in sticky fluid
• Hydrochloric Acid- eats invaders in stomach
The Respiratory System
Breathing air is
necessary for keeping
humans alive. The
work of the respiratory
system is to take in
fresh air and get rid of
stale air.
The Lungs
The Respiratory System
• Respiratory System:
– Function- exchange oxygen for carbon
• Nasal Cavity- (nose) where air is warmed,
moistened and filtered
– Mucous- catches foreign substances
• Pharynx- throat
• Larynx- voice box
• Trachea- windpipe
The Respiratory System
• Respiratory System:
– Bronchi- tubes that leads to the lungs
– Lungs- where air sacs are located and where
gas exchange takes place
– Diaphragm- breathing muscle (part or
respiratory and muscle system)
• Oxygen moves into lungs by diffusion
• Carbon Dioxide moves out by diffusion
The Digestive System
The human digestive
system is a series of organs
and glands that processes
In order to use the food you
eat, your body has to break
the food down into smaller
molecules that it can
process; it also has to get rid
of waste.
The Digestive System
• Digestive System (DS):
– Function of DS is to break down food so it can
be absorbed by your cardiovascular system
• Parts of DS
– Mouth- food is chewed and mixed with salvia
in your mouth
– Esophagus- long muscular tube that leads
from your mouth to your stomach
Systems to Organs
• Food Processors
– Small Intestine Parts:
• Duodenum- first 10 inch
• Jejunum- 4 ft in length
• Ileum- 5 ¼ feet long,
Peyer’s patches are
located here
• Villi- nutrients enter
through capilaries into
your blood stream
Small Intestine Close Up
The Digestive System
• Parts of the DS:
– Stomach- storage and mixing chamberdigestive juices break down food
– Small Intestines- this is where a majority of
the digestion and absorption process takes
– Liver- (largest internal organ of the body)blood rich in food is processed here
– Colon or Large Intestine- takes the rest of the
water and nutrients out of food
Systems to Organs
• Garbage Disposal
– Colon- 5 ft. long that takes out water, helps
fight pathogens
– Rectum- where food is eliminated from the
The Excretory System
• Excretory System:
– Function of ES- remove wastes from the body
• Organs of ES- lungs, liver, kidneys, sweat glands
– Urinary System- main system of excretion,
made of kidneys, ureters, bladder, urethra
• Function of US- remove liquid and soluable waste
products from the body
The Urinary System
The Excretory System
• Organs of US:
– Kidneys- bean shaped organ that filters
wasters from your blood
– Ureters- tubes that carry urine from kidneys to
– Bladder- storage area for urine
– Urethra- canal that urine passes through to
leave the body
The Integumentary System
The Integumentary Systems
• Integumentary System
– Function of IS: to cover and protect the body
• IS: contains nerves to send messages to brain
• IS: helps immune system by keeping invaders out
• IS: helps slow water loss in the body
– Parts of the IS:
• Epidermis- outer layer of skin
• Dermis- second layer of skin
• Hypodermis- layer of cells below the dermis
The Integumentary System
• Parts of the IS:
– Epidermis
• Has several cell layers
– Outermost cell layer- flat, dead cells
– Innermost layer- living cells
• Hard activity stimulate the growth of new cells
• Callus- thickened layer of epidermal tissue from
constant friction
The Integumentary System
• Parts of the IS:
– Dermis• Tough, fibrous structure
• Contains blood vessels, lymph vessels, sweat
glands, sebaceous glands, hair follicle, and some
– Hypodermis (Subcutaneous layer)• Insulating layer
– Contains fat and blood vessels
• Reduces heat loss from body or heat gain in the
The Muscular System
The work of the muscular
system is to help both the
inside and outside parts of
your body move smoothly.
Did you know there are
over 650 muscles in the
human body?
The Skeletal System
Another one of your body
systems is the skeletal
system. The skeleton is
the name given to the
collection of bones that
holds your body upright.
Functions of the Skeleton
Bones protect such vital organs
as the brain, the heart, and the
The skeleton allows us to move.
Bones manufacture blood cells
and store important minerals.
The Skeletal System
• Skeletal System:
– Function of SS: support and protect internal
• Made of 206 bones
– Parts of SS:
Ligaments- join bone to bone
Long Bones
Short Bones
Flat Bones
Irregular Bones
The Skeletal System
• Bones of the SS:
– Long Bones- humerus (upper arm) and femur
(thigh bone)- support weight of body and
– Short Bones- phalanges (fingers)- same as
long bones but smaller
– Flat Bones- ribs and cranium- protect vital
– Irregular Bone- vertabrae (backbone)- bones
that do not fit in other categories.
The Skeletal System
• Functions of SS:
– 1. Give support and shape to body
– 3. Protects vital organs
– 2. Provides attachments for muscle
• Works with the muscular system
– Houses bone marrow which makes the red
blood cells.
• Marrow- soft, fatty system of vessels found in the
porous center of a long bone
The Muscoskeletal System
• Muscular System:
– Function of MS: produce movement for your
• ½ bodies weight is muscle
• 650 muscles in the body
– Parts of the Muscular System
• Skeletal Muscles- (voluntary) you control
– Tendons: connect bone to muscle
– Involuntary Muscles- heart, digestive system, respiratory
The Endocrine System
The Endocrine Systems
• Endocrine System:
– Function of ES- to create chemicals called
• Hormones- chemical substances which control
growth, digestion, etc.
– Parts of ES:
• Gland- a structure that secretes some substance
(use ductless glands or endocrine glands)
– All substances have to travel through the blood stream
The Endocrine System
• Endocrine System:
– Exerts control on organs
• Causes organs to speed up or slow down
• Certain hormones only control certain organs
– Hormones help nervous system control body
The Reproductive System
• Reproductive System:
– Function of RS: to produce new living
– Main Organs:
• Ovaries- FEMALE- produce egg
– Egg- female reproductive cell
• Testes- MALE- produce sperm
– Sperm- male reproductive cell
– Endocrine system (hormones) create
differences in men and woman
The Nervous System
The work of the nervous
system is to be the boss of
the rest of the body! Your
brain tells each of the other
systems what to do.
Your thinking and emotions
take place in the brain, as
The Nervous System
Some important parts of the nervous
system are the brain and spinal cord.
Five parts of your brain are:
▪ cerebrum (suh-ree-brum)
▪ cerebellum (sair-uh-beh-lum)
▪ brain stem
▪ pituitary gland (puh-too-uh-ter-ee gland)
▪ hypothalamus (hi-po-tha-luh-muss)
The Nervous System
• Nervous System:
– Function of NS: coordinate the activities of
your body- control body functions
• Central Nervous System- consists of brain and
spinal cord
• Peripheral Nervous System- composed of nerves
and nerve tissue called ganglia
• Impulses- electrochemical messages
– Impulses travel from brain throughout the body
The Body Systems
Remember, the human body is made
up of systems. Each system is
made up of organs. The organs are
made up of tissues, and the tissues
are made up of cells.
When all the systems of the
body work together, we enjoy
good health.