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A is for Abundance:
Abundance is the source virtue. It is the ideal state that is
the origin of all other states. Abundance is a face of the
Octahedron of the Good that is framed by three vertices:
Creativity, Strength, and Sacredness. It is also framed by
the edges generated between these vertices.
Novelty bridges Creativity and Strength. Inspiration
(Hope) bridges Strength and Sacredness. Glory bridges
Creativity and Sacredness.
Peace is the opposite of Abundance, Love of Creativity,
Adventure of Sacredness, and Accuracy of Strength.
Satisfaction is the opposite of Glory, Justice of Novelty,
Observation of Inspiration.
Abundance, Virtue, Interest, and Faith are discontent.
Peace, Joy, Wisdom, and Harmony, their opposites, are
content with what they have. Unlike Interest, and Faith,
Abundance, Wisdom, Harmony, and Virtue are values
rather than feelings. Interest, Faith, Joy, and Peace are
emotional states. Abundance and Interest, like Wisdom
and Joy, are open. Harmony, Faith, Peace, and Virtue seek
closure. Wisdom, Interest, Virtue, and Peace do their own
thing. Faith, Joy, Harmony, and Abundance spread it to
Creativity and Love, Adventure and Sacredness, Accuracy
and Strength are the three basic polarities of this system.
They define the six faces of a cube, edges of a tetrahedron.
B is for Belief:
Another system is the octahedron defined by the following
polarities: Habit to Volition (Closed to Open), Thought to
Belief (Analysis to Synthesis), Value to Emotion (Ideal to
Expression), and Imagination to Sensation (Source to
Product). This system is framed by three polarities:
Interpretation to Communication (Private to Public),
Worship to Proof (Whole to Part), and Rule to Power
(Fixed to Flux).
Both systems, described in A and B above, involve the
subjective as well as the objective. Thought, Sensation,
etc., are features of the reaction of local consciousness to
the larger environment. Emotion and Volition are action
centered. Emotions are dispositions to act. Volition,
choice, involves the control of actions.
Habit and instinct are the opposite of Volition. They
represent actions that are “locked in” rather than open.
Values and virtues are the opposite of emotions. They
represent ideals and standards rather than dispositions to
act. Joy is the state associated with conformity between
values and outcomes. It is an energized state of
Imagination deals with the possible and Sensations with the
actual. Thoughts separate and Beliefs integrate.
Imagination generates possible states that can be selected
for, and favorable dispositions developed. When integrated
with other imaginations, creates a belief, a mythology.
C is for Communication:
Humans communicate through language. Language
describes the world of objects, of sensations. It also
describes the values of objects sources of the satisfaction of
human needs. Economics studies that exchange value of
these objects. Morality studies values as they relate to
humans as the creators of the language in which values are
As Julius Kovesi points out (Moral Notions), moral notions
relate to the special status of humans as the creators of the
language that describes values, as the objects for which
value describing language exists. Morality has to do with
the special status of human beings in any value system.
Spiritual has to do with values that are infinite rather than
finite, with anything infinitely precious. A materialistic
civilization focuses on finite profit and Gross National
Product. It has no infinite values. The opposite is a
civilization like that of medieval Europe in which the
infinitely precious displaced most utilitarian concerns.
Logic assigns values relating to the need for orderly and
accurate processing of rational information from
sensations. Aesthetics assigns values relating to the need
for satisfaction and enjoyment from the symmetrical and
asymmetrical patterns of sensations. Sensation processing
is centered in the posterior portion of the cerebrum. Value
processing is centered in the anterior (frontal lobes), logic
in the left hemisphere and aesthetics in the right.
D is for Dimension:
The Form of the Good extends into an infinity of
dimensions. The most important dimensions in the Form of
the Good are the lower dimensions. The two dimensional
field that differentiates the transcendent from the manifest
and the individual from the collective is the most important
field with in the Form. The one dimensional gradient
between the fixed and the fluid is the most important
gradient within the Form. Together this gradient and the
gradients of the field complete the three dimensions of the
Tetrahedron, Octahedron, Cube, Pyramid of the Good.
The three dimensional form breaks open into four
dimensions and five and so on to infinity. As it does this,
the fields and gradients are opened out and develop systems
that emerge from lower to higher levels of organization:
photon, particle, atom, molecule, cell, organism, tribe, city,
etc. Subjective time moves against objective time as
infinitesimal subjectivity emerges into finite objectivity and
collective objectivity is submerged into the boundless
subjectivity that is the ground of all things.
The infinitesimal soul develops a single endlessly long
thread of time that shatters into fragments as it enters the
finite world. These fragments form two dimensional wave
fronts that merge into the three dimensions of local space
and the four dimensions of relativistic space time. This
public world is generated by the collective convergence of
the separate time threads of participating subjective entities
as they select a universe out of the infinitely dimensional.
E is for Emergence:
What emerges in public space is the product of the
interaction, the convergence of two separate time
developments. Private time emerges from the infinite
through the infinitesimal and converges on specific
alternatives within the infinite possibilities of quantum
potential. It converges with two dimensional wave space of
light and electromagnetic radiation and the resulting three
dimensional space of the local finite and the four
dimensional space time of cosmic relativity.
Public time emerges as an infinitesimal locus within
infinitely dimensional hyperspace, as a black hole
singularity within some local universe belonging to some
large aspect of the infinite hyperspace system. This
singularity emerges through a big bang process as a white
hole generating a new sequence of cosmic space-time.
This thread of cosmic time quickly spreads out through two
dimensional electromagnetic radiation into three
dimensional space. This space expands into a relativistic
four dimensional space-time that quickly develops the five,
six, seven, eight, and higher dimensions associated with
atomic and quantum potentials and the complex
implications of string theory interactions.
The zero dimension of the singularity of the cosmos has
generated the one dimension of cosmic time and the two
dimensions of electromagnetic radiation and finally the
three dimensions of cosmic space.
F is for Form:
The developing cosmic space quickly gels into relativistic
space-time and multidimensional string theory space. As it
does this, it generates the rolled-up dimensions that
characterize particles. As a result of the formation of
particles and string theory space, matter begins to emerge
from energy, generating the hydrogen and helium that will
coalesce under the influence of gravity to form stars and
Public form is the product of the interaction of public and
private time. The cosmic singularity and the singularity of
the infinitesimal soul both weave the boundless into the
finite through threads of time. An infinity of souls
generates an infinity of time threads. Multitudes of these,
interacting with alternative quantum possibilities, converge
on the space-time complexes of the public universe. Public
and private time converge to generate a manifest objective
world with subjective aspects.
To a certain extent, public and private time are at war and
the emergent world is formed by this endless conflict. It is
churned up into a froth by the convergence of their wave
fronts. Private time awakens, it is individualistic,
capitalistic. Public time generates the collective
unconscious. It is collectivist, communist, deterministic,
the spinner of fate. It rules the future of those souls with
time threads that have died, that have lost contact with the
finite. Reattachment to the world can only come according
to its rules. Souls that wish rebirth must submit to its law.
G is for Government:
The astrological order governs the public world. All
objective entities are available for attachment of subjective
entities. There are subjective entities attached to the
planets that are associated with emotional states equivalent
to the motion and placement of the planets.
Uranus has a axis turned on its side. The axis of Venus and
Jupiter are practically vertical. Mars, Saturn, and Neptune
are tilted. Uranus is the eccentric planet. Mars, Saturn, and
Neptune tilt things and cause misfortune. Venus and
Jupiter are associated with stability and fortune.
Jupiter, Venus, and Neptune have very circular orbits.
Saturn is less circular than Jupiter, Mars is even more
irregular, and Pluto is very elliptical. Jupiter and Venus are
planets associated with harmony. Neptune can bring
spiritual harmony, but on a tilt. Saturn causes misfortune
(disharmony), Mars brings strife, and Pluto brings
Planets in opposition can generate conflict. A square is
formed from oppositions in opposition. It heightens
conflict. Trines consolidate and generate harmony. These
relationships govern the order associated with the birth, the
beginning of anything as a separate entity. The govern the
public time to which the soul agrees when it attaches its
private time to the public world. The astrological order
governs the deep elements of the public world. Only
radical changes, relocations can alter it.
H is for Harmony:
The opposite of Harmony is Interest. Harmony is the face
of the Octahedron of the Good framed by the vertices:
Sacredness, Accuracy, and Love. Interest is framed by
their opposites: Adventure, Strength, and Creativity.
Harmony has three edges: Beauty, between Accuracy and
Sacredness; Fidelity, between Sacredness and Love; and
Justice, between Accuracy and Love. The edges of Interest
are their opposites: Enthusiasm, between Strength and
Adventure; Awareness, between Adventure and Creativity;
and Novelty, between Strength and Creativity.
The Form of the Good is the mathematical harmony that
reaches into the boundless and attempts to govern it, to
change it from hell to heaven. The Form of the Good is
endlessly at war with the chaos of the boundless and the
boundless is endlessly at war with the restrictions imposed
by the Form of the Good. The resulting Tao (Way of the
Good) is a harmony generated from the interacting Yang
(boundless) and Yin (Form of the Good) of their conflict.
Harmony attempts to close and interest attempts to open.
Harmony seeks government and interest seeks freedom.
Like Peace, Harmony is content with less. Like
Abundance, Interest seeks more. Like Faith, Harmony
brings together. Like Wisdom, Interest separates.
Harmony surrenders desire. Harmony obeys. Interest
increases desire. Interest rebels. Harmony is a socialist
and Interest is a capitalist. Both are needed for balance.
I is for Inspiration:
Inspiration sits in the place also occupied by possibilities
and hope. It is a place of mythology and dreams. It is the
ground of all things. Observation is the opposite of
Inspiration. Observation gives hope concrete form.
Inspiration lies between Sacredness and Strength. It
separates Faith from Abundance. Faith is the opposite of
Wisdom. Faith is surrounded by Sacredness, Love, and
Strength. Wisdom is surrounded by their opposites,
Adventure, Creativity, and Accuracy. Faith has three
edges: Inspiration, between Sacredness and Strength;
Fidelity, between Sacredness and Love; and Affection,
between Love and Strength.
Wisdom has three edges: Observation, between Adventure
and Accuracy; Awareness, between Adventure and
Creativity; and Knowledge, between Creativity and
Faith pulls together and Wisdom isolates. Wisdom is left
hemisphere and Faith is right. Wisdom generates
individual mind. Faith is the public trance generated by the
Collective Unconscious. Faith is the compact agreed to by
all the individual centers of consciousness. Faith is the
collective selection of the public drama out of the
alternative universes of the boundless seas of possible
dramas. Faith generates the local astrology and Wisdom
generates the birth and death of souls within that astrology.
The Buddhas, truly wise, alone are truly free, truly saved.
J is for Jupiter:
Jupiter is the largest of all the planets. Its axis is straight up
and down and its orbit is very symmetrical. Saturn is
slightly smaller, further out into the darkness. The orbit of
Saturn is more eccentric and its axis is more tilted. Jupiter
is associated with expansion and fortune. Saturn is
associated with tilt and distortion and suppression, with
things shrinking and going wrong.
Uranus is further out and completely on its side. It is the
eccentric of the planets. Neptune is even further out.
Although it is tilted, it has a very circular orbit. Neptune is
the deceiver. It stands for things that look good, but are
tilted. It stands for the deceptions in material things and the
higher harmony of worlds beyond.
Pluto is the furthest out, the smallest, the most erratic. It
stands for unconscious energy, revolution, reproduction,
the death and destruction of the solar light.
Venus is on the side of the Earth toward the light of the
Sun. Mars is on the side toward the dark. Venus has little
tilt and a circular orbit. Mars is tilted and has an eccentric
orbit. Mars is associated with strife and misfortune. Venus
is associated with harmony and fortune. Mercury, the tiny
planet between the Sun and the other planets, is associated
with communication and the exchange of energy.
The Sun is the center, the administrator. The Moon is the
emotional reflection, the tidal, the moody unconscious.
K is for Kismet:
If the sky is divided into circle based on the path the
Sun and planets appear to take, it is possible to divide up
the sky based on the point ascending over the horizon, or
the point where the Sun is when spring begins. These
circles can be divided up by cutting them in half to
symbolize an opposition and then into quarters by an
invisible square. They rule the Kismet (fate) of the zodiac.
If an invisible triangle is projected on this circle, it will
carve off a twelfth part. Using this approach, the circle of
the ascending Sun can be divided into 12 houses and the
circle of the seasons into 12 sectors. Taking the sectors
where the Sun is in mid-summer, it is possible to set up two
sequences of planets to rule this Kismet.
One sequence of planets will move forward as follows: Sun
in seasonal Leo, Mercury in seasonal Virgo, Venus in
Libra, Mars in Scorpio, Jupiter in Sagittarius, Saturn in
Capricorn, Uranus in Aquarius, Neptune in Pluto. This
sequence takes up 8 of the 12 seasonal sectors (solar signs).
The first four sectors are taken up by a counter sequence
moving backward against the solar one: Moon in Cancer,
Mercury in Gemini, Venus in Taurus, Mars in Aries.
The sequence goes underground and shows only a minor
secondary influence as lunar Jupiter in Pisces, lunar Saturn
in Aquarius, lunar Uranus in Capricorn, lunar Jupiter in
Sagittarius, only to break out with a vengeance as lunar
Pluto in Scorpio. Some say this Pluto rules this solar sign.
L is for Lunar:
Astrology is not understood because it is treated as a series
of simple relationships of an objective type. Astrology is
the result of the interaction of private and public time. The
private time aspect is personal and unique to each
participating subjective entity. That is why astrology can
never be a science. Each subjectivity radically reinterprets
all being and generates its own unique theology and
There is a unique astrological system for each soul. There
is a unique cosmology for each soul. Astrology can not be
scientific because its core is neither public nor repeatable.
It is, at its root, radically private and radically unrepeatable.
The repeatable elements of astrology are not the important
elements of astrology. Those which are public and
repeatable are by definition shallow and trivial.
The relationship of the solar and the lunar is a good
example of this truth. Solar and lunar influences operate in
radically different ways in radically different
circumstances. No influences are subject to such variations
as the influences of the Nodes of the Moon.
The West tends to ignore these features of the lunar orbit
because of the radical variance in their effect. The West
desperately wants astrology to either go away or become a
science. The East desires to keep it as a part of the Dharma
that is a central piece of the approach of the East to
theology and metaphysics.
M is for Metaphysics:
The larger metaphysics is a result of the mathematics of the
Form of the Good stimulating the subjective to generate the
singularities of the infinitesimal and the singularities of the
infinite, creating the arrows of private and public time. The
intersection of these arrows creates the astrological
complex from which local cosmology and local physics
Only local physics can be scientifically known because
only local physics is public and repeatable. All other things
are known by extension of the Form of the Good or from
personal report and public mythology. The character of
this knowledge is radically different from scientific
knowledge and should not be confused with scientific
Scientific knowledge is accurate but shallow.
Metaphysical, mythological, and theological knowledge is
inaccurate but deep. It seems to be a rule of existence that
the more important the knowledge, the less certain. The
less important the knowledge, the more certain. It is like
trying to determine the speed and position of an electron.
To have one is to give up the other.
The knowledge provided by the Form of the Good is the
least specific of all knowledge. No knowledge has less
local certainty and more global relevance. The Form of the
Good sacrifices factual certainty for deep meaning. No
form of knowledge has more importance.
N is for Neoplatonic:
These Neoplatonic notions lie behind the principles of
systems theory. Systems operate because of feed back
from the environment into some set point on some
thermostat like monitor that connects to some correcting
mechanism that maintains environmental stability.
There need to be provisions for mutations in the code that
maintains the set point and for some kind of natural
selection for codes that fit the local thermodynamic
conditions. There need to be provisions for some kind of
recombination and reproduction of the code, some way of
isolating variant types to generate new species.
The set point is the Platonic Form and the ultimate set point
is the Form of the Good. The feedback system works at the
mathematical level and the system homeostasis at the level
of the object that reflects the Form (physical property that
reflects the set point). The allegory of the cave is a
metaphor for the changes, the mutations that need to occur
to liberate the Forms from their bondage to shadows. To
eliminate maladaptive codes (genes).
The set point is a shadow of previous set points (genes). It
struggles to get free (natural selection) and be exposed to
the Sun (endless possible mutations). Now it can carry this
message to others (reproduction, recombination).
The set point is equivalent to Value or Virtue in the
O is for Octahedron:
The first version of this octahedron, that consolidated
neoplatonic and systems theory notions, was developed
around the idea of the set point of systems theory being
equivalent to the idea of value or virtue in moral systems.
The input of information to compare with the set point was
linked to the Wisdom and Thought in the octahedron of
The environment that supplied the input was Sensation or
Peace in the octahedrons of virtue and value. The negative
feedback that maintained the homeostasis was Harmony or
Habit. This constituted the basic system cycle established
about the Rule or Accuracy pole of the octahedrons of
value and virtue.
But, a second cycle was implied. The cycle of evolution of
out of control systems. Positive, out of control feedback
was identified to the Faith or Belief face of the octahedrons
of value and virtue. Decay of systems as a result of out of
control feedback was identified to the probability or
expression face, and natural selection of decayed systems
to the open face. Mutations as alternatives were identified
to the Imagination and Abundance faces.
This new cycle, the evolution cycle moved around the
Strength, Power, or flux pole of the octahedron. As a result
we had four stages. Decay, natural selection, mutant
possibility, and recombination of selected set points
resulting in positive feedback.
P is for Positive Feedback:
The resulting octahedron covered all aspect of existence.
The set point or ideal face was the opposite of the decay or
expression face. The open or natural selection face was the
opposite of the feedback mechanism or closure face. The
environment or result face was the opposite of the mutation
or source face. The analysis or input face was the opposite
of the synthesis or recombination face.
Negative feedback generated homeostasis and maintained a
stable environment. Positive feedback altered the
homeostasis generating decay and extinction. This opened
the environment to new possibilities and the possibility of
the emergence of alternative forms.
The old platonic notion of the Form of the Good was the set
point. The mathematics of the forms was the input and
feedback mechanisms. The object that resulted was a
homeostatic environment. The shadows it cast were the
various aspects of the decay cycle including positive
feedback and potential natural selection for a new set point,
a new Form of the Good.
We had succeeded in translating only fashioned
neoplatonic notions into modern systems theory, in
integrating Platonic metaphysics and evolution.
We had a Form of the Good that worked for both the
natural and the supernatural. This integrated conception
became the basis for the development of the octahedron
templates that we are currently using.
Q is for Quarters:
The human brain can be divided into four higher divisions.
Fact oriented left hemisphere and holistic right hemisphere.
Both can be divided into action based frontal areas and
sensation based posterior areas. The frontal areas are
places where the brain establishes its higher-level set
points. The posterior areas are concerned with the input of
data from the environment. The left hemisphere is
concerned with the analysis of that data and the right
hemisphere with its integration into a larger picture.
Astrology uses the ancient notion of the four substances:
air, earth, water, and fire. A tetrahedron imposed on the
octahedron of value would come up with four faces: Value,
Sensation, Belief, and Volition. Value is equivalent to air
in astrology. Earth is equivalent to sensation. Belief is
equivalent to water. Fire is equivalent to volition.
Air is the abstract ideal. Earth is the natural product.
Water is mythical synthesis. Fire is revolutionary
openness. Air leads to knowledge. Earth leads to
observation. Water leads to emotional involvement. Fire
leads to action.
Air can also lead to pursuit of perfection. Earth can lead to
stability. Water can lead to mythology. Fire can lead to
novelty. Seasonal Aries is a fire sign, Taurus is earth,
Gemini is air, Cancer is water. The tetrahedral aspect of
the Form of the Good is the source of the polarity of the
seasonal divisions of the Zodiac.
R is for Result:
The tetrahedron of Air, Earth, Fire, and Water is nothing
more than our old friend, the Platonic divided line
emerging in a new form. Air is the set point, the ideal, the
Form of the Good. Earth is the result, the product, the
homeostatic object that reflects the system and set point
that maintain it.
Water is the collective shadow reflected by this system,
including its positive, its out of control effects. Fire is the
breakdown of this system and its regeneration.
Aristotle recast these four as the “Four Causes:” purpose
(air), form (earth), medium (water), and action (fire).
They also reappear as the four humors: air = sanguine,
earth=melancholy, water=phlegmatic, fire=choleric.
The left hemisphere of the brain tends to be positive and
the right tends to be negative (sanguine vs. melancholy).
The frontal lobes are action oriented while the posterior
cerebrum is the passive receiver of sensation (choleric vs.
There is a hidden tetrahedron that represents the polar
opposite of the air to earth tetrahedron. The opposite of
idealistic air would be thermodynamic decay. The opposite
of practical earth would be imagination and the boundless.
The opposite of the synthesis of water would be analysis
and thought. The opposite of the breakdown by fire would
the order and homeostatic mechanism.
S is for Source:
Imagination and the boundless are the source for the energy
and the mutant patterns that decay in the ordinary world of
entropy and probability. Analysis provides the input that
maintains the homeostasis of existing systems and
mechanistic order provides the governing output. This
Source, Probability, Analysis, Order tetrahedron is the
mirror image of the Air, Earth, Fire, Water tetrahedron.
The mutant Source is acted on by natural selection from
Fire and recombination from Water to generate new
expressions in the world of entropy, in the realm of the
Probable. The result is new set points in the realm of Air
that are guided by input from Analysis and use output from
Order to maintain the homeostasis of Earth.
The four faces of the tetrahedron of Air, Earth, Fire, and
Water are complemented by their opposites in the four
vertices of the tetrahedron: Air to Probable, Earth to
Source, Water to Analysis, Fire to Order. These eight form
the eight faces of an octahedron: Ideal (Air), Probable,
Product (Earth), Source, Synthesis (Water), Analysis,
Freedom (Fire), and Order. The vertices of this octahedron
are formed from the three basis polarities: Private to Public,
Whole to Part, Fixed to Flux.
This is the Octahedron of the Form of the Good. Its Air,
Earth, Fire, Water faces define three sets of four within the
twelve sections of the sky that generate the seasonal zodiac.
Thus, astrology is a manifestation of the Form in action.
T is for Tetrahedron:
The trine relationship is a result of the projection of the
three dimensions of the tetrahedron into the two dimensions
of the orbits of the planets about the Sun. The sextile is
generated when the vertices and edges of a face of the
tetrahedron are projected into an orbit.
The square is a two dimensional portion of an octahedron
and the opposition of a cube. The square is able to capture
only one eighth and the cube only one sixth of the energy
of the Form of the Good.
The trine is a favorable relationship because it captures one
fourth of the Form of the Good. The square is less
favorable because it captures only one eighth. The sextile
is simply an alternate (and slightly less stable) form of the
trine. The opposition is intermediate between the sextile
and the square, with aspects of both. Its character becomes
favorable under the influence of Venus or Jupiter and
unfavorable under the influence of Mars or Saturn.
The Form of the Good is an ideal pattern that is an eternal
mathematical potential of existence. It is the basis of the
systems order that maintains homeostasis and generates
organic evolution. It is also the basis for the evolving
astrological order of the cosmos that governs the
relationship of the visible objective order and the invisible
subjective order. It governs the system of transmigration of
souls that underlies the visible world. This deeper structure
is known as “Dharma” in the East.
U is for Uranus:
These truths were gradually made apparent as I studied my
own natal chart. Uranus is prominent in that chart. It sits
near my midheaven in a grand trine with Neptune and
Mars. Neptune is conjunct Venus, Moon, and Sun. It is
not surprising that I have an eccentric personality. It is not
surprising that I am interested in astrology and science with
that kind of natal pattern.
I have been unable to deny the validity of either astrology
or materialistic science. The religious beliefs of my family
were of the New Thought variety. Study of New Thought
made me gradually aware that it was basically Christianity
stripped bare to its ancient Neoplatonic core. When I was
thirteen, I read a lot of Plato. I became obsessed with
working out a modern form of the ancient Platonic
metaphysics. What you see in these pages is the result.
Uranus is a planet at the edges of the solar system.
Neptune is even further out. Uranus has it axis turned upon
its side. It is associated with independence and eccentric
notions. Neptune is associated with the spiritual because of
its position at the edge of the Solar System and its nearly
perfect circular orbit.
A trine between these two far out planets is likely to attract
far out ideas. Metaphysics and astrology are the kind of
things it would attract. Uranus loves new kinds of science.
It would inspire far out experiments with strange variants
of systems theory. You can see its influence on my ideas.
V is for Vertex:
The seasonal signs are the result of combining the four
faces of the Fire, Earth, Air, Water tetrahedron with the
cardinal, fixed, mutable trinity. The order that the faces of
the Fire, Earth, Air, Water tetrahedron appear in conforms
to a cycle of the corresponding octahedron that follows the
sequence of Aristotle’s four causes: motion, shape,
purpose, and ground. This cycle runs through the poles of
the octahedron associated with flux, part, fixed, whole, and
flux again.
A second cycle runs from flux through self, fixed, social,
flux. This second cycle is the source of the cardinal, fixed,
mutable sequence. It can be traced along the edges of the
Octahedron of the Good, running from vertex to vertex.
The social pole of this sequence is missed because the
zodiac is the social pole. The zodiac is the entrance of the
Form of the Good into the public world. The controlling
aspect of this entrance is the self, or cardinal pole, and the
oscillation of its creativity between the fixed and flux
The product of this oscillation between vertices of the
octahedron, when combined with the cycle of the faces of
the tetrahedron, generates the 12 sections of the orbit of the
planet around the Sun that create the Zodiac of the seasons.
There are three segments ruled by Air in the Zodiac circle.
Gemini is mutable Air, Libra is cardinal Air, and Aquarius
is fixed Air. Gemini is Air ruled by Mercury and tends
toward knowledge. Libra is Venus and tends to beauty.
W is for Water:
There are three water signs. Cancer is cardinal water.
Scorpio is fixed water. Pisces is mutable water. The Moon
rules Cancer and brings out its nurturing tendencies. Pluto
rules Scorpio and brings out its hidden mythology.
Neptune rules Pisces and extends this mythology into the
realm of music and dreams.
There are also three fire signs. Aries is cardinal fire. Leo
is fixed fire. Sagittarius is mutable fire. Mars rules Aries
and generates struggle and initiative. The Sun rules Leo
and generates individuality and self-assertion, it provides
the vital energy of life. Jupiter rules Sagittarius and takes
forward action. Jupiter opens up and expands the point of
There are three earth signs. Taurus is fixed earth. Virgo is
mutable earth. Capricorn is cardinal earth. Venus rules
Taurus and emphasizes material satisfaction. Mercury
rules Virgo and emphasizes material exchange and
observation. Saturn rules Capricorn and emphasizes
hardship and struggle.
Aquarius is the third air sign. It is ruled by Uranus.
Uranus emphasizes creativity and independent thought.
The houses divide up the circle of the ascending signs.
Signs ascending over the horizon at the time of birth. The
houses are divided by the tetrahedron of opposites to the
fire tetrahedron.
X is for X House:
If an imaginary axis were drawn through fire tetrahedron
that dominates the zodiac, its opposite would be the
analysis tetrahedron that dominates the houses. The 12
segments of the houses follow a sequence of Analysis,
Order, Probability, Source imposed on the three gunas:
Sattva (spirit), Tamas (matter), Rajas (action).
The Analysis houses are the: First (I), Fifth (V), and Ninth
(IX). The First is Analysis and Sattva Guna; it focuses on
the person and their inner soul. The Fifth is Analysis and
the Tamas Guna. It focuses on the material objects, the
projects that bring out the creativity of the soul. The Ninth
is Analysis and the Rajas Guna. It focuses on the activity
of thought.
The Order houses are the Second (II), Sixth (VI), and Tenth
(V). The Second is Order and Tamas; it is the order of
material possessions. The Sixth is Order and Rajas; it is the
order of physiology, health, and service. The Tenth is the
Order of Sattva, of personal occupation and creativity.
The Probability houses are the Third (III), Seventh (VII),
and the Eleventh (XI). The Third is Probability and Rajas;
it is the activities of daily life. The Seventh is Probability
and Sattva; it is personal relationships, partnership,
marriage. The Eleventh is Probability and Tamas; it is the
friendship and sociability aspect of the material.
The Source houses are the Fourth, Eighth, and Twelfth.
Y is for Yoga:
The Source houses are the Fourth (IV), Eighth (VIII), and
Twelfth (XII). The Fourth house is Source and Sattva, its
is the house of the family. The Eighth house is Source and
Tamas, it is the house of inheritance. The Twelfth house is
Source and Rajas, it is the house of karma, of rituals, of
secret practices.
The Twelfth house involves what needs to be done to
overcome karma from past lives. The Twelfth house rules
practices like Yoga that are done in order to obtain
liberation from past lives. The First house is the house of
birth and individual consciousness. The Twelfth house is
the house of Yoga, of meditation, of release from bondage
to the individual consciousness.
The houses follow the sequence of input, homeostasis,
development, and recycle. The Analysis houses, I,V,IX,
are knowledge houses. The Order houses, II,VI, and X are
homeostasis and material effect houses, the Probability
houses, III, VII, and XI are development and involvement
houses. The Source houses, IV, VIII, and XII are houses of
novelty and rebirth.
A second sequence appears to be present in the order of the
Houses. The Analysis houses appear to be personal houses
and the Probability houses appear to be collective houses,
the Order houses appear to be manifest houses, and the
Source houses appear to be transcendent houses. The
Analysis houses are about the individual.
Z is for Zodiac:
The houses and the zodiac appear to be developments of
the Form of the Good as it is manifest in the systems of the
local cosmos. The origin of both the soul and the cosmos
lie within the Form of the Good. It is not possible to
understand the metaphysics behind the visible universe
without studying the Form of the Good as the master plan
of the invisible ground that is the source of the visible.
It is not possible for both materialistic science and
transcendental astrology to be true without some deeper
structure to create them. The scientific astrology the West
is attempting to generate is an illusion, a dream. It has no
reality. The attempt of Western astrologers, the hope of
Western astrologers in elevating astrology to a science is
nonsense and foolishness. It only subjects astrology to
further ridicule. Any student with a bit of intelligence can
see that it is a delusion produced by second-class minds.
The attempt to deny the value of astrology as a guide to the
future of the soul is equally foolish. It is the work of
people of prejudice. It is the work of small minds that are
closed to any larger view. Astrology is a piece of the larger
cake. It is a slice of something that is true in a deeper
sense. Both astrology and science are cuts made into the
endless. It is the Neoplatonic framework, it is the systems
theory Form of the Good that provides the deep structure
that gives the universe both atoms and souls, both cosmic
structure and astrological pattern, both stars and zodiacs.
It generates the mathematics of science and seasonal signs.