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How Astrology Works - Planets, Signs and Houses
Planets are analogous to the “Spirit/Wisdom” (Sattwa) form of life and the creators of
everything. They are called “karakas” or producers of things on the Universal level. As a
karaka, the planets show the common experience we all have with that thing.
Meaning, Venus is the karaka of relationships. We all share the Venus experience in
Zodiac Signs show how the planets feel to us (Rajasic). They create an emotional
environment. The Signs are the only part of the Zodiac that is fixed in place. Meaning
the Signs do not move. Planets move and houses change based on where the ascendant
is. But the Signs are fixed.
Astrology Houses show the forms (Tamas) each unique person will experience in
their life. The astrology signs become houses once we have a birth time / ascendant.
The houses show the unique relationship each of us has with partners and career, etc.
Because, for example, a Leo person has Saturn ruling her partners (Aquarius is 7th
house), and Saturn also rules the 6th house from Leo.
This matrix is totally unique for each of the 12 Ascending Signs.
Dasas, Timing, Static and Dynamic Factors
Vedic astrology has many timing mechanisms in place to assess when things will
happen. If you are well studied you can also know WHY those things happen / wha the
lesson is.
The static “birth chart” factors are then measured in coordination with the dynamic
factors to predict events and their deeper meaning.