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Anatomy Terms
Abdominals-The group of muscles on the front side of the upper body. Doing “crunches” can help strengthen them.
Achilles Tendon-Tendon on the back of the leg that connects the calf muscle to the heel.
Biceps-Large muscle on the upper front of the arm that helps to bend the arm.
Carpal- A group of 8 small bones in the hand (I use my carpals to drive my car).
Cartilage-Tissue found in joints to provide cushion between bones.
Clavicle-The set of bones on the front side of your body commonly called the “collar bones”.
Deltoid-The large muscle on top of the shoulder joint, used to raise the arm.
Femur-The longest, strongest bone in the body. Located in the upper portion of your leg.
Fibula-Smaller of the 2 bones in your lower leg. Located on the outside portion of the lower leg.
Gastrocnemius-Muscle located on the backside of your lower leg. Also known as the “calf muscle”.
Gluteals-The muscles of the buttocks.
Hamstring-The muscle group on the backside of your upper leg. Works to bend the knee joint.
Humerus-The long bone in your upper arm. The connecting joint is often referred to as your “funny bone”.
Ligament-A band of strong tissues that connect bone to bone.
Mandible-The moveable lower jaw bone, holds teeth.
Maxilla-The immovable upper jaw bone, part of the skull, also holds teeth.
Obliques-A set of muscles that run along the side of the trunk to help twist the body.
Patella-Small, round bone on the front of the knee joint. Also called the “kneecap”.
Pectorals-The muscles of the chest.
Pelvis-The large bowl shaped bones at the base of the spine. It holds and protects organs, and connects to the legs.
Phalanges-The group of bones that make up the fingers and toes.
Quadriceps-The large 4 part muscle group on the front of the upper leg (thigh). Works to extend/straighten the knee.
Radius-The bone on the thumb side of the lower arm
Ribs-The 12 pair of bones that form a “cage” to protect the heart and lungs.
Skull-The “head” of the human body, Protects the brain.
Sternocleidomastoid-A pair of long muscles that run along the side of the neck to help move the head.
Tarsals-Group of small bones in the foot (I use my tarsals to walk).
Tendon-Strong band of tissues that connect muscle to bone.
Tibia-Larger of the 2 bones in your lower leg. Also known as your “shin bone”.
Trapezius-2 large triangular muscles on the back that help to move the head and shoulders.
Triceps-The muscle group on the back side of the upper arm, helps to extend the arm.
Ulna-The bone on the pinky side of the lower arm.
Vertebra-A series of small bones that form a protective cover for the spinal cord.