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Chapter 3- Matter and Energy Properties • Characteristics of the substance under observation • Properties can be either ¬ directly observable or ¬ the manner something interacts with other substances in the universe Universe Classified • Matter is the part of the universe that has mass and volume • Energy is the part of the universe that has the ability to do work • Chemistry is the study of matter – The properties of different types of matter – The way matter behaves when influenced by other matter and/or energy Properties of Matter • Physical Properties are the characteristics of matter that can be changed without changing its composition – Characteristics that are directly observable • Chemical Properties are the characteristics that determine how the composition of matter changes as a result of contact with other matter or the influence of energy • Characteristics that describe the behavior of matter States of Matter State Super Cooled Solid Solid Liquid Gas Plasma Shape Keeps Shape Keeps Shape Takes Shape of Container Takes Shape of Container Takes Shape of Container Volume Keeps Volume Keeps Volume Keeps Volume Compress NO NO NO Flow NO NO YES Takes Volume of Container Takes Volume of Container YES YES YES YES Changes in Matter • Physical Changes are changes to matter that do not result in a change the fundamental components that make that substance – State Changes – boiling, melting, condensing • Chemical Changes involve a change in the fundamental components of the substance – Produce a new substance – Chemical reaction – Reactants Products Elements and Compounds • Substances which can not be broken down into simpler substances by chemical reactions are called elements • Most substances are chemical combinations of elements. These are called compounds. – Compounds are made of elements – Compounds can be broken down into elements – Properties of the compound not related to the properties of the elements that compose it – Same chemical composition at all times Classification of Matter Pure Substances vs. Mixtures • Pure Substances – All samples have the same physical and chemical properties – Constant Composition all samples have the same composition – Homogeneous – Separate into components based on chemical properties • Mixtures – Different samples may show different properties – Variable composition – Homogeneous or Heterogeneous – Separate into components based on physical properties • All mixtures are made of pure substances Mixture- a sample of matter containing two or more substances not chemically combined. (air, saltwater) • Homogeneous mixture- the components of the mixture are evenly distributed. (seawater) – Also known as a solution- a substance (solute) dissolved in a solution (solvent). • Heterogeneous mixture- the components of the mixture are not evenly distributed- different components are concentrated in different regions (granite) Separation of Mixtures • Separate mixtures based on different physical properties of the components – Physical change Different Physical Property Separation Technique Boiling Point Distillation State of Matter (solid/liquid/gas) or Particle Size Filtration Adhere to a surface Chromatography Volatility Evaporation Solubility Recrystalization Energy and Energy Changes • Capacity to do work – chemical, mechanical, thermal, electrical, radiant, sound, nuclear • Energy may affect matter – e.g. raise its temperature, eventually causing a state change – All physical changes and chemical changes involve energy changes Heat • Heat: a flow of energy due to a temperature difference 1. Exothermic = A process that results in the evolution of heat. • Example: when a match is struck, it is an exothermic process because energy is produced as heat. 2. Endothermic = A process that absorbs energy. • Example: melting ice to form liquid water is an endothermic process. Units of Energy • One calorie is the amount of energy needed to raise the temperature of one gram of water by 1°C – kcal = energy needed to raise the temperature of 1000 g of water 1°C • joule – 4.184 J = 1 cal • In nutrition, calories are capitalized – 1 Cal = 1 kcal Energy and the Temperature of Matter • The amount the temperature of an object increases depends on the amount of heat added (Q). – If you double the added heat energy the temperature will increase twice as much. • The amount the temperature of an object increases depends on its mass – If you double the mass it will take twice as much heat energy to raise the temperature the same amount. Specific Heat Capacity • Specific Heat (s) is the amount of energy required to raise the temperature of one gram of a substance by one Celsius degree By definition , the specific heat of water is 4.184 J g C Amount of Heat = Specific Heat x Mass x Temperature Change Q = s x m x T