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Species and Their Formation
In May and June, 1993, a previously unknown disease abruptly killed 10
people in the southwestern United States. The victims experienced flulike symptoms for several days, but then their condition deteriorated
rapidly as their lungs filled with fluid. The disease agent was unknown;
no cure was available, and initially 70 percent of infected people died.
Researchers from many disciplines focused on the outbreak. Within a few weeks,
scientists at the U.S. Centers for Disease Control had identified the agent as a previously undescribed hantavirus—a type of virus known to be transmitted by rodents.
Investigators initiated an intensive small mammal field trapping program. They
quickly identified the deer mouse as the main host of the virus. The mouse sheds the
virus in its feces, urine, and saliva. Humans become infected by inhaling microscopic
particles of these substances that are present in the air.
Since the discovery of the hantavirus that caused the 1993 outbreak, about 25 additional hantaviruses have been described in the Western Hemisphere. People have
been infected by some of these viruses in Florida, New York, Louisiana, and Texas.
Other rodents, in addition to the deer mouse, harbor hantaviruses, and some of these
viruses cause human diseases (Figure 24.1). Studies of the evolutionary relationships
of hantaviruses and rodents indicate that rodents and hantaviruses have been evolving together for millions of years, and suggest
that more kinds of hantaviruses, some of them
A Source of Disease The deer mouse Peromyscus maniculikely to be human pathogens, have yet to be
latus harbors a type of hantavirus that infects people.
Efforts to reduce risks to humans and develop effective cures will require an understanding of the distribution of hantavirus
types among rodent species and measures of
the rate at which the viruses appear to be
evolving. The fact that so many new types of
hantavirus have been discovered since 1993
suggests that hantaviruses may be evolving
rapidly. If so, better knowledge about how
new viruses form and how they have coevolved with rodents will serve important human health objectives.
All species, living and extinct, are believed
to be descendants of a single ancestral species
that lived more than 3 billion years ago. If speciation were a rare event, the biological world
would be very different than it is today. How
New York
Prospect Hill
Blue River
Bloodland Lake
Isla Vista
Sin Nombre
Black Creek Canal
El Moro
Caño Delgadito
Río Segundo
Río Mamoré
Laguna Negra
24.1 Hantaviruses in the New World The map shows the many
different hantaviruses found in the Western Hemisphere. Those listed
in red are known to be human pathogens.
did these millions of species form? How does one species become two? These questions are the focus of this chapter. We
will examine the mechanisms by which a population splits
into two or more new species, and we will see how such separations are maintained. We will look at the factors that can
make speciation a rapid or a very slow process. Finally, we
will look at the conditions that give rise to the great diversifications called evolutionary radiations.
What Are Species?
The word species means, literally, “kinds.” But what do we
mean by “kinds?” Someone who is knowledgeable about a
group of organisms, such as orchids or lizards, usually can
distinguish the different species found in a particular area
simply by examining their visible features. Standard field
guides to birds, mammals, insects, and flowers are possible
only because most species are cohesive units that change little in appearance over large geographic distances. We can
easily recognize male red-winged blackbirds from New York
and from California, for example, as members of the same
species (Figure 24.2a).
But not all members of a species look that much alike. For
example, males, females, and young individuals may not resemble one another closely (Figure 24.2b). How do we decide
whether similar but easily distinguished individuals should
be assigned to different species or regarded as members of
the same species?
The concept that has guided these decisions for a long
time is genetic integration. If individuals of a population
mate with one another, but not with individuals of other populations, they constitute a distinct group within which genes
recombine; that is, they are independent evolutionary units.
These independent evolutionary units are usually called
More than 200 years ago, the Swedish biologist Carolus
Linnaeus, who originated the system of naming organisms
that we use today, described hundreds of species. Because he
knew nothing about the mating patterns of the organisms he
was naming, Linnaeus classified them on the basis of their
appearance; that is, he used a morphological species concept.
Many of the organisms that he classified as species by their
appearance are indeed independent evolutionary units. Their
members look alike because they share many of the alleles
that code for their body structures. In many groups of organisms for which genetic data are unavailable, species are
still recognized by their morphological traits.
In 1940, Ernst Mayr proposed a definition of species that
has been used by many biologists since that time. His definition, known as the biological species concept, says, “Species
are groups of actually or potentially interbreeding natural
populations which are reproductively isolated from other
such groups.” The words “actually or potentially” assert that,
even if some members of a species live in different places and
hence are unable to mate, they should not be placed in separate species if they would be likely to mate if they were together. The word “natural” is also an important part of
Mayr’s definition because only in nature does the exchange
of genes among individuals from different populations influence evolutionary processes. The interbreeding of such individuals in captivity does not, because the resulting offspring typically spend their lives in captivity without
interacting with the wild population. Since genetic integration through interbreeding maintains integrated evolutionary units, the biological species concept, although it does not
apply to organisms that reproduce asexually, continues to be
used by most evolutionary biologists.
Deciding whether two populations constitute different
species may be difficult because speciation is often a gradual
process (Figure 24.3). Once a population becomes separated
into two or more populations, the daughter populations may
evolve independently for a long time before they become re-
Agelaius phoeniceus (male, CA)
Agelaius phoeniceus (male, NY)
24.2 Members of the Same Species Look Alike—or Not (a) Both
of these male red-winged blackbirds are obviously members of the
same species, even though one is from the eastern United States and
the other is from California. (b) Because red-winged blackbirds are
sexually dimorphic (see Chapter 23), the female of the species
appears quite different from the male.
productively incompatible. Alternatively, they may become
reproductively incompatible before they evolve any noticeable morphological differences. But how do these differences
between populations come about?
How Do New Species Arise?
Speciation is the process by which one species splits
into two or more daughter species, which thereafter evolve
as distinct lineages. Although Charles Darwin titled his book
The Origin of Species, he did not extensively discuss speciation, a process he called “the mystery of mysteries.” He devoted most of his attention to demonstrating that species are
Genetic distance
1 A barrier is
2 The two populations
diverge genetically but
are still reproductively
species A
3 Reproductive
is established.
(parent species)
species B
24.3 Speciation May Be a Gradual Process In this hypothetical
example, genetic divergence between two separated populations
begins before reproductive incompatibility evolves.
Agelaius phoeniceus (female)
altered by natural selection over time. But not all evolutionary changes result in new species: A single lineage may
change over time without giving rise to a new species.
The critical event in speciation is the separation of the gene
pool of the ancestral species into two or more separate and
isolated gene pools. Subsequently, within each isolated gene
pool, allele and genotype frequencies may change as a result
of the action of evolutionary agents. If two populations are
isolated from each other, and sufficient differences in their
genetic structure accumulate during the period of isolation,
then the two populations may not be able to exchange genes
when they come together again. As we will see, the amount
of genetic difference that is needed to prevent gene exchange
is highly variable. Gene flow among populations may be interrupted in two major ways, each of which characterizes a
mode of speciation.
Allopatric speciation requires total genetic isolation
Speciation that results when a population is divided by a
physical barrier is known as allopatric (allo-, “different”; patris, “country”) or geographic speciation (Figure 24.4). Allopatric speciation is thought to be the dominant mode of
speciation among most groups of organisms. The physical
barrier that divides the range of a species may be a water
body for terrestrial organisms, dry land for aquatic organisms, or a mountain range. Barriers can form when continents drift, sea levels rise, glaciers advance and retreat, and
climates change. These processes continue to generate physical barriers today. The populations separated by such barriers are often large initially. They evolve differences for a variety of reasons, especially because the environments in
which they live are, or become, different.
Allopatric speciation may also result when some members
of a population cross an existing barrier and found a new, isolated population. Populations established in this way usually
differ genetically from their parent populations because of
the founder effect: A small group of founding individuals has
A single species is distributed
over a broad range.
Sea level rises and separates two populations.
Populations adapt to differing environments
on opposite sides of the barrier.
If the barrier is removed, the populations
may recolonize the intervening area and
mingle, but do not interbreed.
Another example of allopatric speciation is found in the
finches of the Galápagos archipelago, 1,000 km off the
coast of Ecuador. Darwin’s finches (as they are usually
called, because Darwin was the first scientist to study
them) arose in the Galápagos by speciation from a single
South American species that colonized the islands. Today
there are 14 species of Darwin’s finches, all of which differ
strikingly from their closest mainland relative (Figure
24.6). The islands of the Galápagos archipelago are sufficiently isolated from one another that finches seldom disperse between them. Also, environmental conditions differ among the islands. Some are relatively flat and arid;
others have forested mountain slopes. Populations of
finches on different islands have differentiated enough
over millions of years that when occasional immigrants arrive from other islands, they either do not breed with the
residents, or, if they do, the resulting offspring usually do
not survive as well as those produced by pairs composed
of island residents. The genetic distinctness and cohesiveness of the different species is thus maintained.
A physical barrier’s effectiveness at preventing gene
flow depends on the size and mobility of the species in
question. What is an impenetrable barrier to a terrestrial
snail may be no barrier at all to a butterfly or a bird. Popu-
Range of overlap
24.4 Allopatric Speciation Allopatric speciation may result when
a population is divided into two separate populations by a physical
barrier, such as rising sea levels.
Numbers on the islands represent
the number of species of picturewinged Drosophila found there.
12 Kauai 5
only an incomplete representation of the gene pool of its parent population (see Chapter 23). For example, many of the
more than 800 species of the fruit fly genus Drosophila in the
Hawaiian Islands are restricted to a single island. These
species are almost certainly the descendants of new populations founded by individuals dispersing among the islands,
because the closest relative of a species on one island is often
a species on a neighboring island rather than a species on the
same island. Biologists who have studied the chromosomes
of picture-winged species of Drosophila believe that speciation among this group of flies has resulted from at least 45
such founder events (Figure 24.5).
Numbers on the arrows represent the number of proposed
founder events. The arrow
widths are proportional to
these numbers.
Species dispersal is primarily
from older to younger islands.
24.5 Founder Events Lead to Allopatric Speciation The
large number of species of picture-winged Drosophila in the
Hawaiian Islands is the result of founder events: new populations founded by individuals dispersing among the islands.
The islands, which were formed in sequence as Earth’s crust moved
over a volcanic “hot spot,” vary in age.
Seed eaters
Bills of seed eaters are
adapted for harvesting
and crushing seeds.
Large ground finch
(Geospiza magnirostris)
North America
Large-billed finches
can crush large,
hard seeds.
Medium ground finch
(G. fortis)
Cocos Island
Small ground finch
(G. fuliginosa)
Small-billed finches
cannot crush large
seeds as well, but
are more adept at
handling small seeds.
Sharp-billed ground finch
(G. difficilis)
Large cactus finch
(G. conirostris)
Cactus finches are
adapted to opening
cactus fruits and
extracting the seeds.
Cactus finch
(G. scandens)
Bud eater The bud eater‘s heavy bill is adapted
for grasping and wrenching buds from branches.
Vegetarian finch
(Platyspiza crassirostris)
Small tree finch
(Camarhynchus parvulus)
from South American
Large tree finch
(C. psittacula)
Medium tree finch
(C. pauper)
Mangrove finch
(C. heliobates)
Insect eaters
The bills of insect eaters vary
because they eat different types
and sizes of insects and they
capture them in different ways.
The small and
medium tree finches
and mangrove finch
pick insects from
leaves and branches
and explore crevices
for hidden prey.
The woopecker finch
uses its long beak to
probe dead wood,
crevices, and bark
for insects.
Woodpecker finch
(C. pallidus)
Warbler finch
(Certhidea olivacea)
24.6 Allopatric Speciation among Darwin’s Finches The descendants of the ancestral finch that colonized the Galápagos archipelago
several million years ago evolved into 14 different species whose
The large tree finch
uses its heavy bill to
twist apart wood to
reach larvae inside.
The warbler finch
uses quick motions to
capture insects on
plant surfaces.
members are variously adapted to feed on seeds, buds, and insects.
(The fourteenth species, not pictured here, lives in Cocos Island, farther north in the Pacific Ocean.)
lations of wind-pollinated plants are isolated at the maximum
distance pollen can be blown by the wind, but individual
plants are effectively isolated at much shorter distances.
Among animal-pollinated plants, the width of the barrier is
the distance that animals can travel while carrying pollen or
seeds. Even animals with great powers of dispersal are often
reluctant to cross narrow strips of unsuitable habitat. For animals that cannot swim or fly, narrow water-filled gaps may
be effective barriers. However, gene flow can sometimes be
interrupted even in the absence of physical barriers.
Sympatric speciation occurs without physical barriers
Although physical isolation is usually required for speciation, under some circumstances speciation can occur without
it. Such a partition of a gene pool is called sympatric speciation (sym-, “with”). The most common means of sympatric
speciation is polyploidy, the production within an individual of duplicate sets of chromosomes. Polyploidy can arise
either from chromosome duplication in a single species
(autopolyploidy) or from the combining of the chromosomes
of two different species (allopolyploidy).
An autopolyploid individual originates when (for example) cells that are normally diploid (with two sets of chromosomes) accidentally duplicate their chromosomes, resulting in a tetraploid (four sets of chromosomes) individual.
Tetraploid and diploid plants of the same species are reproductively isolated because their triploid offspring are essentially sterile.
Even if triploid individuals survive to reproductive maturity, they cannot produce viable gametes because their
chromosomes do not synapse correctly during meiosis (Figure 24.7). So a tetraploid plant cannot produce viable off-
Haploid gametes
(one copy of each
The diploid
parent has two
copies of each
Most gametes produced
by the triploid hybrid
are not viable because
they have an incorrect
number of chromosomes.
The F1 offspring is
triploid (three copies
of each chromosome)
The tetraploid
parent has four
copies of each
Diploid gametes
(two copies of
each chromosome)
24.7 Tetraploids Are Soon Reproductively Isolated from Diploids
Even if the triploid offspring of diploid and tetraploid parents reaches
sexual maturity, most of the gametes it produces have inviable numbers of chromosomes. Such triploid individuals are effectively sterile.
(For simplicity, the diagram shows only three chromosomes; most
species have many more than that.)
spring by mating with a diploid individual—but it can do so
if it self-fertilizes or mates with another tetraploid.
Allopolyploids may be produced when individuals of two
different (but closely related) species interbreed, or hybridize. Allopolyploids are usually fertile because each of the
chromosomes has a nearly identical partner with which to
pair during meiosis.
New species arise by means of polyploidy much more easily among plants than among animals because plants of
many species can reproduce by self-fertilization. In addition,
if polyploidy arises in several offspring of a single parent, the
siblings can fertilize one another. Speciation by polyploidy
has been very important in the evolution of flowering plants.
Botanists estimate that about 70 percent of flowering plant
species and 95 percent of fern species are polyploids. Most of
these arose as a result of hybridization between two species,
followed by self-fertilization.
How easily allopolyploidy can produce new species is illustrated by the salsifies (Tragopogon), members of the sunflower family. Salsifies are weedy plants that thrive in disturbed areas around towns. People have inadvertently
spread them around the world from their ancestral ranges in
Eurasia. Three diploid species of salsify were introduced into
North America early in the twentieth century: T. porrifolius,
T. pratensis, and T. dubius. Two tetraploid hybrids—T. mirus
and T. miscellus—between the original three diploid species
were first discovered in 1950. The hybrids have spread since
their discovery and today are more widespread than their
diploid parents (Figure 24.8).
Studies of their genetic material have shown that both salsify hybrids have formed more than once. Some populations
of T. miscellus—a hybrid of T. pratensis and T. dubius— have
the chloroplast genome of T. pratensis; other populations have
the chloroplast genome of T. dubius. Such differences among
local populations of T. miscellus show that this allopolyploid
has formed independently at least 21 times! Scientists seldom
know the dates and locations of species formation so well. T.
mirus, a hybrid of T. porrifolius and T. dubius, has formed 12
times. T. porrifolius prefers wet, shady places; T. dubius prefers
dry, sunny places. T. mirus, however, can grow in partly
shaded environments where neither parent does well. The
success of these newly formed hybrid species of salsifies illustrates why so many species of flowering plants originated
as polyploids.
Polyploidy, as we have just seen, can result in a new
species that is completely reproductively isolated from its parent species in one generation. Allopatric speciation proceeds
much more slowly, and some populations separated by a
physical barrier may never acquire full reproductive isolation.
Let’s see how reproductive isolation may become established
once two populations have been separated from each other.
A tetraploid hybrid has an almost
continuous range in an area
around Spokane, Washington.
The range of
tetraploid hybrids ( )
is broader than that of
diploid parental
species ( ).
24.8 Polyploids May Outperform Their Parent Species
Tragopogon species (salsifies) are members of the sunflower family.
The map shows the distribution of the three diploid parent species
and of the two tetraploid hybrid species of Tragopogon in eastern
Washington and adjacent Idaho.
Completing Speciation:
Reproductive Isolating Mechanisms
Once a barrier to gene flow is established, by whatever
means, the separated populations may diverge genetically
through the action of the evolutionary agents we described
in Chapter 23. Over many generations, differences may accumulate that reduce the probability that members of the two
populations could mate and produce viable offspring. In this
way, reproductive isolation can evolve as an incidental byproduct of genetic changes in allopatric populations.
Geographic isolation does not necessarily lead to reproductive incompatibility. For example, American sycamores
and European sycamores (also known as plane trees) have
been physically isolated from one another for at least 20
million years. Nevertheless, they are morphologically very
similar (Figure 24.9), and they can form fertile hybrids,
even though they never have an opportunity to do so in
In other cases, however, genes that result in reproductive isolation between two evolving lineages spread
quickly through populations as they diverge. In this section, we will examine the ways in which reproductive isolating mechanisms may arise. In the following section, we
will explore what happens when reproductive isolation is
24.9 Geographically Separated,
Morphologically Similar Although
they have been separated by the
Atlantic Ocean for at least 20 million
years, American and European
sycamores have diverged very little in
(a) Platanus occidentalis (American sycamore)
Several processes that operate before fertilization—prezygotic reproductive barriers—may prevent individuals of different species from interbreeding:
Spatial isolation. Individuals of different species may
select different places in the environment in which to live.
As a result, they may never come into contact during
their respective mating periods; that is, they are reproductively isolated by location.
Temporal isolation. Many organisms have mating periods
that are as short as a few hours or days. If the mating
periods of two species do not overlap, they will be reproductively isolated by time.
Mechanical isolation. Differences in the sizes and shapes of
reproductive organs may prevent the union of gametes
from different species.
Gametic isolation. Sperm of one species may not attach to
the eggs of another species because the eggs do not
release the appropriate attractive chemicals, or the sperm
may be unable to penetrate the egg because the two
gametes are chemically incompatible.
Behavioral isolation. Individuals of a species may reject, or
fail to recognize, individuals of other species as mating
Two closely related species of crickets from the island of
Hawaii, Laupala paranga and Laupala kohalensis, provide an example of behavioral isolation. These two species live in separate areas and do not hybridize in nature, but they will form
interspecific pairs in the laboratory. The males of the two
species produce genetically determined songs that differ in
the number of pulses per second. The songs of hybrid males
have intermediate numbers of pulses (Figure 24.10). Females
are much more strongly attracted to the songs of conspecific
males (males of their own species) than they are to the songs
of males of the other species. We know that this preference is
genetically determined because hybrid females are most
strongly attracted to the songs of hybrid males.
Sometimes the mate choice of one species is mediated by
the behavior of individuals of other species. For example,
whether two plant species hybridize may depend on the
preferences of their pollinators. Because pollinators visit flowers to gather nutritional rewards, not to pollinate plants, pollinator behavior can be influenced only by changes in floral
structures that affect the rewards the pollinators receive. Floral traits can affect reproductive isolation either by influencing pollinator behavior or by altering where pollen is deposited on the bodies of pollinators.
The evolution of floral traits that generate reproductive
isolation has been studied in columbines of the genus Aquilegia. Columbines have undergone recent and very rapid spe-
Number of individuals producing songs
with that pulse frequency
Prezygotic barriers operate before fertilization
(b) Platanus hispanica (European sycamore)
Pulse frequency of
hybrid male songs
does not overlap
frequencies of songs
of parental males.
F1 hybrid generation
Pulses per second
Narrow range of
pulse frequencies
indicates strong
stabilizing selection.
24.10 Songs of Male Crickets are Genetically Determined
Hybrid males produce songs with intermediate pulse frequencies.
Postzygotic barriers operate after fertilization
If individuals of two different populations overcome prezygotic reproductive barriers and interbreed, postzygotic reproductive barriers may still prevent gene exchange. Genetic
differences that accumulated while the populations were isolated from each other may reduce the survival and reproduction of the hybrid offspring in any of several ways:
Hybrid zygote abnormality. Hybrid zygotes may fail to
mature normally, either dying during development or
developing such severe abnormalities that they cannot
mate as adults.
Hybrid infertility. Hybrids may mature normally, but be
infertile when they attempt to reproduce. For example,
the offspring of matings between horses and donkeys—
mules—are strong, but sterile; they produce no descendants.
Low hybrid viability. Hybrid offspring may simply survive less well than offspring resulting from matings
within populations.
If hybrid offspring survive poorly, more effective prezygotic
barriers may evolve, because individuals that mate with individuals of the other population will leave fewer surviving offspring than individuals that mate only within their own population. This strengthening of prezygotic barriers is known as
reinforcement. Reinforcement is difficult to detect experimentally, but it can be detected by using the comparative
method (see Chapter 1). If reinforcement is occurring, then
sympatric pairs of species should evolve prezygotic repro-
(a) Aquilegia formosa
(b) Aquilegia pubescens
Number of visits by hawkmoths
ciation and, at the same time, have evolved long floral nectar spurs—tubular outgrowths of petals that produce nectar
at their tips. Animals pollinate these flowers while probing
the spurs to collect nectar. The length of the spurs and the orientation of the flowers influence how efficiently pollinators
can extract nectar. Two species, Aquilegia formosa and Aquilegia pubescens, that grow in the mountains of California can
produce fertile hybrids. A. formosa has pendant (hanging)
flowers and short spurs (Figure 24.11a); it is pollinated by
hummingbirds. A. pubescens has upright flowers and long
spurs (Figure 24.11b); it is pollinated by hawkmoths.
Investigators tested discrimination among these flowers
by hawkmoths by turning A. formosa flowers so that they
were upright. Hawkmoths still visited mostly A. pubescens
flowers (Figure 24.11c), probably because the flowers of the
two species differ strongly in the color of light they reflect.
Genetic analyses of hybrids between the two species show
that the color differences are caused by a small number of
genes. Thus, although these two species are interfertile, hybrids rarely form in nature because the two species attract
different pollinators.
A. pubescens
A. formosa
A. formosa
24.11 Hawkmoths Favor Flowers of One Columbine Species
Flowers of Aquilegia formosa are normally pendant (a), while those of
A. pubescens are normally upright (b). The plants can interbreed, but
the hawkmoths that pollinate A. pubescens distinguish between flowers of the two species, even when A. formosa flowers are experimentally modified to be upright (c).
ductive barriers more rapidly than allopatric pairs of species
do. In a study of related sympatric and allopatric species of
Drosophila, this was shown to be the case (Figure 24.12).
We can observe speciation in progress
Since speciation is a gradual process, we can find many examples of populations at different stages on the way to complete reproductive isolation. A good example of speciation in
progress is found in a picture-winged fruit fly (Rhagoletis
pomenella) in New York State. Until the mid-1800s, these fruit
flies courted, mated, and deposited their eggs only on
hawthorn fruits. The larvae recognized the odor of hawthorn
Hypothesis: If reinforcement has occurred, sympatric species of
Drosophila should be more strongly isolated prezygotically than
allopatric species that have been separated for equal amounts of time.
Assess length of time Drosophila populations have been
evolving separately by the amount of genetic distance
between them. Compare strength of prezygotic
isolation between allopatric and sympatric species
Recently diverged pairs of sympatric species have
more prezygotic isolation than allopatric species do.
Prezygotic isolation
Allopatric species pairs
Sympatric species pairs
Genetic distance, a measure of molecular
genetic differences between the species in
a pair, is an indication of the length of time
the species have been evolving separately.
Genetic distance
Conclusion: Reinforcement has resulted in particularly rapid
evolution of prezygotic isolation among recently diverged sympatric
species of Drosophila.
flies have evolved so that they now grow more rapidly on
apples than they originally did.
Reproductive isolation does not develop at the same rate
in all diverging populations. On the one hand, in some
groups, such as Darwin’s finches, there has been conspicuous morphological evolution, but many of the 14 species still
interbreed and produce fertile hybrid offspring. On the other
hand, reproductive isolation may develop rapidly, as it has
between diverging sympatric species of Drosophila. Generally, reproductive isolation evolves more rapidly in species
that have rapid reproductive rates (for example, most plants,
fruit flies, and sea urchins) than in species that have slower
reproductive rates (for example, birds and mammals).
Many species in nature form hybrids in areas where their
ranges overlap, and they may continue to do so for many
years. Let’s examine what happens in these situations.
Hybrid Zones:
Incomplete Reproductive Isolation
If contact is reestablished between formerly isolated populations before complete reproductive isolation has developed,
members of the two populations may interbreed. Three outcomes of such interbreeding are possible:
24.12 Prezygotic Barriers Can Evolve Rapidly Reinforcement may
occur when individuals who mate outside their own population leave
few or no viable offspring. In such a situation, prezygotic isolating
mechanisms can evolve extremely rapidly.
as they fed on the fruits, and when they emerged from their
pupae, they used this cue to locate other hawthorn plants on
which to mate and lay their eggs.
About 150 years ago, large commercial apple orchards
were planted in the Hudson River valley. Apple trees are
closely related to hawthorns, and a few female Rhagoletis laid
their eggs on apples, perhaps by mistake. Their larvae did
not grow as well as the larvae on hawthorn fruits, but many
did survive. These larvae recognized the odor of apples, so
when they emerged as adults, they sought out apple trees,
where they mated with other flies reared on apples.
Today there are two types of Rhagoletis in the Hudson
River valley that may be on the way to becoming distinct
species. One feeds primarily on hawthorn fruits, the other on
apples. The two incipient species are partly reproductively
isolated because they mate primarily with individuals raised
on the same fruit and because they emerge from their pupae
at different times of the year. In addition, the apple-feeding
If hybrid offspring are as successful as those resulting
from matings within each population, hybrids may
spread through both populations and reproduce with
other individuals. The gene pools would then combine,
and no new species would result from the period of isolation.
If hybrid offspring are less successful, complete reproductive isolation may evolve as reinforcement strengthens prezygotic reproductive barriers.
Even if hybrid offspring are at some disadvantage, a narrow hybrid zone may persist if, for one or more reasons,
reinforcement does not happen.
Hybrid zones are excellent natural laboratories for the
study of speciation. When a hybrid zone first forms, most hybrids are offspring of crosses between purebred individuals
of the two species. However, subsequent generations include
a variety of individuals with different proportions of their
genes derived from the original two populations. Thus, hybrid zones contain recombinant individuals resulting from
many generations of hybridization. Detailed genetic studies
can tell us much about why hybrid zones may be narrow and
stable for long periods of time.
European toads of the genus Bombina have been the subject of such studies. The fire-bellied toad (B. bombina) lives in
eastern Europe. The closely related yellow-bellied toad (B.
variegata) lives in western and southern Europe. The ranges
of the two species meet in a narrow zone stretching 4,800 km
(a) Bombina bombina
(b) Bombina variegata
B. bombina
24.13 Hybrid Zones May Be Long and Narrow The
narrow zone in Europe where fire-bellied toads (a) meet
and hybridize with yellow-bellied toads (b) stretches
across Europe (c). This hybrid zone has been stable for
hundreds of years, but has never expanded because
hybrid toads are much less fit than individuals of the
parental species.
B. variegata
from eastern Germany to the Black Sea (Figure 24.13). Hybrids between the two species suffer from a range of defects,
many of which are lethal. Those that survive often have
skeletal abnormalities, such as misshapen mouths, ribs that
are fused to vertebrae, and a reduced number of vertebrae.
By following the fates of thousands of toads from the hybrid zone, investigators have found that a hybrid toad is half
as fit as a purebred individual. The hybrid zone is narrow because there is strong selection against hybrids, and because
adult toads do not move over long distances. It has persisted
for hundreds of years because individuals that move into it
have not previously encountered individuals of the other
species, so there has been no opportunity for reinforcement
to occur.
If two species hybridize, we know that they must be similar genetically, but the absence of interbreeding tells us nothing about how dissimilar two species are. Not until modern
molecular genetic techniques were developed could biologists measure genetic differences among species. These techniques show that the genetic differences that separate species
are primarily differences among genes involved with reproductive isolation. The extensive data gathered on Drosophila
indicate that fewer than ten, and often fewer than five, genes
are responsible for reproductive isolation. Individuals of different species of Hawaiian Drosophila share nearly all of their
mitochondrial DNA alleles. All of the hundreds of species of
Drosophila that have evolved in the Hawaiian Islands during
the past 32 million years, even those that have diverged morphologically, are relatively similar genetically (Figure 24.14).
Area of
Drosophila silvestris
Drosophila conspicua
Drosophila balioptera
24.14 Morphologically Different, Genetically Similar Although
these fruit flies—a small sample of the hundreds of species found
only on the Hawaiian Islands—vary greatly in appearance, they are
genetically similar.
Variation in Speciation Rates
Some lineages of organisms have many species; others have
only a few. Hundreds of species of Drosophila evolved in the
Hawaiian Islands, but there is only one species of horseshoe
crab, even though its lineage has survived for more than 300
million years. Why do rates of speciation vary so widely
among lineages?
A number of factors are known to influence speciation
Species richness. The larger the number of species in a lineage, the larger the number of opportunities for new
species to form. For speciation by polyploidy, the more
species in a lineage, the more species are available to
hybridize with one another. For allopatric speciation, the
larger the number of species living in an area, the larger
the number of species whose ranges will be bisected by
a given physical barrier.
Dispersal rates. Individuals of species with poor dispersal
abilities are unlikely to establish new populations by dispersing across barriers. Even narrow barriers are effective in dividing species whose members are highly
Ecological specialization. Populations of species restricted
to habitat types that are patchy in distribution are more
likely to diverge than are populations that occupy relatively continuous habitats.
Population bottlenecks. The changes in gene pools that
often occur when a population passes through a bottleneck may result in new adaptations.
Type of pollination. Speciation rates in plants are correlated with pollination mode. Animal-pollinated plant families have, on average, 2.4 times as many species as closely related families pollinated by wind. In addition, the
switch from animal to wind pollination is strongly associated with a reduction in the rate of speciation in a lineage.
Sexual selection. Animals with complex behavior are likely to form new species at a high rate because they make
sophisticated discriminations among potential mating
partners. They distinguish members of their own species
from members of other species, and they make subtle
discriminations among members of their own species on
the basis of size, shape, appearance, and behavior (see
Figures 23.16 and 23.17). Such discriminations can greatly influence which individuals are most successful in
producing offspring and may lead to rapid reinforcement of reproductive isolation between species.
Environmental changes. Oscillations of climates may fragment populations of species that live in formerly continuous habitats.
Number of new antelope species
appearing in the fossil record
Many new species
appeared 2.5–2.9 mya.
Millions of years ago
24.15 Climate Change Drove a Burst of Speciation among
Antelopes The excellent fossil record of African antelopes reveals
that there was a sudden burst of speciation between 2.5 and 2.9 million years ago. At that time, the climate of Africa shifted from being
consistently warm and wet to oscillating between warm and wet and
cool and dry.
African antelopes provide a striking example of the influence of climate change on speciation rates. These animals experienced a burst of speciation and extinction between 2.5
and 2.9 mya. During that period, the number of known antelope species doubled, and 90 percent of all known species
either first appeared or became extinct (Figure 24.15). This
burst coincided with a shift in Africa from a warm, wet climate to one that oscillated between warm and wet and cooler
but drier conditions. During this period, grassland and savanna environments increased and decreased, repeatedly coalescing and separating over much of Africa as the climate
oscillated. The burst of speciation among antelopes resulted
in many new species adapted to these environments.
Evolutionary Radiations
The fossil record reveals that, at certain times in certain lineages, speciation rates have been much higher than extinction
rates. The result is the proliferation of a large number of
daughter species, as happened with finches in the Galápagos
archipelago (see Figure 24.6). Such an event is called an evolutionary radiation. What conditions cause speciation rates
to be much higher than extinction rates?
Evolutionary radiations are likely when a population colonizes a new environment that contains relatively few
species. As we saw in Chapter 22, evolutionary radiations occurred in many lineages on continents following mass extinctions. Evolutionary radiations occur on islands because
islands lack many plant and animal groups found on the
mainland. The ecological opportunities that exist on islands
may stimulate rapid evolutionary changes when a new
species does reach them. Water barriers also restrict gene
flow among the islands in an archipelago, so populations on
24.16 Rapid Evolution among Hawaiian
Silverswords The Hawaiian silverswords, three
closely related genera of the sunflower family, are
believed to have descended from a single common
ancestor, similar to the tarweed (Madia sativa), that
colonized Hawaii from the Pacific coast of North
America. The four plants shown here are more
closely related than they appear to be based on
their morphology.
Madia sativa (tarweed)
Argyroxiphium sandwicense
Dubautia menziesii
different islands may evolve adaptations to their local environments. Together, these two factors make it likely that speciation rates of newly colonizing lineages on island archipelagoes will exceed extinction rates.
Remarkable evolutionary radiations have occurred in the
Hawaiian Islands, the most isolated islands in the world. The
Hawaiian Islands lie 4,000 km from the nearest major land
mass and 1,600 km from the nearest group of islands. The native biota of the Hawaiian Islands includes 1,000 species of
flowering plants, 10,000 species of insects, 1,000 land snails,
and more than 100 bird species. However, there were no amphibians, no terrestrial reptiles, and only one native mammal—a bat—on the islands until humans introduced additional species. The 10,000 known native species of insects on
Hawaii are believed to have evolved from only about 400 immigrant species; only 7 immigrant species are believed to account for all the native Hawaiian land birds.
Wilkesia hobdyi
More than 90 percent of all plant species on the Hawaiian Islands are endemic—that is, they are found nowhere
else. Several groups of flowering plants have more diverse
forms and life histories on the islands, and live in a wider
variety of habitats, than do their close relatives on the
mainland. An outstanding example is the group of Hawaiian sunflowers called silverswords (the genera Argyroxiphium, Dubautia, and Wilkesia). Chloroplast DNA sequences
show that these species share a relatively recent common
ancestor with a species of tarweed from the Pacific coast of
North America (Figure 24.16). Whereas all mainland tarweeds are small, upright, herbs (that is, nonwoody plants),
the silverswords include prostrate and upright herbs,
shrubs, trees, and vines. Silverword species occupy nearly
all the habitats of the Hawaiian islands, from sea level to
above timberline in the mountains. Despite their extraordinary morphological diversification, however, the silver-
swords have differentiated very little in their chloroplast
The island silverswords are more diverse in size and
shape than the mainland tarweeds because the original colonizers arrived on islands that had very few plant species. In
particular, there were few trees and shrubs, because such
large-seeded plants rarely disperse to oceanic islands. In fact,
many island trees and shrubs have evolved from nonwoody
ancestors. On the mainland, however, tarweeds live in ecological communities that contain tree and shrub lineages
older than their own—that is, where opportunities to exploit
the “tree” way of life have already been preempted.
The processes we have discussed in this chapter, operating
over billions of years, have produced a world in which life is
organized into millions of species, each adapted to live in a
particular environment and to use environmental resources
in a particular way. How these millions of species are distributed over the surface of Earth and organized into ecological
communities will be a major focus of Part Eight of this book.
Chapter Summary
What Are Species?
Species are independent evolutionary units. A commonly
accepted definition of species is “groups of actually or potentially interbreeding natural populations which are reproductively
isolated from other such groups.”
Because speciation is often a gradual process, it may be difficult to recognize boundaries between species. Review Figure 24.3
How Do New Species Arise?
Not all evolutionary changes result in new species.
Allopatric (geographic) speciation is the most important
mode of speciation among animals and is common in other
groups of organisms. Review Figures 24.4, 24.5, 24.6.
See Web/CD Tutorial 24.2
Sympatric speciation may occur rapidly by polyploidy
because polyploid offspring are sterile in crosses with members
of the parent species. Polyploidy is a major factor in plant speciation but is rare among animals. Review Figures 24.7, 24.8
See Web/CD Tutorial 24.1
Completing Speciation: Reproductive Isolating
Once two populations have been separated, reproductive isolating mechanisms may prevent the exchange of genes between
Prezygotic reproductive barriers operate before fertilization.
Some prezygotic barriers affect mate choice; others work by
influencing pollinator behavior. Review Figure 24.10, 24.11
Postzygotic reproductive barriers operate after fertilization by
reducing the survival or fertility of hybrid offspring.
If hybrid offspring survive poorly, more effective prezygotic
reproductive barriers may evolve. This process is known as
reinforcement. Review Figure 24.12
Hybrid Zones: Incomplete Reproductive Isolation
Hybrid zones may develop if barriers to gene exchange fail to
develop while diverging species are isolated from each other.
Review Figure 24.13
Species may differ from one another in very few genes.
Variation in Speciation Rates
Rates of speciation differ greatly among lineages. Speciation
rates are influenced by the number of species in a lineage, their
dispersal rates, ecological specialization, experience of population bottlenecks, pollinators, and behavior, as well as by climatic changes.
Evolutionary Radiations
Evolutionary radiations occur when speciation rates exceed
extinction rates.
High speciation rates often coincide with low extinction rates
when species invade islands or other environments that contain
few other species.
As a result of speciation, Earth is populated with millions of
species, each adapted to live in a particular environment and to
use resources in a particular way.
See Web/CD Activity 24.1 for a concept review of this chapter.
1. A species is a group of
a. actually interbreeding natural populations that are
reproductively isolated from other such groups.
b. potentially interbreeding natural populations that are
reproductively isolated from other such groups.
c. actually or potentially interbreeding natural populations
that are reproductively isolated from other such groups.
d. actually or potentially interbreeding natural populations
that are reproductively connected to other such groups.
e. actually interbreeding natural populations that are
reproductively connected to other such groups.
2. Allopatric speciation may happen when
a. continents drift apart and separate previously connected
b. a mountain range separates formerly connected populations.
c. different environments on two sides of a barrier cause
populations to diverge.
d. the range of a species is separated by loss of intermediate
e. all of the above
3. Finches speciated in the Galápagos Islands because
a. the Galápagos Islands are not far from the mainland.
b. the Galápagos Islands are arid.
c. the Galápagos Islands are small.
d. the islands of the Galápagos Archipelago are sufficiently
isolated from one another that there is little migration
among them.
e. the islands of the Galápagos Archipelago are close
enough to one another that there is considerable
migration among them.
4. Which of the following is not a potential prezygotic
reproductive barrier?
a. Temporal segregation of breeding seasons
b. Differences in chemicals that attract mates
c. Hybrid infertility
d. Spatial segregation of mating sites
e. Sperm cannot survive in female reproductive tracts
5. A common means of sympatric speciation is
a. polyploidy.
b. hybrid infertility.
c. temporal segregation of breeding seasons.
d. spatial segregation of mating sites.
e. imposition of a geographic barrier.
6. Sympatric species are often similar in appearance because
a. appearances are often of little evolutionary significance.
b. the genetic changes accompanying speciation are often
c. the genetic changes accompanying speciation are usually
d. speciation usually requires major reorganization of the
e. the traits that differ among species are not the same as the
traits that differ among individuals within species.
7. Narrow hybrid zones may persist for long times because
a. hybrids are always at a disadvantage.
b. hybrids have an advantage only in narrow zones.
c. hybrid individuals never move far from their birthplaces.
d. individuals that move into the zone have not previously
encountered individuals of the other species, so reinforcement of isolating mechanisms has not occurred.
e. Narrow hybrid zones are artifacts because biologists
generally restrict their studies to contact zones between
8. Which statement about speciation is not true?
a. It always takes thousands of years.
b. It often takes thousands of years, but may happen within
a single generation.
c. Among animals, it usually requires a physical barrier.
d. Among plants, it often happens as a result of polyploidy.
e. It has produced the millions of species living today.
9. Speciation is often rapid within lineages in which species
have complex behavior because
a. individuals of such species make fine discriminations
among potential mating partners.
b. such species have short generation times.
c. such species have high reproductive rates.
d. such species have complex relationships with their
e. none of the above
10. Evolutionary radiations
a. often happen on continents, but rarely on island
b. characterize birds and plants, but not other taxonomic
c. have happened on continents as well as on islands.
d. require major reorganizations of the genome.
e. never happen in species-poor environments.
11. Speciation is an important component of evolution because
a. generates the variation upon which natural selection acts.
b. generates the variation upon which genetic drift and
mutations act.
c. enabled Charles Darwin to perceive the mechanisms of
d. generates the high extinction rates that drive evolutionary
e. has resulted in a world with millions of species, each
adapted for a particular way of life.
For Discussion
1. The snow goose of North America has two distinct color
forms: blue and white. Matings between the two color forms
are common. However, blue individuals pair with blue individuals and white individuals pair with white individuals
much more frequently than would be expected by chance.
Suppose that 75 percent of all mated pairs consisted of two
individuals of the same color. What would you conclude
about speciation processes in these geese? If 95 percent of
pairs were the same color? If 100 percent of pairs were the
same color?
2. Suppose pairs of snow geese of mixed colors were found only
in a narrow zone within the broad Arctic breeding range of
the geese. Would your answer to Question 1 remain the
same? Would your answer change if mixed-color pairs were
widely distributed across the breeding range of the geese?
3. Although many butterfly species are divided into local populations among which there is little gene flow, these species
often show relatively little morphological variation among
populations. Describe the studies you would conduct to
determine what maintains this morphological similarity.
4. Evolutionary radiations are common and easily studied on
oceanic islands, but in what types of mainland situations
would you expect to find major evolutionary radiations?
5. Fruit flies of the genus Drosophila are distributed worldwide,
but most of the species in the genus are found on the
Hawaiian Islands. What might account for this distribution
6. Evolutionary radiations take place when speciation rates
exceed extinction rates. What factors can cause extinction
rates to exceed speciation rates in a lineage? Name some lineages in which human activities are increasing extinction rates
without increasing speciation rates.