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Noa Liscovitch – CV
June 2013
Course: Molecular Neuroanatomy, Okinawa Institute of Science and
Technology, Okinawa, Japan.
Course: Statistical analysis of genomic data, Cold Spring Harbor Lab, Long
Island, NY.
2009 Present
Ph.D. (direct track) in Computational Neurobiology, Bar Ilan University.
Advisor: Dr. Gal Chechik.
Thesis: Using a molecular systems-biology approach to study vertebrate
nervous system development.
B.Sc. in Biology (Summa Cum Laude), Tel Aviv University, the research
program for excellent students of the Biology faculty.
Awards and scholarships:
ISCB, travel grant to attend ISMB/ECCB 2013.
Israeli Society for Neuroscience meeting (ISFN), best poster award, for the
work: "Dynamics of gene expression divergence during mammalian brain
development follow an hourglass shape"
American Institute of Biological Sciences (AIBS), travel grant.
Gonda Brain Research Center, best poster award at annual faculty meeting, for
the work: "Gene expression diversity patterns during mouse brain
2009 - Present
Bar Ilan University, Presidential scholarship for distinguished Ph.D. students.
Tel Aviv University, B.Sc. in Biology, summa cum laude.
Tel-Aviv University, Dr. Eliyahu Many scholarship for outstanding students.
Dean’s excellence list.
Dean’s excellence list.
The research program for excellent students of the Biology faculty, Tel-Aviv
University. Three years merit-based scholarship and stipend.
Teaching experience:
2010 – 2012
Bar Ilan University, Gonda brain research center, Teaching assistant in the
graduate course "Scientific programming using MATLAB"
2009 – 2011
Bar Ilan University, Gonda brain research center, Teaching assistant in the
graduate course "Signal and data analysis in Neuroscience"
Journal publications:
N. Liscovitch*, U. Shalit* and G. Chechik. FuncISH: Learning a functional representation of
neural ISH images (In press, Bioinformatics).
L. Kirsch, N. Liscovitch and G. Chechik. Localizing genes to brain layers using ISH image
classification. (PLoS Computational Biology, 2012).
N. Liscovitch and G. Chechik. Specialization of gene expression during mouse brain development.
(In press, PLoS Computational Biology).
Abstracts and conference presentations:
N. Liscovitch*, U. Shalit* and G. Chechik. FuncISH: learning a functional representation of neural
ISH images, Proceedings of Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology (ISMB) 2013.
N. Liscovitch*, U. Shalit* and G. Chechik. FuncISH: functionally representing neural ISH images
using machine vision, Poster: Israeli Bioinformatics Symposium (IBS) 2013.
N. Liscovitch and G. Chechik. Dynamics of gene expression divergence during mammalian brain
development follow an 'hourglass' shape, Poster: Israeli Society for Neuroscience (ISFN) 2012.
N. Liscovitch and G. Chechik. Exploring gene expression divergence patterns in the developing
mouse brain, Poster: Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology (ISMB) 2012.
L. Kirsch, N. Liscovitch and G. Chechik. Localizing genes to brain layers using ISH image
classification, Poster: Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology (ISMB) 2012.
L. Kirsch, N. Liscovitch and G. Chechik. Automatic identification of brain-layer specific genes
from ISH images, NIPS workshop on machine learning in computational biology (at NIPS) 2011.