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What is the Zodiac?
The Zodiac is defined by 12 constellations:
Each of these 12 major constellations has 3 other constellations associated with them. So in all there
are 48 constellations in the Zodiac.
Claudius Ptolemy of Alexandria (90 – 168 AD) was a Greek astronomer who borrowed his information
from the ancient Babylonian texts and he listed the 48 constellations that are recognized as the Zodiac.
The IAU (International Astronomical Union) established in 1919 has identified 88 constellations. These
are called the modern constellations. They have mapped the entire sky and have there are no breaks
between constellations in the modern mapping of the constellations. In addition they have included
stars in the southern hemisphere that the ancient astronomers would not have been able to see. Every
star is included in the modern mapping of the skies but they may not all be part of the constellation.
How did the stars get their names?
Ancient civilizations in Mesopotamia, Egypt and Greece named the brightest stars in the sky.
Arab scholars recorded the history of the stars and to this day we still use many of these names.
We are going to learn some of those names today as we study the next group of stars and the story they
tell of the Gospel.
Libra is Latin for The Scales
The Hebrew name for this constellation is Mozanaim and means The Scales Weighing.
Daniel 5:27 Thou are weighed in the balance (scales) and art found wanting.
The scales represent redemption
The scales are indicative of a commercial transaction
Redemption comes from two words
Prefix “Re” meaning to do again with the “d” added for euphony
emptio – to buy, to purchase
Re – d – emptio – To buy back or to redeem
Jesus is our redeemer, his blood bought us back
3 of the Stars in the Constellation of Libra
1) Zuben al Genubi – The Price Deficient
Brightest star in the lower scale
2) Zuben al Chemali – The Price Which Covers
Bright star on the upper scale
3) Zuben Ahrabi – The Price of the Conflict
Just below the lower scale
Some ancient depictions have the claw of the scorpion holding the lower scale in its claw
Crux (1st Decan)
The 1st decan in the constellation of Virgo is Crux, the Southern Cross.
This constellation makes a perfect cross.
Hebrew name for this constellation is Adom which means “The Cutting Off”
Daniel 9:26 After threescore and two weeks shall Messiah be cut off.
This constellation lies very low on the horizon and was visible from Jerusalem until the time of
Jesus’ crucifixion when it disappeared from view in the Northern hemisphere. It has not been
seen here since that time.
The Messiah was cut off.
Victima – The Victim (2nd Decan)
Victima – The Victim is located just below the scales
It is the picture of an animal in Latin called Lupus – The Wolf
In Greek called Thera – The Beast
The earliest Arabian figures show The Victim as Sura – The Lamb.
Rev. 13:8 The lamb slain from the foundation of the world.
The Victim is slain by the Centaur
Both The Victim (the lamb) and the slayer The Centaur (two natured one) represent Christ.
John 10:15,18 I lay down my life for the sheep… No man taketh it from me. I have power to lay
it down and I have power to take it again.
Corona Borealis – The Crown (3rd Decan)
Corona Borealis – The Crown or The Northern Crown
Arabic word for this constellation is Al Idil which means An Ornament or A Jewel (Crown of
Hebrews 2:9 Be we see Jesus, who was made a little lower than the angels, for the suffering of
death, crowned with glory and honor, that He, by the grace of God, might taste death for
Each chapter of the stars ends in victory.