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In the video here the Pope states that evolution does not contradict God creating the world, rather evolution was required. There is no statement regarding the acceptance of the planet being 4.5 billion years old or a stance on how old the planet is at all. http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/europe/pope-francis-declares-evolution-and-bigbang-theory-are-right-and-god-isnt-a-magician-with-a-magic-9822514.html Talks about the big bang and theories about what happened before. Sometimes a little hard to understand. But still isn’t a bad source. http://www.hawking.org.uk/the-beginning-of-time.html Theory that the big bang will eventually start to fall back in on itself and implode. http://www.space.com/31192-what-triggered-the-big-bang.html Counter Arguments Medical vs Miracle? Why do some people fair so much better against some illnesses? Creation vs Perception? The big counter argument that I keep coming back to is; what caused the big bang? “Is the Absolute (supra) rational and personal, or is the Absolute an impersonal, chaotic force? If ultimate reality is impersonal and chaotic, then all localized events, phenomena and objects are also devoid of any ultimate meaning. Language, mathematics, logic, etc., are thus annihilated as merely mental fictions, or at best some cosmic force we do not yet understand.” (taken from https://souloftheeast.org/2015/03/06/philosophy-creation/ ) The counter argument to this point would be that we individually and collectively as a species apply meaning and worth as we perceive it. We aren’t waiting for a higher being to tell us what to value or what these things are worth. The idea that there is no ultimate meaning is the basis of the philosophy/religion called Nihilism. But actually that would kind of further our argument. If an animal’s purpose is to pass on its genetics, then it has no greater meaning in life correct? It wasn’t really created for a purpose. We, are simply animals, and we would have no greater purpose than that animal. (food for thought?) If we could prove that the big bang didn’t cause the beginning of the world/ it was just part of the timeline, this whole argument would be proven null. If the big bang didn’t cause the beginning, then God wasn’t the reason for the big bang. The complexity of the world is far to intricate for it to have been created by random events Human morality is based on biblical reference. If that’s the case, and people need to have that fear of a creator to be good, they aren’t born with a god given character. Many people do bad things in god’s name. Faith is kind of a catch all that doesn’t offer fact. The Crusades, The Catholic church not acting during world war 2. (source discussing different arguments a creationists may have) https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/15-answers-to-creationist/ They may argue that the theory of evolution hasn’t been completely proven or solved, it is only a theory still and not actual scientific law. They may claim that evolution cannot be studied or tested because it cannot be observed unless it is over the course of a very long period of time. Evolution is something that cannot be re-created in an experiment. (video of an experiment recently conducted that shows a microscale series of evolutionary events taking place in order for a species of bacteria to survive in harsh conditions) http://www.cnn.com/2016/09/08/health/giant-petri-dish-antibiotic-resistance/ (Just a thought) If intelligent design means that something/someone created the universe, then what created that something/someone? Sources to Support Our Argument The following link would be used to establish the age of the planet and galaxy through the use of carbon dating. This information is important to rebut the idea that the planet and galaxy are only 6000 or for that matter 20000 years old. “The Earth is a constantly changing planet. Its crust is continually being created, modified, and destroyed. As a result, rocks that record its earliest history have not been found and probably no longer exist. Nevertheless, there is substantial evidence that the Earth and the other bodies of the Solar System are 4.5-4.6 billion years old, and that the Milky Way Galaxy and the Universe are older still.” https://geomaps.wr.usgs.gov/parks/gtime/ageofearth.html -Cosmological (everything that exists has a cause of existence, therefore something had to create us) http://www.philosophyofreligion.info/theistic-proofs/the-cosmological-argument/ -Teleological (things are created with specific purpose, ordered towards and end, the intelligent design, the watchmaker argument) http://www.philosophyofreligion.info/theistic-proofs/the-teleologicalargument/ -Ontological (what exist only in mind is less than what exist in mind and also in reality. Since God is the greatest being He cannot just exist in mind, it will have to necessarily exist in reality too) this one is confusing so I doubt they’ll use it http://philosophymadeeasy.blogspot.com/2011/12/ontological-argument-for-existence-of.html http://philosophymadeeasy.blogspot.com/2011/12/ontological-argument-for-existence-of.html The teleological argument is the most related to the intelligent design argument, so if they use any of these, it’ll most likely be that one This works well to say that God can’t just exist in the mind. He has to exist realistically (there has to be some sort of proof) This is how St Anselm explains his argument for existence of God The fool said in his heart, ‘There is no God,’ but certainly that same fool having heard just what I said, “Something(God) greater than which cannot be thought," understands what he heard. What he understands is in his thought, but it cannot exist only in thought, for if it only exists in thought it could also be thought of as existing in reality which is greater.