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Chapter 9
Photosynthesis and
Cellular Respiration
Section 1: Energy in Living
Chemical Energy
Metabolism and the Carbon Cycle
Transferring Energy
Chemical Energy
 Organisms require a constant source of
energy. Energy is needed for organisms to
maintain their homeostasis.
 Homeostasis is the process of maintaining
internal order and balance even when the
environment changes.
 Organisms use and store energy in the
chemical bonds of organic compounds. Almost
all of the energy in organic compounds comes
from the sun.
Chemical Energy
 Photosynthesis is the process by which
plants, algae, and some bacteria use sunlight,
carbon dioxide, and water to produce
carbohydrates and oxygen.
 Organisms that are able to perform
photosynthesis, such as plants, are autotrophs.
 Autotrophs make organic compounds that
serve as food for them and for almost all of the
other organisms on Earth,
Visual Concept:
Chemical Energy,
 Organisms that cannot make their own food
must absorb food molecules made by
autotrophs, eat autotrophs, or eat organisms
that consume autotrophs.
 Food molecules that are made or consumed by
an organism are the fuel for its cells.
 Cells use these molecules to release the
energy stored in the molecules’ bonds. The
Visual Concept: Cellular
Click above to play the video.
Metabolism and the
Carbon Cycle
 Metabolism involves either using energy to
build organic molecules or breaking down
organic molecules in which energy is stored.
 Organic molecules contain carbon. Therefore,
an organism’s metabolism is part of Earth’s
carbon cycle.
 Energy from the sun is converted to chemical
energy in chloroplasts.
Metabolism and the Carbon
Cycle, continued
 Organisms extract energy in glucose
 Through the process of cellular respiration,
cells make the carbon in glucose into stable
carbon dioxide molecules and produce energy.
 Energy is also released and used to make ATP
(adenosine triphospate), an organic molecule
that is the main energy source for cell
Visual Concept: Linking
Photosynthesis and
Transferring Energy
 In chemical reactions, energy can be absorbed
and released during the breaking and forming
of bonds.
 In cells, chemical energy is gradually released
in a series of chemical reactions that are
assisted by enzymes.
 Enzymes are proteins that act as catalysts in
biochemical reactions.
Transferring Energy,
 When cells break down food molecules, some
of the molecules is released as heat. Much of
the remaining energy to make ATP.
 ATP is a portable form of energy “currency”
inside cells.
 ATP is a nucleotide made up of a chain of three
phosphate groups. When the bond of the third
phosphate group is broken, energy is released,
ATP Releases Energy
Visual Concept: Comparing
Click above to play the video.
Transferring Energy,
 In many cells, ATP
synthase recycles
ADP by bonding a
third phosphate
group to the
molecule to form
 ATP synthase acts
as both an enzyme
and a carrier protein
Transferring Energy,
 The flow of H+ ions through ATP synthase
powers the production of ATP.
 In chloroplasts and mitochondria, a series of
molecules, called an electron transport
chain, pump H+ ions across the membrane to
create a concentration gradient.
 The electron transport chain uses energy from
released from electron carriers, such as NADH
and NADPH, to pump hydrogen ions.
Electron carriers
 Organisms use and store energy in the
chemical bonds of organic molecules.
 Metabolism involves either using energy to
build organic molecules or breaking down
organic molecules in which energy is stored.
Organic molecules contain carbon. Therefore,
an organism’s metabolism is part of Earth’s
carbon cycle.
 In cells, chemical energy is gradually released
in a series of chemical reactions that are
Concept Check
1. What type of energy is used in cells, and what
is the ultimate source of this energy?
2. How is an organism’s metabolism related to the
carbon cycle?
3. How is energy released in a cell?
Test Prep
1. What pigment causes a
plant to look green?
C. carotenoid
D. chlorophyll
2. What is the product of the
electron transport chain of
A. water
B. glucose
C. pyruvate
Section 2: Photosynthesis
Harvesting Light Energy
Two Electron Transport Chains
Producing Sugar
Factors that Affect Photosynthesis
Harvesting Light Energy
 Photosynthesis is the process that provides
energy for almost all life. Chloroplasts are the
organelles that convert light energy into
chemical energy.
 Within the inner membrane of the chloroplast,
is the stroma which contains the thylakoid
 This membrane produces flat, disc-like sacs
Harvesting Light Energy,
 Light is a form of electromagnetic radiation,
energy that can travel through empty space in
the form of waves.
 Sunlight contains all of the wavelengths of
visible light which we see as different colors.
 A pigment is a substance that absorbs certain
wavelengths (colors) of light and reflects all of
the others.
Harvesting Light Energy,
 Chlorophyll is a green pigment in chloroplasts
that absorbs light energy to start
photosynthesis. It absorbs mostly blue and red
light and reflects green and yellow light, which
makes plants appear green.
Harvesting Light Energy,
 Plants also have pigments called carotenoids
which help plants absorb additional light
 When light hits a thylakoid, energy is absorbed
by many pigment molecules and eventually
transferred to electron carriers.
Visual Concept: Spectrum of
Light and Plant Pigments
Two Electron Transport
 Electrons from the electron carrier are used to
produce new molecules, including ATP, that
temporarily store chemical energy.
 During photosynthesis, one electron transport
chain provides energy to make ATP, while the
other provides energy to make NADPH.
 Both chains use energy from electrons excited
by light.
Two Electron Transport
Chains, continued
Producing ATP
 Step 1: Electrons
excited by light leave
the chlorophyll
molecules. An
enzyme splits water
molecules to replace
these electrons.
Oxygen gas is
formed and released
into the atmosphere.
Two Electron Transport
Chains, continued
Producing ATP
 Step 2: Excited
electrons transfer
some of their energy
to pump H+ ions into
the thylakoid. This
process creates a
gradient across the
thylakoid membrane.
Two Electron Transport
Chains, continued
Producing ATP
 Step 3: The energy
from diffusion of H+
ions through the
channel portion of
ATP synthase is
used to catalyze a
reaction in which a
phosphate group is
added to a molecule
of ADP, producing
Two Electron Transport
Chains, continued
Producing NADPH
 Step 4: Light excites
electrons in another
chlorophyll molecule.
The electrons are
passed on to the
second chain and
replaced by the deenergized electrons
from the first chain.
Two Electron Transport
Chains, continued
Producing NADPH
 Step 5: Excited
electrons combine
with H+ ions and
NADP+ to form
 NADPH is an
electron carrier that
provides high-energy
electrons needed to
Electron Transport Chains
of Photosynthesis
Click to animate the image.
Producing Sugar
 The first two stages of photosynthesis depend
directly on light because light energy is used to
make ATP and NADPH. (a.k.a. Light
 In the final stage of photosynthesis, ATP and
NADPH are used to produce energy-storing
sugar molecules from the carbon in carbon
Producing Sugar,
 The reactions that fix carbon dioxide are lightindependent reactions, sometimes called dark
 The most common method of carbon fixation is
the Calvin cycle.
 Atmospheric carbon dioxide is combined with
other carbon compounds to produce organic
compounds. ATP and NADPH supply some of
Visual Concept: Calvin
Click above to play the video.
Factors that Affect
 Light intensity, carbon dioxide concentration, and
temperature are three environmental factors that
affect photosynthesis.
 Although different plants are adapted to different
levels of light, the photosynthesis rate increases
with increases in light intensity until all of the
pigments in a chloroplast are being used.
 Photosynthesis is most efficient in a certain
range of temperatures.
Visual Concept:
Environmental Influences
on Photosynthesis
 In plants, light energy is harvested by pigments
located in the thylakoid membrane of
 During photosynthesis, one electron transport
chain provides energy used to make ATP, while
the other provides energy to make NADPH.
Summary, continued
 In the final stage of photosynthesis, chemical
energy is stored by being used to produce
sugar molecules from the carbon in the gas
carbon dioxide.
 Light intensity, carbon dioxide concentration,
and temperature are three environmental
factors that affect photosynthesis.
Concept Check
1. What is the role of pigments in photosynthesis?
2. What are the roles of the electron transport
3. How do plants make sugars and store extra
unused energy?
4. What are the three environmental factors that
affect photosynthesis?
Test Prep
3. The oxygen that is produced
during photosynthesis comes
directly from the
A. absorption of light.
B. mitochondrial membranes.
C. splitting of water molecules.
D. splitting of carbon dioxide molecules.
Use the diagram of a chloroplast to answer the following
4. Which of the following correctly
identifies the structure marked X and the
activities that take place there?
A. stroma-Calvin
B. thylakoid-Calvin
C. stroma-light
D. thylakoid-light
Section 3: Cellular
Aerobic Respiration
 The cells of most organisms transfer energy
found in organic compounds, such as those in
foods, to ATP.
 The primary fuel for cellular respiration is
glucose. Fats can be broken down to make
 Proteins and nucleic acids can also be used to
make ATP, but they are usually used for
Glycolysis, continued
 In glycolysis, enzymes break down one sixcarbon molecule of glucose into two threecarbon pyruvate molecules.
 The breaking of a sugar molecule by glycolysis
results in a net gain of two ATP molecules.
 This process of glycolysis is anaerobic, or
takes place without oxygen.
Visual Concept:
Click above to play the video.
Glycolysis, continued
 Glycolysis is the only source of energy for
some prokaryotes.
 Other organisms use oxygen to release even
more energy from a glucose molecule.
Metabolic processes that require oxygen are
 In aerobic respiration, the pyruvate product of
glycolysis undergoes another series of
Aerobic Respiration
 Organisms such as humans can use oxygen to
produce ATP efficiently through aerobic
 The first stage of aerobic respiration is the
Krebs cycle, a series of reactions that produce
electron carriers.
 The electron carriers enter an electron
transport chain, which powers ATP synthase.
 Up to 34 ATP molecules can be produced from
one glucose molecule in aerobic respiration.
Aerobic Respiration,
Krebs Cycle
 Pyruvate (from glycolysis) is broken down and
combined with other carbon compounds.
 Each time the carbon-carbon bonds are
rearranged during the Krebs cycle, energy is
 The total yield of energy-storing products from
one time through the Krebs cycle is one ATP,
three NADH, and one FADH2.
Visual Concept: Krebs
Click above to play the video.
Aerobic Respiration,
Electron Transport Chain
 The second stage of aerobic respiration takes
place in the inner membranes of mitochondria,
where ATP synthase enzymes are located.
 Electron carriers, produced during the Krebs
cycle, transfer energy through the electron
transport chain.
 Energy from the electrons is used to actively
transport hydrogen ions out of the inner
Visual Concept: Electron
Transport Chain
Click above to play the video.
Aerobic Respiration,
Electron Transport Chain
 Hydrogen ions diffuse through ATP synthase,
providing energy to produce several ATP
molecules from ADP.
 At the end of the electron transport chain, the
electrons combine with an oxygen atom and
two hydrogen ions to form two water
 If oxygen is not present, the electron transport
 To make ATP during glycolysis, NAD+ is
converted to NADH. Organisms must recycle
NAD+ to continue making ATP through
 The process in which carbohydrates are
broken down in the absence of oxygen is called
 Fermentation enables glycolysis to continue
Fermentation, continued
 In lactic acid fermentation, pyruvate is
converted to lactic acid.
 During vigorous exercise, lactic acid
fermentation also occurs in the muscles of
animals, including humans.
 During alcoholic fermentation, one enzyme
removes carbon dioxide from pyruvate. A
second enzyme converts the remaining
Two Types of Fermentation
Fermentation, continued
Efficiency of Cellular Respiration
 In the first stage of cellular respiration, glucose
is broken down to pyruvate during glycolysis,
an anaerobic process.
 Glycolysis results in a net gain of two ATP
molecules for each glucose molecule that is
broken down.
 In the second stage, pyruvate either passes
through the Krebs cycle or undergoes
Fermentation, continued
Efficiency of Cellular Respiration
 Cells release energy most efficiently when
oxygen is present because they make most of
their ATP during aerobic respiration.
 For each glucose molecule that is broken
down, as many as two ATP molecules are
made during the Krebs cycle.
 The Krebs cycle feeds NADH and FADH2 to
the electron transport chain, which can produce
Visual Concept:
Comparing Aerobic and
Anaerobic Respiration
 The breaking of a sugar molecule by glycolysis
results in a net gain of two ATP molecules.
 The total yield of energy-storing products from
one time through the Krebs cycle is one ATP,
three NADH, and one FADH2.
Summary, continued
 Electron carriers transfer energy through the
electron transport chain, which ultimately
powers ATP synthase.
 Fermentation enables glycolysis to continue
supplying a cell with ATP in anaerobic
Concept Check
1. How does glycolysis produce ATP?
2. How is ATP produced in aerobic respiration?
3. Why is fermentation important?
Test Prep
5. Which of the following is
not involved in the aerobic
part of cellular respiration?
B. glycolysis
C. mitochondria
D. the Krebs cycle
The graph shows data on
photosynthesis in one type of plant.
Use the graph and your knowledge
the following
occur at 0 °C.
B. The rate of
at 40 °C is
6. photosynthesis
greater than the rate at 20
supported by the data?
C. The optimum
temperature for
photosynthesis is
approximately 46 °C.
D. The rate of
photosynthesis increases
as temperature increases
from 25 °C to 30 °C.
7. The inner membrane of a
mitochondrion is folded.
These folds are called
christae. How might cellular
respiration be different if the
inner mitochondrial
membrane were not folded?