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Lightning War
Unit 7, SSWH 18 a & b
Blitzkrieg: Lightning War
• Sept 1, 1939—Hitler launches
invasion of Poland, wanted to regain
the Polish Corridor (port of Danzig)
• •Britain, France declare war on
Germany (Sept 3, 1939)
• •Blitzkrieg: Germany’s new military
strategy, surprise & quick
Armies react
• Nazi/Soviet Pact Soviets capture
Lithuania, Latvia, Poland,
resistance met in Finland
• Maginot Line, wait for German
• Many months of no action—the
“phony war” (until Apr. 1940)
Fall of France
• May 1940: Germany conquers
Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg
• German forces trap British, French on
coast at Dunkirk
• British Navy, civilians take ships across
Channel to rescue 338,000 soldiers
(Rescue/Miracle at Dunkirk)
• June 1940: Fall of France
Battle of Britain
• Winston Churchill—Becomes British
prime minister, vows no surrender
• •Germany plans invasion of Britain;
air attacks 1940 - 1941
• British use air force, RADAR, codebreaking to resist Germany
• British resistance makes Hitler call
off attacks
Axis Forces Attack
• Mussolini declares war on France,
Britain after German victory
• Sept. 1940:Mussolini attacks British in
North Africa
• Dec. 1940: British attack & drive Italians
• Erwin Rommel, German general, battles
British in North Africa
• 1942, Rommel succeeds against British
Hitler Invades USSR
• Hitler plans to invade Soviet Union; takes
Balkan countries
• Germany invades an unprepared Soviet
Union June 1941
• •Soviet troops burn land as they retreat;
Germans move into Russia
• Germans almost capture Moscow, but forced
• Russian Army + Russian Winter
• Most Americans want to avoid war -
• Pres. •Franklin Roosevelt fears that if
Allies fall, U.S. would have to fight
• Lend-Lease Act—U.S. loans weapons to
• •Roosevelt and Churchill meet, Atlantic
Charter, issue statement of principles
(supports free trade, right to form own
government)- plans for post war
Japan’s Pacific
SSWH 18 a
Describe the major
conflicts & outcomes
of Pearl Harbor &
Japan & the U.S.
• Japan develops plan for attacks
on European colonies, U.S. bases,
to build up Japanese Empire
• 1941, Pres. Roosevelt cuts off oil
shipments to Japan
• Admiral Isoroku Yamamato plans
attack on U.S. fleet in Hawaii
Day of Infamy
•Japan attacks Pearl
Harbor—U.S. naval base in
Hawaii—on Dec. 7, 1941,
3,400 + killed/injured
••U.S. declares war on Japan
– Dec. 8, 1941
Japanese Victories
• Japanese attack Philippine Islands
& fall in 1942
• Japan captures British holdings,
including Hong Kong, Singapore
• Capture of Burma threatens
India, Britain’s main colony
• •Japanese forces treat
conquered peoples, prisoners
of war brutally (Bataan Death
March: 70,000 started, ended
with 54,000)
April 1942 “Doolittle’s Raid”
•U.S. bombers attack Tokyo,
& other Japanese cities
•Raid does little damage,
but shows that Japan is
Allies Turn the Tide
• Battle of the Coral Sea—Americans
stop Japanese, May 1942
• New kind of naval warfare—ships
launch planes to fight each other
• Battle of Midway—U.S. destroys
Japan’s naval fleet, Japan retreats
(turning point in the pacific war)
MacArthur’s Plan
• Douglas MacArthur—American
army commander in Pacific
• 1942-45: Plans to “island-hop”
past strongholds, attack weaker
Japanese bases
• Battle of Guadalcanal—deadly
battle that ends in Allied victory
Partners 3-2-1
•Name 3 battles that
occurred in the Pacific.
•Name 2 military leaders.
•Name 1 outcome of
bombing Pearl Harbor.