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How seed savvy are you?
Seeds come in hundreds of different shapes
and sizes, but they all have the same
purpose—to reproduce. Whether you buy
your seeds or collect them from the garden,
there are a few tips and tricks to ensure they
germinate successfully after you've sown
them. Take our quiz and test your seed
Question 1 of 10
Seeds remain dormant until conditions
are right for germination.
• All seeds need water, oxygen and the optimal
temperature to germinate, but some seeds require
specific light requirements--some need complete
darkness, while others require full sunlight to
germinate. From the time a seed is harvested from the
plant until it is planted and germinates, there is a
period when it is most fertile. If seeds are too old, their
chances of germinating decrease. Most seed packages
have a date stamp, indicating how old the seeds are.
Usually seeds that are two to three years old will
germinate well, but new seeds have the best
germination rate.
Question 2: Water and temperature
play no role in seed germination.
• There are many things that can cause poor
germination. Overwatering can suffocate a seed
by depleting the supply of oxygen, whereas dry
conditions will prevent the seed from ever
germinating at all. If a seed is planted too deeply,
it may deplete its energy store trying to reach the
soil surface and the seedling will perish. Consult
the seed package for the plant's specific cultural
requirements. Planting depth, soil temperature,
days to germination, plant spacing after thinning,
days to maturity, sun and water requirements are
all listed.
Question 3: Putting your seeds in the
freezer will harm the seeds and
reduce their chances of germination
True &False
• The germination rate of some seeds will improve by
putting them in the freezer a week before planting.
This cold period imitates winter temperatures and
tricks the seeds into thinking that spring has arrived
when you remove them from the refrigerator. Some
seeds, like apple seeds, will not germinate unless they
are subjected to a period of cold temperatures.
Although this technique works well for seeds that are
going to be planted, it does not work as a way to store
seeds for a long period of time. In fact, keeping seeds
in the freezer for more than a few days will cause the
seed quality to degrade. The best way to store seeds is
in a cold, dry place where they aren't exposed to any
moisture or humidity.
Question 4: Broadcasting is an
informal sowing technique to plant
• Broadcasting--or scattering--seeds is the ideal sowing
method for plants such as wildflowers. Instead of
planting seeds in rows, broadcasting imitates the wind
and disperses the seeds randomly. Prepare a garden
bed by removing any debris and evenly raking the soil.
A variety of annuals can be sown together by scattering
the seeds on the prepared bed. Once seeds have been
broadcast, rake the soil in one direction and then at
right angles to cover the seeds. At the seedling stage it
may be difficult to determine which are annuals and
which are weeds, but once the plants mature, you'll be
able to weed the bed.
Question 5: Growing plants from
seed is an expensive way to fill your
garden with colourful annuals
• Not only will you enjoy the satisfaction of growing your
own seedlings, you'll also save some money. The cost
of a package of seeds is a fraction of the price of buying
one single plant. For some annuals, the time from
sowing to flowering can be as little as eight weeks.
Another way to save money is to collect the seeds from
your annuals and perennials in the fall. To harvest
seeds, use a paper envelope or paper bag. Place the
flower head in the envelope and gently shake the plant
to dislodge the seeds. Once you've collected the seeds,
make sure you label each makeshift seed package so
you know what you've harvested. Keep your seeds in a
cool, dry place to keep them viable.
Question 6: Sowing seeds indoors in
a greenhouse or sunny window
allows seeds to get a jump start on
the growing season
• Seeds sown indoors do have a better success rate
because growing conditions can be kept perfect at
all times. Water, sunlight and temperature can be
closely monitored to ensure seeds have
everything they need to germinate. Once
seedlings are mature they can be transplanted
outside, but they need to be 'hardened off' before
they can be placed outside. This is done by leaving
the seedlings outside during the day and bringing
them in at night to acclimatize to the outdoor
temperature. Do this for several days, then plant
them outdoors in prepared beds.
Question 7: Seed tape is a foolproof
method of spacing seeds evenly
• While the most popular seed packages are loose seeds in a
sealed envelope, seed tape is becoming a popular
alternative, especially for vegetable seeds. Radish and
carrots are so tiny that it's difficult to pick them up and
space them evenly in the garden. Seeds are pre-spaced on
a strip of tape that dissolves when the seeds are in the
ground and watered. You can also make homemade seed
tape by using damp toilet paper or paper towels. Unroll the
paper, mist it with a spray bottle filled with water, and place
the seeds along the centre strip. Be sure to space the seeds
evenly--you might find using a pair of tweezers helpful to
handle the seeds. Gently fold the paper over the seeds and
mist to seal. To prevent your homemade seed tape from
going mouldy, plant immediately.
Question 8: Once the seeds
germinate, seedlings will push their
way up through the soil and be
visible within a week
• While some seedlings, such as lettuce and
marigold, push their way to the surface within a
week of germination, others may take several
weeks. Parsley and Sweet Williams can take up to
nine weeks, so resist the temptation to scrape the
soil away to see if your seeds have been
successful. The information on the seed package
will give you an estimated germination date of
when you can expect the seedlings to appear
after you've planted them. When it comes to
sowing seeds, patience is a virtue.
Question 9: Once a seed
germinates, the root is the first
thing to emerge from the seed.
• When a seed is exposed to the proper conditions,
water and oxygen are taken in through the seed
coat. The embryo's cells start to enlarge and then
the seed coat breaks open and a root, otherwise
known as a radicle emerges. It pushes its way
downwards into the soil in search of water. The
shoot, or plumule, emerges next and grows
upwards searching for light and air. Once the
shoot has reached the surface, the leaves, or
cotyledons, emerge to start absorbing energy
from the sun.
Question 10: All plants produce
seeds to reproduce
• Not all plants reproduce by producing seeds.
Unlike flowering plants that need a male and
female plant to produce seeds, non-flowering
plants use an asexual method of reproduction.
Ferns, for example, reproduce with seed like
pods called spores. Spores are usually found
on the underside of the leaves and look like
small, velvety scales. When the spores ripen,
they fall off and are carried off by the wind,
germinating wherever they land.