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Constructive Feedback for a Manager
This form gives you the opportunity to provide constructive feedback for your manager (or any other manager) based on the
criteria below. This is your chance to let management know how you feel and what your suggestions are. Management views
all employees as the company’s biggest asset. The happier the employees are, the more productive they will be. Please be
honest. This form can be anonymously placed in the mailbox of your manager.
Performance Scale Definitions
6.0 Perfect!!
Every aspect of performance is spectacular, and all goals have been wildly exceeded! This
employee’s efforts have greatly impacted the financial performance or savings of the company. This
person is extremely respected by all of his/her peers and managers, and there is no room for any
5.5 Outstanding!
Performance is absolutely outstanding in all segments of the job element! Employee substantially
exceeds goals and responsibilities, and does so in an expedient manner. Impact on the company’s
performance or savings has been significant. This person is highly respected by all of his/her peers and
managers, and considered a “superstar” by his/her peers. There is very little room remaining for
5.0 Excellent
Performance is consistently very high in all segments of the job element. Employee meets almost all
goals and excels in his/her responsibilities with excellence.
The vast majority of projects are
completed on time or ahead of schedule. Employee is highly reliable, highly respected, and considered
a “star” by his/her peers. Even for being an overachiever and star performer, there is still room for
4.5 Very Good
Performance is consistently very good in most segments of the job element. Employee consistently
meets most goals and responsibilities. Employee is very reliable and heavily depended upon by the
company. Even so, there is room for improvement and growth. Words like reliable, steady, speedy,
knowledgeable, major contributor, etc., are used to describe this individual.
4.0 Good
Performance is usually good in most segments of the job element. Employee meets many goals and
responsibilities. Employee has shown signs of being reliable, steady, and knowledgeable, but there are
still a lot of areas for improvement and growth.
3.5 Acceptable
Employee is an average performer within The Company. Performance is satisfactory or acceptable,
but there are many areas where the employee could improve.
3.0 Marginal
Performance is satisfactory by most companies’ standards. Although this performance is acceptable
by other companies, The Company’s standards show that this person needs much improvement.
2.5 Unsatisfactory
Performance is unsatisfactory in most segments of the job element. Employee does not meet goals
and responsibilities. Employee needs to improve quickly.
Total score on all items combined: __________
Total score divided by 13:
Name of manager being evaluated: ______________________________________________________
Your name (optional):_________________________________________________________________
Constructive Feedback for a Manager, cont.
1. _______
Listening Skills: The extent to which management is willing to listen to my
suggestions/problems and to help me find a solution.
2. _______
Expression of Thoughts: The extent to which I know how management feels about my
projects, my progress, and my areas for improvement.
3. _______
Satisfaction with my Progress:
appreciated for my work.
4. _______
Clear Direction: The extent to which management explains to me exactly what I am
expected to do.
5. _______
Future Vision: The extent to which management thinks of me for what I may become as
my experience grows with the company.
6. _______
Fair Delegation of Projects: The extent to which management delegates projects fairly
and takes responsibility for projects which should not be delegated.
7. _______
Faith and Confidence: The extent to which management expresses faith and confidence
in my work whether by asking for my help in solving problems, by the
responsibilities/freedoms which I am allotted, or by knowing that I can be trusted.
8. _______
Constructive Feedback: The extent to which management can give me suggestions in a
way that is not harsh. Offers constructive help, not criticism.
9. _______
Positive Feedback: The extent to which the management can pay me compliments when
they are due.
10. _______
Understanding: The extent to which management is understanding with regards to
needed vacation days, personal time, sick days, unattainable deadlines, etc.
11. _______
Necessary Materials: The extent to which management provides me with the materials
that I need in order to work efficiently, whether it is a software package or a file cabinet.
12. _______
Enthusiasm/Positive Outlook: The extent to which the management conveys enthusiasm
with regards to the business and the employees. Looks for the positive side of many
13. _______
Practice What Is Preached: The extent to which the management practices the rules and
guidelines. Provides a prime example of an exceptional employee: punctual, enthusiastic,
dedicated, loyal, hard-working, etc.
The extent to which management makes me feel
Comments: (use additional sheet if necessary)