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Texas Skyward User Group Conference
Data Mining - Processing Lists
Jamie Lyn Muffoletto
SIS/PEIMS Coordinator
Hutto ISD
[email protected]
Data Mining – Processing Lists
In this session we will learn how to create a Processing List in Data Mining (WS/ST/DM), manually
create one (WS/AF/PL), or import to create one and then use them to run the following reports:
Absence Occurrence Report (WS/OF/AT/RE/AR/AO)
Web Student/Office/Attendance/Reports/Attendance Reports/Reports by Student/Absence Occurrence Report
Report Card (WS/OF/GR/RC/RE/DR)
Web Student/Office/Grading/Report Cards/Reports/Report Cards/District Report Cards
Student Schedules (WS/OF/CS/RE/SS/SS)
Web Student/Office/Current Scheduling/Reports/Scheduling Reports/Student Schedules
Discipline Detail (WS/OF/DI/RE/RS/DD)
Web Student/Office/Discipline/Reports/Reports by Students/Discipline Detail
Vaccination (WS/OF/HR/VA/RE/VA)
Web Student/Office/Health Records/Vaccinations/Reports/Vaccinations
Data Mining Reports (WS/ST/DM)
Web Student/Student/Data Mining
Processing List from Data Mining
Step 1: Create a Data Mining Report
Step 2: Click Print Using Processing List
Step 3: Click Create New Processing List
Step 4: Give the list a name and select
Save and Print
Step 5: View your list of students.
Manually Create Processing List
Web Student/Advanced
Features/Processing Lists
Step 1: Click Add
Step 2: Give the list a name and click
Step 3: Click the triangle in front of your
processing list.
Step 4: Click Add/Delete Names
Step 5: Click Add
Step 6: Type in the last name in lookup.
Step 7: Click the box in front of the name.
Step 8: Type in the next name in look up
and press enter. You will get the pop up
listed. Click ok and then repeat step 7&8
Import to Create Processing List
Web Student/Advanced
Features/Processing Lists
Step 1: Click Add
Step 2: Give the list a name and click
Step 3: Click the triangle in front of your
processing list.
Step 4: Click Add/Delete Names
Step 5: Click Import
Step 6: The file you import can be plain
text or a CSV. It if is a CSV the link has to
be in the first column and there must be a
blank at the end. You can use a file with
Name Key, Other ID or State ID.
Step 7: Choose file and select Import.
Absence Occurrence Report
Report Cards
Student Schedules
Discipline Details
Data Mining
Texas Skyward User Group Conference