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What movement started in
Germany in response to Nappy
& the FR?
German Nationalism
What type of government was
favored by the Congress of
Legitimate Monarchy
How did the COV attempt to
isolate France?
sets up buffer states around it
(Netherlands, Swiss Confed.,
Sardinia, etc.)
In what two areas did
romanticism flourish? Why?
Germany and GB, most
impacted by actions of
What is the volksgeist?
spirit of the German
What period of history did many
romantics look to for
inspiration? How can this be
seen in their architecture?
Middle Ages, gothic revival
What was Hegel’s view of the
ongoing pattern of history?
Thesis vs. anti-Thesis =
Synthesis (which becomes
the new thesis)
Identify at least three English
romantic poets.
Keats, Byron, Wordsworth,
Coleridge, Shelley, Johnson
Name 3 things Nationalists use
to define nations
language, ethnicity, history,
What kind of people did liberals
tend to be?
Wealthy, educated & excluded
Who did liberals want to deny
representation to? Why?
lower classes, unfit for rep
(nothing special about them)
What country eventually met
reform with accommodation
instead of repression? What’s
the best example of this?
Great Britain, Great Reform Bill
of 1832
Who were the two main
architects of the Congress of
Castleragh & Metternich
Why did the Great Powers
decide to support the Greek
Further weaken the Ottoman
Why was the British Great
Reform Bill of 1832 such a
revolution unnecessary, kept
institutions, brought
economic interests into line
with political interests
What did the Protocol of
Troppau do?
Gave the Great Powers
permission to intervene in
revolutions “for the good of
What kind of people were the
biggest proponents of
writers & historians
What kind of people were
usually conservatives?
aristocratic monarchists
What time would the
Conservatives liked to return to?
Pre-French Rev. Europe
Name 3 ideals the Liberals took
from the Enlightenment.
Free press, religious tolerance,
equality before the law,
unrestricted economy
How did conservatives view
worse than the plague
Who did the Russian
Decembrists want to be Tsar?
Were they more liberal or
Constantine, liberal
Identify two characteristics of
the reign of Nicholas I of Russia.
Repressive, gendarme of
Europe, Official Nationality
protects from corruption of
What king was ousted in the
July Revolution? What did he
do to provoke revolution?
Charles X, ousted liberal
ministry – issued 4 (July)
What class ousted him?
Bourgeoisie, with force
provided by the working class
Who backed the independent
Serbs against the Austrians?
What was the purpose of GB’s
Six Acts?
Make it easier to repress the
reform demanders in GB
Who were the Burchenshaften?
Student Nationalist groups in
What happened to them?
banned by Metternich &
Carlsbad Decrees
What was the basic idea of the
Concert of Europe?
Great Powers would get
together to solve problems
What problems led to calls for
reform in GB after 1815?
Hunger & Unemployment
What country/statesman had
the most to lose from
Austria (Metternich)
Name 2 reasons why GB was
able to maintain industrial
foreign markets, quality of
goods, strong navy, coal &
Name 2 factors that contributed
to the rise of the proletariat.
wage labor market, end of
guilds, no longer controlled
means of production
Name 2 things that happened to
the family as a result of
mother provides domestic
support, less time together,
just unit of consumption
What did the Factory Act of
1833 do?
limited child labor to 9 hrs/day,
must be 9, 2 hrs. of ed.
What action was intended to
help feed the poor in Ireland
but led to more free grain
Repeal of the Corn Laws
What is the primary basis for
classical economic thought?
the free market (Laissez Faire)
Who thought the population
would eventually outstrip the
food supply?
Whose Iron Law of Wages
justified low wages? What else
did this justify?
Ricardo, opposition to labor
unions who push for high
Who pushed the concept of
utility combined with reason?
What did Europeans use as a
model for prison reform?
prisons in U.S. (Philadelphia
What was the driving force
behind the creation of the
modern urban police force?
Rising crime and the desire of
the MC for order
Who thought he could
successfully build utopias based
on textile manufacturing?
Where did he succeed? Fail?
Owen, Scotland & Indiana
What was Marx’s major work?
Communist Manifesto
Name 4 parts of the Charter.
universal suff, salaries for
Commons, no prop. req.,
annual elections, equal
What did Marx feel was
necessary to reorganize society?
Would this entity be permanent?
Dictatorship of the proletariat,
What did Marx believe would be
the culminating event of
clash between P & B, leading
to a society without
What did the anarchists want?
end to ind. & Gov’t, because
ind. & gov’t limit freedom in
people’s lives
What were 3 general causes of
the Revs. of 1848?
Hunger (bad harvests),
unemployment, poor living &
working conditions, political
How many separate revolts took
place in 1848? Which was the
first major uprising?
Over 50, the February
Revolution in France
What was the chief cause of the
start of the February French
Rev. of 1848?
Repression by Louis Phillippe
(banning the banquets)
What was the first example of
class warfare? Who were the
two groups involved?
June Days of the French Rev.
of 1848, the radical working
poor and the French Army
What was the main thing that
helped Louis Napoleon get
name recognition & desire for
Who led the revolt in Vienna?
What major figure fled at the
start of their uprising?
academic legions (student
nationalists), Metternich
The Magyars blew it because
they ______ when they tried to
rebel against the Austrians.
annexed Romania, Croatia &
Serbia (treated others like the
Austrians had treated them)
How did rulers all over the
Germanic Confederation
respond to the uprisings by
workers and peasants in 1848?
Made concessions, promised
constitutions, and sent reps
to the Frankfurt Parliament
Why did the members of the
Frankfurt Parliament fail?
Too liberal (ignored
Conservatives & workers) and
too slow
What group did Guiseppe
Mazzini lead? What did the
group want?
Young Italy, a united Italy with
a republican government
How did the Pope respond to
the declaration of a Roman
He fled, was not as liberal as
he claimed to be
Who goes in to Italy to squash
revolt & put the Pope back?
France & Louis Napoleon
What two Great Powers fought
Russia in the Crimean War? What 2
powers stayed neutral?
France & GB, Prussia &
What were the Russians’ goals in
the Crimean War?
Protect the Xians in Ottoman
Empire, territorial gains
What impact did the Crimean war
have on the Concert of Europe?
Ended it (broke up order of
What impact did this break up have
on Germany & Italy?
Allowed for their unification
(since powers couldn’t
unite against it)
Why was Piedmont the natural
place for Italian unification to start?
most independent &
What did Cavour think was the key
to unification of Italy?
Economic strength that
would make Italy a viable
state and a monarchy
Which “romantic republican”
founded the Young Italian Society?
What was their goal?
Guiseppe Mazzini, a unified
Italy with a republican
Why did the Pope resist Italian
wanted to keep the
independence of the Papal
States (which were under
his control)
Who did Cavour secure help from
in Piedmont’s fight against Austria?
Napoleon III (France)
What priorities did Garibaldi
demonstrate when he turned over
Southern Italy to Cavour?
nationalism over
Who was the first king of a united
Victor Emmanuel (of
What state was sick of being
second to Austria in Germany?
Who was it’s chief minister in
Prussia, Otto von Bismarck
Bismarck wanted unification by
____ & ____, which symbolized
blood & iron, war &
industrial strength
What was the first “war of German
unification” & what was at stake?
Danish War (1864), Holstein
& Schleswig
How did Bismarck use the
Danish war to deal with
Conflict over spoils of war
leads to Austro-Prussian
War in 1866
What document played on French
fears & started the Franco-Prussian
War? What did the French fear?
Ems Dispatch, a
Hohenzollern king of Spain
(Germans on both sides)
Name 2 key outcomes of the
Franco-Prussian War.
end of Nap III (start of 3rd
Rep.), finalizes Ger. Uni.
(southern states), new mil.
How did Bismarck, a conservative,
overcame the Ger. Libs.?
Using cons. Institutions (e.g.
army), F-P war, N. Ger.
What forced Napoleon III to be
more liberal at home?
foreign policy failures (Italy
& Mexico)
What group lay siege to Paris to
remove the Commune from power?
What did Marxists call this?
French Army under orders of
NA, class warfare
Why did French Monarchists in the
NA fail to establish a monarchy?
Couldn’t find a king
(Bourbon refused)
What was the Dreyfus Affair?
Jewish French Army captain
unjustly accused of spying
for Germany
Name two key outcomes of the
Dreyfus Affair.
cleared way for 3rd Rep.,
embarrassed Conservs.,
demonstrated antiSemitism of the era
What were 3 chief characteristics of
Austria in 1860? Why did these
characteristics conflict with the rest
of Europe?
dynastic, absolutist &
agrarian, rest of Europe
was becoming more
industrial and democratic
What forced the Hapsburgs to deal
with the Magyars in 1867?
no support from Russia, loss
in A-P war
Name two characteristics of the
Dual Monarchy of A-H.
one king, separate
legislatures, separate
countries, some common
ministers, common foreign
policy & defense
What area were Austria & Russia
rivals for influence in the late
1800s? What major event will this
lead to?
The Balkans, World War I
How did the other nats. in the
Austrian emp react to the Dual
Monarchy? Which nat. was most
outspoken for equality?
Wanted similar deal, Czechs
What did many Irish landlords do
with their peasants during the
Potato famine?
evicted them & shipped
them to the U.S.
Name two things that use the
internal combustion engine.
cars, subs, planes
Name the industries associated
with the 2nd ind rev.
steel, chemicals, oil
What created a real interest in
public health?
MC fear of cholera, new
understanding of disease
What is parliamentary
working within assembly to
make change
What country took the lead in
social reform?
How did Nicholas II respond to
the December Revolution?
October Manifesto
What made Marxism the main
brand of socialism in the 1870s?
1st International
Why did revisionists like
Bernstein believe revolts would
never happen in Ger. & France?
stock ownership, broader
franchise, improved standard
of living (conditions are just
getting too good for
What were the two principles of
dual revolution and elite
revolutionary force
Name 2 problems with Russian
inefficient farming, profits
leaving to other countries,
small WC, bad conditions
How did Bismarck respond to
failed repression of the GSPD?
Social reforms (insurance &
What improvements were made
to cut down on cholera?
sewers & water systems,
eliminate slaughterhouses
Name two components of
Russian anti-Semitism.
pogroms, internal passports,
living restrictions, censorship,
limited jobs & educ.
What did the educational
revolution of the late 1800s help
people break free from?
intellectual surroundings
How has Freud’s thinking
affected our modern world?
Changed the way we view
things, events, and most
importantly people
What did Nietzsche insist man
must do to achieve greatness?
follow his instincts and pursue
ecstasy (ubermensch)
What did Nietzsche claim
Christianity and Democracy had
done to man?
made him meek and mediocre
What did Weber claim was the
most significant development of
the 19th Cent.?
What did impressionists attempt
to depict?
their full impression of the
scene (sight, sound, emotion,
light, etc.)
What is social Darwinism?
belief in “survival of the fittest”
in the social world - those
who suffer do so because
they are weak
Identify three reasons for New
nationalism, industrialism, belief in
cultural superiority, spread religion
In what continent was this new
imperialism most evident?
Identify at least two of the big
trends leading to WWI.
industrial arms race, colonial
rivalry, nationalism, alliances
What two nations started the
colonization of Africa? What
GB & France, northern sections
What was GB’s goal in Africa?
Cape to Cairo
Why was China ripe for forced
trade in the 1800s?
internal turmoil
What was the worst example of
European exploitation in Africa?
King Leopold in the Congo
What were the only two parts of
Africa not colonized by 1900?
Ethiopia and Liberia
What were the two clashes in
Africa that fed animosity against
Fashoda Crisis and the Boer
What was the U.S. policy for
trade in China? What British
settlement came out of this
Open Door Policy, Hong Kong
Why was trade with China so
important to the Europeans?
Chinese goods were in high
demand in Europe
What was the Chinese rebellion
in response to the Open Door
Boxer Rebellion
What were the two examples of
economically successful colonies
in the 1800s?
Dutch Indonesia and British
What was Bismarck’s primary
foreign policy goal?
avoid 2 front conflict
What was the root of the
tension between A-H & Russia?
territorial interests in the
Why did France ultimately make
an alliance with Russia?
lots of $ invested in Russian
Why did Germany antagonize
GB in the early 1900s?
to make themselves look
powerful so GB will want to
ally with them
In 1914, who belonged to the
Triple Alliance?
Italy, Germany, A-H
In 1914, Who belonged to the
Triple Entente?
GB, France & Russia
What event triggered war
between these two alliances?
Assassination of Archduke
Franz Ferdinand
Who came in to back A-H?
Germany and Russia
What were the basics of the
Schlieffen Plan?
swing through France with
strong right, defeating them
quickly then beating the
Why did the Schlieffen Plan fail?
What did this lead to?
weak right, digging trenches
on Western Front
What were the two major
actions on the Western Front in
German attack on Verdun,
Allied offensive at Somme
What were the Allies trying to
accomplish at Galipoli?
break through & reestablish
connection with Russia
Identify three weapons that
were used first in WWI.
machine guns, tanks,
airplanes, submarines, poison
What is a war of attrition?
you try to win by wearing
down the other side
Identify at least 4 causes of the
Russian Revolution of 1917.
industrialism, Nicky’s a
weenie, Rev. of 1905, Crimea,
R-J War, Duma-Duma-Duma
Who took control in the March
liberals/cadets (Provisional
Gov’t lead by Kerensky)
Who snuck Lenin back into
What brought the U.S. into
Zimmerman Telegram &
sinking of the Lusitania
What did the Germans do after
the Bolsheviks surrendered?
Launched an all out attack on
the Western Front
What allowed the British and
French to hold off this assault?
help from the U.S.
How did the Germans try to
counter the British blockade?
with the U-Boat
What was Kerensky (and the
provisional gov’t)’s biggest
staying in the war vs. Germany
What did the treaty of BrestLitovsk give the Germans?
lots of land & an indemnity
Why did the Bolsheviks have to
sign this treaty?
needed to get out of war &
focus on keeping control
Who was the political leader of
the Bolsheviks? Military Leader?
Lenin, Trotsky
Identify three of Wilson’s 14
free seas, self determination,
open diplomacy, League of
Nations, “Peace Without
Identify 4 ways that the Treaty
of Versailles was hard on
blame for war, huge
reparations, Alsace-Lorraine,
small army, dictated, demilRhineland
What did the T of V do to
split it into 6 states, made it a
nationalist & economic mess
What did Wilson cash in his
idealism for?
League of Nations
Why was WWI truly an end to
the old order?
all old monarchies no longer
exist (A-H & Russia)
Why did trench warfare suck?
(list at least three reasons)
machine guns, trench foot,
boredom, shell shock, rats,
barbed wire
Name 2 things that squash
Wilson’s vision for peace.
Natty, economics, &
Who most wanted the Treaty of
Versailles enforced? Why?
France, most damaged & all
alone vs. Ger.
Name 2 groups who fought the
Reds in the Russian Civil War.
Whites (Cadets), peasants,
What was Lenin’s solution to the
economic problems the
Communists faced after the
Russian Civil War?
New Economic Policy (NEP)
What did the NEP allow peasants
to do?
sell grain
What impact did the NEP have
on the communist party?
split it
Lenin's death led to a power
struggle between whom? Who
was the victor?
Stalin & Trotsky, Stalin
What was the main threat that
fascist regimes responded to?
spread of communism
What did fascist rulers insist the
individual must put before
the State
How did Mussolini become Prime
appointed by king after
Black Shirts march on
What two things did France do
immediately after WWI to secure
Enforce T of V & East
Alliances (C, R & Y)
What did France do in 1923
when Ger. fell behind on reps.?
occupied Ruhr
How did this impact the Ger.
huge inflation, some
Describe the economy in GB
after WWI.
What group of states was
supposed to get self
determination after WWI?
the successor states
Out of which three former
empires were the successor
states composed?
Germany, A-H, & Russia
Which was the only successful
Which state wanted to unify with
Name 1 flaw of the Weimar
small party representation &
dictatorial powers
Name 2 parts of the Nazi Party
repudiation of T of V,
unification of Aust & Ger.,
eradication of Jews, agrarian
reform, confiscation of war
profits, etc.
What was the first attempted
takeover by the Nazi Party?
Beer Hall Putsch (Munich,
What two things helped
reconstruct the Weimar Republic
between 1925-1929?
Dawes Plan & Locarno
What did the Dawes Plan do?
restructured rep pay back
(tied to Ger. economy)
Name 2 of the key causes of the
Great Depression.
Crisis in currency &
investments, commodities
crisis, lack of leadership
How did the crash of ‘29 affect
U.S. investment in Europe?
stopped it
Why couldn’t farmers pay their
debts in the ‘20s?
glut of agricultural goods in
How did most European gov’ts
respond to the GD?
cut spending, wage & price
Who did the Popular Front in
France oppose?
right wingers (fascists)
Who rose to power in response
to the GD in Ger.? Who did they
use as scapegoats?
Nazis, Jews and Communists
What did Hitler blame on the
Communists & use as an excuse
to expand his power?
Reichstag Fire
What act of terror made the Nazi
anti-Semitic program a clear
What was the name of Hitler’s
elite secret police force? Who
led it?
SS, Himmler
What kinds of propaganda were
used by the Nazis? Who was
their minister of propaganda?
marches, rallies, radio, print;
Joseph Goebbels
What was the Nazis’ economic
Gear all production toward
strong military state
What happened to the rights of
organized labor in Germany &
What rights?, they were
taken away
What two organizations did the
Italian Fascists use to control the
corporations & syndicates
What instrument guided the
Soviet economy between 1927 &
the Five Year Plans
What did these plans call for?
rapid industrialization w/
specific goals for
How did the plans expect to pay
for these increases?
grain exports from
collectivized farms
What class strongly opposed
collectivized farming?
What was done to those who
death or imprisonment
How much did Soviet industrial
production increase between
1928 & 1940?
What was the cost of this
millions of deaths, lack of
economic equality, years of
self denial
What is the Cult of Personality?
worship of the ruler who
embodies the greatness of
the state
What was Stalin’s goal in the
great Purges?
eliminate all opposition w/in
the Party (old Bolsheviks)
Who would replace these
new faces loyal only to him
At what point before WWII did
Hitler say he was “done” adding
after Sudetenland
What 1939 treaty guaranteed
Hitler’s security on the eastern
Nazi-Soviet Non-Aggression
Why did the Japanese bomb
Pearl Harbor?
the U.S cut off shipments of
Where was there a great deal of
island hopping?
Pacific Theater
What was the goal of Operation
Barbarossa? What delayed its
take the USSR before winter,
Germans had to go bail out
Mussolini in N. Africa
What was the Allied invasion of
Normandy called?
D-Day/Op. Overlord
What were Truman’s two main
options to defeat Japan? Which
did he choose?
invasion or A-Bomb, A-Bomb
What was the Vichy
controlled non-occupied
France during WWII
What event led to hardships on
the German homefront?
failure of Barbarossa
Name the last two big peace
Yalta & Potsdam
How was Germany divided after
4 zones, one each for US, GB, Fr.,
How did the U.S. respond to the
1948 blockade of West Berlin?
What divided eastern & western
Europe after WWII?
iron curtain
Name two things Khruschev did to
lessen Stalin’s influence.
some freedoms, ag reform, more
consumer goods, Secret Speech
How did the Soviets respond to the
1968 uprising in Cz.?
sent in troops
Who led Vietnamese resistance to
French control?
Ho Chi Minh
What movement led to
independence for Poland in 1989?
Name the 2 people that created a
desire for buffer states in the USSR.
Napoleon & Adolf Hitler
What slowed UN actions after
Soviet veto on the Security
What provided US aid to European
nations to keep them free from
Marshall Plan
What were the two main treaty
organizations of the Cold War?
NATO & Warsaw Pact
What was the basic idea of the
Truman Doctrine?
containment of Communism
Name two of the Crises of 1956.
Suez, Poland, Hungary
What organization was opposed to
peace between Israel & Egypt?
How did the U.S. respond to
space raceola
Who’s set of major reforms brought
an end to the USSR?
What were deGaulle’s priorities for
hostility to U.S. & GB, nukes,
tension w/ NATO
Which half did the US back in both
Vietnam & Korea?
What were the two parts of
Gorbachev’s reforms?
perestroika and glasnost
How did the satellite states
respond to the weakness of the
USSR in 1989?
“revolted” for independence
Identify four areas that
“revolted” in 1989.
Poland, E Ger., Czech.,
Romania, Hungary,
Who backed the State of Israel
right from the beginning?
the U.S. & western Europe
What were the three possible
ways Europe could be unified?
Which was most likely?
political, military, economic
Give two examples of student
protest in Europe in 1968.
Prague and Paris
What has the focus of European
feminism been for the last 60
social & workplace equality
Who led the movement for
Indian independence?
Mohandas Gandhi
What 1977 agreement started
to lessen tension between Israel
& Egypt?
Camp David Accords
What is the basic nature of the
problem in the former
many different ethnic/religious
groups, discrimination outside
common areas
Where is the current conflict
Give two examples of
Americanization in Europe.
McDonalds, English, Levis, etc.
What impact did decolonization
have on em/immigration?
former colonizers & colonial
subjects go to Europe