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CPE Report
Hindi 2012
The Hindi questionnaire 2012 was within the reach of all candidates. As usual the performance
of girls was better than that of boys.
It was noticed that a good number of candidates had not yet mastered the basic grammatical rules
of Hindi. A good number of students had a tendency to select their answers by guessing.
Teachers are advised to train their pupils in the proper spelling of Hindi alphabets as well as with
the basic rules of Hindi grammar.
A few samples have been given in the Hindi version. Teachers may make use of them as
guidelines to prepare their pupils in future.
Comments on specific questions:
Section A
Question 1
It consisted of 20 multiple choice items. Only a few candidates scored full marks. A detailed
analysis of this question is presented in the Hindi version.
Namely, some items dealt with the proper usage to nouns, pronouns, adjectives and agreement
with cases. But some candidates did not pay attention of nouns used in feminine and what would
be their plural form. Example: ‘Mala’ in Hindi is feminine; therefore, in plural it becomes
There have been a good number of students who did not pay attention to the use of adjectives; as
well as pronouns used as adjectives.
Each year there are items dealt with transitive verbs in the perfect past tense with the use of ‘NE’
where the verbs agree with the direct object.
Candidates should be well prepared in these types of exercise which is a regular feature in the
examination paper.
Proper use of the parts of speech with special attention to:
1. Nouns and pronouns and use of the case-markers.
2. Adjectives and their proper use.
3. Agreement of verbs, special attention to the use of ‘NE’ and agreement of verbs with
given objects.
Teachers are requested to make provisions for a lot of practice based on the grammatical
structures with the class.
Question 2
The given passage was within the reach of all candidates. There are two sections: 2A and 2B.
Both sections assessed the candidate’s ability to read with understanding and to find out the right
answers to the questions.
Question 2A
Item 2A.1
The question was: Harry did not work in his field for ……………?
Those candidates, who could read and understand the passage, did well.
Item 2A.2
The question was: Harry remained on bed for ………………
A good number of candidates picked the correct answer.
Item 2A.3
The question was: The sons of Harry were ……………..
A good percentage of students found the good answers.
Item 2A.4
The question was: Harry called for his both sons to ……………………
Only few candidates did it correctly.
Item 2A.5
The question was: They received money from ………………
Only a few did not answer well.
Those candidates who could read and understand the passage selected the right answers.
Question 2B
In this section candidates were asked to write short answers. But some did not pay attention to
the given rubricand answered in full sentences.
Item 2B.1
The question was: Give the names of the two brothers?
Those who read and understand the passage gave the correct names.
Item 2B.2
The question was: What was the condition of the field previously?
A good number of candidates answered well.
Item 2B.3
The question was: Why did the sons of Harry plough the field?
Only a few candidates answered satisfactorily.
Item 2B.4
The question was: From where the sons of Harry got money?
A good number of candidates got the correct answer.
Item 2B.5
The question was: What lesson/education did the boys set?
A good number of candidates attempted well.
Candidates who could read and understand the given passage well, answered all the
questions correctly.
Question 3 (the close-test)
The theme of the close-test was on a picnic tour. The students went on bus to a garden and then
to the seaside. At last they returned to school. Many students did well.
Question 4
Jumbled sentences
Seven sentences were given in a disorder form. The mother went to the market to buy
vegetables. On her return she washed and cooked. The whole family took their food together.
Some of the candidates could not arrange in a proper sequence.
Teachers should train them in this type of exercise.
Question 5
Sentence writing
Sentence writing is an art and it demands basic linguistic skills.
In a sentence there are two parts: (i) subject and (ii) predicate.
It should be free from grammatical and spelling mistakes. Some candidates just added ‘mein’
and ‘hai’ to every pair of words. At times it gave meaning and understanding, but very often it
led to nowhere.
Candidates should be trained and drilled to write simple meaningful sentences.
1. Bird – tree
The bird is on the tree.
2. Book – picture
There is a picture of a lion in my book.
3. Sister – umbrella
My sister has an umbrella.
4. Grand-mother – cakes
My grand-mother prepares cakes.
5. Song - listen
My brother likes to listen Hindi songs.
Teachers should train their candidates to write simple suitable Hindi sentences free from
grammatical and spelling mistakes.
Section B
Question 6
Transformation of words
Item 6.1
It dealt with the transformation of a masculine word ending by ‘aa’ in singular and is followed
by a case.
Item 6.2
Candidates had to give the plural form of feminine word ending by ‘ee’. Very few candidates
did it satisfactorily. Some of them tried, but could write the correct form.
Item 6.3
It dealt with the transformation of verb in the present tense, where the verb agrees with the given
subject. Only a few candidates were not able to give the correct form.
Item 6.4
Candidates had to form a noun from a given adjective. Many students wrote the correct form.
Item 6.5
Candidates have to transform an adjective into a noun. A good number of candidates did it well.
Question 7
The level of the passage was higher as compared to the passage of section A No. 2. The
vocabulary was to their level of understanding and all words are found in their text books. On
the announcement of the approaching of a cyclone, the father went to the shop to buy bread,
butter, matches and so on. After dinner someone whose houses were destroyed come for shelter.
They gave him dry clothes and food.
Candidates who read and understand the passage gave satisfactorily answers to the question
Question No 8
Composition writing
The objective of this question was to test the ability of the candidates to write continuous account
based on a set of given phrases in about 120 words.
A good number of candidates did not attempt this question. The theme was very common.
During lunch time, students were playing. Some were having their bread. The bread of a pupil
fell on the ground. The student started crying. A friend shared the bread with him. Though the
composition was to their level, candidates had left many grammatical and spelling mistakes.
Teachers should draw the attention of their students on the following short comings:
Candidates incapability to write on the given canvas.
To add more related incidents.
Beware of the grammatical errors related to spelling.
Agreement of the verbs to subjects as well as to objects.
Proper uses of cases and their delusions.
In the Hindi version of the report, a critical appreciation is given. Teachers are recommended to
draw the attention of their students towards the short-comings. They should do remedial work.
It is then that their performance will improve.