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Tim Billo, CV July 2011
Timothy James Billo
[email protected]
University of Washington. Ph.D. Department of Biology.
Awards: Crary-Decker Award for Outstanding Contributions to Undergraduate
Summer 2003
Organization for Tropical Studies. Graduate course in tropical biology.
Williams College, Williamstown, MA. B.A., Biology.
Awards: Highest honors in biology.
Tom Hardie Memorial Award in Environmental Studies.
Sigma Xi
Billo, T.J. (submitted). Sexual selection drives differential divergence and
stereotypy in male- and female-directed signals between two closely
related bird species (Manacus: Aves). Evolution.
Prado, F., Billo, T.J., and B. Kerr. 2009. Introgression of sexually-selected
traits in lek-mating species. Evolutionary Ecology Research. (11): 1235-1250.
Day, L.B., L. Fusani, E. Hernandez, T.J. Billo, K.S. Sheldon, P.M. Wise, and
B.A. Schlinger. 2007. Testosterone and its effects on courtship in goldencollared manakins (Manacus vitellinus): Seasonal, sex, and age differences.
Hormones and Behavior. (51): 69-76.
Billo, Timothy. 2007. Bocas del Toro-Galapagos of Central America.
Bocas Breeze. September / Septiembre 2007 (4) 9.
Billo, Timothy. 1998. Excerpts from a Study of the Past and Present Ecology of
the American Chestnut (Castanea dentata) in a Northern Hardwood Forest.
Journal of the American Chestnut Foundation. 12(1): 27-46.
The Natural History Initiative, 2011 Workshop: The Role of Natural
History in Education.
Evolution, Portland, OR 2010 Presented talk on sexual selection in Manacus.
EVO-WIBO, Port Townsend, WA 2010 Presented poster on biogeography of
Tim Billo, CV July 2011
American Ornithologists Union (AOU), San Diego, CA 2010 Presented talk on
Manacus biogeography.
UW Conservation Symposium, 2009 Poster, conservation education.
UW Teaching and Learning Symposium, 2009 Presented poster on
ecology and conservation field course for UW undergrads in Peru.
Animal Behavior Society, Pirenopolis, Brazil 2009 Presented talk on evolution
of vocalizations in Manacus hybrid zone.
Evolution, Moscow, ID 2009 Presented talk on Manacus biogeography.
Pacific Ecology and Evolution, Bamfield, BC, Canada 2008 Presented
research talk on island Manacus in Panama.
AOU, Portland, OR 2008 Presented poster on evolution of Manacus phenotypes
on islands and mainland of Panama.
AOU, Veracruz, Mexico, 2006 Presented poster on trait introgression in
Manacus hybrid zone.
Invited Lectures:
Los Amigos Biological Station, Puerto Maldonado, Peru, 2010
Wayqecha Biological Station, Paucartambo, Peru, 2008
Waterford High School , SLC, Utah, 2007
Collegio Ibarra, Bocas Town, Panama, 2007
Carleton College Undergraduate Tropical Biology Course, 2006
Princeton University Undergraduate Tropical Biology Course, 2004
UW: Biol 179, Biol 550A, Biol 476, CFR forestry seminar, Biol 444.
Grants Received:
American Museum of Natural History, Frank Chapman
Memorial Award--$2000
Association of Field Ornithologists, Bergstrom Award--$1000
Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute, short term fellowship--$3000
Organization for Tropical Studies--$3000, $1000
University of Washington, Richard C. Snyder Fund--$500
National Museum of Natural History, Wetmore Fund--$6000
Research Experience:
Tim Billo, CV July 2011
Spring 2008
Dissertation Museum Research. National Museum of Natural History. Storrs
Olson, advisor.
Dissertation Field Research. Gamboa and Bocas del Toro, Panama. La Selva,
Costa Rica. Studied behavior, ecology, and physiology of Manacus manakins in
the field.
R.A., University of Washington. Designed and executed field experiments
dealing with song learning and the function of song in song sparrows. Mike
Beecher, advisor.
Oregon State University/BLM. Aural point counts of Oregon Coast Range
birds in forests stands subject to different timber management regimes.
Williams College/Hopkins Memorial Forest. Surveyed trees and understory
vegetation as part of long-term landscape scale study of land-use and succession.
Recent Teaching Experience:
UW Biology Exploration Seminar. Peru, Amazon and Andes. Designed and
led course (with colleague, Dr. Ursula Valdez) for University of Washington
undergrads on ecology and conservation in southeast Peru. See for more information.
Teaching Assistant/Instructor, University of Washington. Courses: Animal
Behavior, Introductory Biology, Ecology, Lab in Animal Behavior, Learning to
learn in Biology, Conservation Biology, Human Physiology, Human Evolution
and Behavior.
Volunteer Field Science Teacher, Panama/Costa Rica/Peru/Nepal.
Developed and implemented a watershed monitoring and conservation program
for elementary and middle schools. Also led workshop for adults in bird
identification and conservation.
Director/Instructor, Pemi West. Month-long summer wilderness education
program for high school students in Olympic National Park.
Students Advised:
Dan Fuller: independent project based on my dissertation research, 2011 Mary
Gates Research Symposium.
Rachel Kahn: independent project based on my dissertation research, 2011
Program on the Environment Senior Project.
Natalie Demeter, Whitney Walker, Kimberly Grant: all presented independent
projects based on my dissertation research, at the 2010 Mary Gates
Research Symposium.
Simone Lupson-Cook: undergraduate at The Evergreen State College--served as
advisor for a 3-month independent research experience on manakins at La Selva
Biological Station, Costa Rica.
Tim Billo, CV July 2011
Field/Lab Training Conducted:
1) Hired and trained several field assistants from indigenous and AfroCaribbean communities in Panama, female undergraduate from the University of
Panama, and male undergraduate from the University of Washington.
2) TEAM project—trained technicians from this Conservation International
sponsored long-term monitoring project in Costa Rica, in mist-netting and
banding techniques.
3) Trained 10 UW undergrads to assist me with computer-based lab work.
a) Collaborators: B. Schlinger (UCLA), L. Day (Miss. State), L. Fusani (Italy),
C. Ciofi (Italy), B. Kerr (UW), J. Wingfield (UC-Davis).
b) Professional Societies: Animal Behavior, American Ornithologists Union,
Evolution, North Cascades Conservation Council.
c) Advisor to Seattle Audubon summer bird banding camps.
d) 2007, graduate student representative at UW biology faculty meetings.
f) 2009, 11, invited and hosted departmental seminar speakers.
g) 2009-10, served on TA panel for UW Biology teaching seminar, “Bio-buddy”
for incoming grads, guest speaker bio grad pro-seminar.
h) 2009 to present: Board member and advisor for CECCOT, a research
and conservation education program in Peru.
i) 2011, trained Jefferson County Landtrust docents in leading birding tours.
Certifications/Classes: Wilderness First Responder and CPR (current)
National Ski Patrol Avalanche Level 1
Basic and Intermediate Rock Climbing (Mountain Madness)
Crevasse Rescue (Oregon Mountaineering Association)
Field/Lab Science Research Techniques: Bird mistnetting and point
count surveys, bird blood draw, PCR, insect and plant survey techniques.
Outdoor: Proficient in and have taught numerous outdoor skills
including backpacking, climbing, skiing of all kinds, wilderness first
aid. Computer Programs: Microsoft Office Suite, Adobe Photoshop,
R (statistics), XLSTAT (statistics), SYRINX (sound analysis).
Music: Guitar, harmonica, piano, songwriting. Foreign Language:
Spanish and German.