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Spanish Exploration (p. 98-99, 119- 125)
Key concepts/terms
 Explain how the Treaty of Tordesillas and Ferdinand Magellan both shaped world history.
 Who were the conquistadores and how did they help Spanish expansion?
o Hernando Cortes
o Aztec Empire
o Fransisco Pizzaro
o Incan Empire
 How did Spanish settlement of the western hemisphere shape these societies today?
o Encomienda System
o Mestizo
At time of Portuguese exploration, France and England were fighting, Italian states had
dominance over Mediterranean trade, the Netherlands were feudal possessions of other lords,
and Spain was not unified. Therefore Portugal was unchallenged.
This all starts to change with the emergence of a powerful united Spain in the late 1400s
History of Spain
 During the early 700s almost all of Spain had been conquered by Muslims from North Africa.
Expansion had ended with the battle of Tours in France.
 For the next 700 years, Spanish nobles and feudal lords had fought the “Reconquista”
attempting to reconquer spain and drive out the muslims
 In 1469, the two largest Spanish kingdoms, Castille and Aragon were unified with the Marriage
of Isabella I of Castille to Ferdinand II of Aragon
o The two were 2nd cousins
 By 1492 the monarchs completed the Reconquista by defeating the Muslim emirate of Granada
o Now have the power and funds, wanted to copy the Portuguese in establishing
profitable trade routes. Hired Italian captain Christopher Columbus. Had convinced
them he could find route to India by sailing west by coping secret Italian, Arab, and
Portuguese maps – maps were national treasures at the time and stealing a map was
equivalent to treason.
o During same year, they also launch the Spanish Inquisition, requiring all Jews to convert,
leave, or be killed. Extended to Muslims a few years later
The Portuguese believed that Columbus did reach India and that he had claimed Portuguese
possessions. Almost resulted in war between the two catholic nations
o At the last minute the pope steps in and mediates. In 1494 the two powers sign the
Treaty of Tordesillas. Divides the world between the two along 46 degrees W longitude.
This line of demarcation was about halfway between the Cape Verde Islands (already
Portuguese) and the islands discovered by Columbus.
 In western hemisphere gives Portugal brazil since it sticks out, but rest goes to
spain. This is why brazil speaks Portuguese today.
Portugal doesn’t discover Brazil until 1500 when an expedition to India swung
too far westward and had the currents take them across the Atlantic. That said,
Portugal didn’t really explore or colonize for another 25 years.
Ferdinand Magellan was first person expedition to circumnavigate the globe in 1519-22.
His mission was to seize some spice island in the east for Spain After globe
circumnavigated, line extended around planet. He himself was killed in battle in the
Philippines by natives but crew continued on. When they left Spain, Magellan had 250
men and five ships. When they ended, there were 18 men and one ship.
In 1565 Spain colonized Philippines which was technically on Portuguese side of line
because it was close and because they didn’t think Portugal would care since it didn’t
have any spices. Became Spanish until 1898.
After Columbus’ initial journey, Spanish crown funds numerous other expeditions, not only to
explore, but to conquer and colonize areas. This primarily takes place in Caribbean, Mexico, and
South America.
o Spain successful in transforming into colonies thanks to its conquistadors which literally
means “conquerors”
 Main goal was to find gold or other valuables for country. Also to pacify any
threats or aggressive natives and pave way for eventual bases or settlements.
 One of earliest was a guy named Ponce de Leon who conquered Puerto Rico and
then explored Florida looking for fountain of youth
 Conquistadors generally went to Americas with small band of soldiers, maybe a
little over 100, as well as some trade items and weapons.
o Conquistadors generally soldiers and adventurers, often broke or in trouble at home.
Looking to make fortune or bust.
 Had to be master trader and negotiator
 Adaptable
 Master weaponsman and tactician.
 Navigator, cartographer, historian
 Diplomat
 Good observer to know what is happening, how to adapt
Most famous conquistador Hernan Cortes who had job of conquering Aztecs in 1518
o Typical conquistador. Member of lesser nobility, with limited wealth. Heads to new
world and partially finances 3rd expedition to mainland. Did not get along with governor
of cuba and so expedition cancelled at last minute which cortes ignored.
o Started with 500 men, some cannon, 11 ships and horses. Landed in Mayan territory
then returned to cuba for reinforcements then landed in Veracruz. When gets to coast,
orders ships burned to motivate troops that failure not an option. Meets native woman
called Dona Marina who bears him a son and learns Spanish to act as interpreter
o Marched towards Aztec capital. Became aware of how empire operated and how
peoples were often subjugated. Made alliances with these people so by the time he go
to capital had formidable army backing him from peoples eager to revolt against Aztec
domination. Massacred thousands of Aztec nobles in their second largest city,
destroying it on was to Tenochtitlan.
o According to official story due to power he collected, was welcomed by Aztec ruler
Montezuma II. Allowed cortes to stay in palace and given gifts of gold. First sign of
major gold and wealth Spanish had seen. Led to Cortes stealing huge amounts from
palace. Eventually, when Montezuma became angry, Cortes’ troops capture
Montezuma and make him act as figurehead ruler under threat.
 Governor of cuba sent troops to arrest him which he fought and defeated then
used remaining troops as reinforcements and returned to Tenochtitlan
 Eventually Cortes kicked out by other Aztecs who attack him. Montezuma dies
in process (some say by own people, others by Spanish). Cortes loses
considerable amounts of men but then gets reinforcements from Spain.
 Takes army and cuts off all supply lines to capital (in lake remember). Other
peoples, seeing weakness of Aztec rulers revolt and empire falls apart. Cortes
completely loots all the wealth and gold which is sent back to spain.
 Continues conquests of central America until 6 years before death returns to
Other major Spanish conquistador was Francisco Pizzaro who defeated incan empire in 1530s
o Was an illegitimate son of infantry colonel. Good soldier who made connections in new
o Had only 106 troops compared to thousands of the chief inca.
o Invaded at time of civil war in Incan Empire
o In battle used cannon and gunpowder which terrified them. Was able to capture chief
inca and honor guard at decisive battle of Cajamarca in 1532.
 According to story, agreement made that would let incan leader go in exchange
for one room full of gold and two rooms full of silver. Was given this then
strangled to death.
o Took gold and wealth to expand own forces with reinforcements from spain and also by
hiring natives to fight for him. Uses this army to conquer rest of peru and incan lands.
o Assassinated by son of rival in 1541
In 1546 spanish find mountain of Potosi in Bolivia. Mountain almost entirely filled with silver.
Over next 150 years dig out 45,000 tons of silver making spain wealthiest country in the world
Spanish set up system called the encomienda system to rule colonies
o Wealthy people from Spain or conquistadores given huge areas of land. Whole native
cities were considered part of the land and all natives were required to work for that
noble, especially in the fields or in mines. Results in huge gap in standard of living
longterm in Spanish colonies
o Portugal did not have this system. Instead it imported Africans to work their plantations
which was later copied by other powers
o Most early colonists were men or missionaries.
 Men intermix with native populations. Offspring become known as mestizos.
Most of central America today is of mestizo origin
 Likewise, region today generally called “Latin America.” This because region is
almost entirely catholic due to missionary work. Priests set up
missions/churches that often became cities later on. Santa Fe, NM, the oldest
US capital city, started as a Spanish catholic outpost.
Because of Portuguese and Spanish success, other nations will scramble to copy in late 1500s
and early 1600s