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Chapter 11 Book 1 Human Anatomy
Before you read the passage, talk about these questions
1. What do you know about human anatomy?
2. Can you name any of the organs of the body?
The human body is such a remarkably complex and efficient machine. It takes in and absorbs
oxygen through the respiratory system. Then the oxygen enriched blood is distributed through
the cardiovascular system to all tissues. The digestive system converts digestible food to energy
and disposes of the rest. The skeletal- muscular system gives form and shape to the body. It
consists of 200 bones and the muscles and tendons which are connected to them. Covering
almost the entire mass is the skin, the largest organ of the body. The average man has about 20
square feet of it. The study of the structure of this complicated “machine” is called anatomy.
2. Read the text and answer the questions True or False
1. The respiratory system controls oxygen in the body _________
2. The biggest organ of the human body is the heart __________
3. Anatomy deals with the study of the human body __________
3. Match the words (1-5) with the definitions (A-E)
1. efficient
A. cause to change
2. absorb
B. get rid of something
3. dispose of
C. capable
4. tendon
D. a tough, fibrous tissue serving to connect a
muscle with a bone
5. convert
E. take in
4. Circle the correct word.
1. The digestive / respiratory system deals with the heart and vessels.
2. The study of the human body is called skeletal-muscular system / anatomy.
3. Our body converts/ inverts food to energy
4. The skin covers / absorbs the entire body
5. The blood is connected /distributed to all tissues
9. Writing
After the conversation you had with your partner and the text you’ve read, fill in the
information about the body’s systems.
Respiratory system :
Digestive system :
Skeletal muscular system
Chapter 12 Book 1 The Digestive system part I (from mouth to stomach)
Before you read the passage, talk about these questions
1. Why is the digestive system important?
2. Where does digestion start from?
The digestive system processes the food so that it can be used for energy. It includes all
the organs and glands involved in the ingestion and digestion of the food.
The process begins in the mouth where food is thoroughly chopped and crashed by the
teeth. Saliva, excreted by the salivary glands, provides enzymes that help to break
down the food’s carbohydrates. After food has been chewed, it passes through the
esophagus into the stomach. Peristaltic movements in the walls of the esophagus help
push the food along the alimentary canal. The muscular walls of the stomach continue
the mixing process while secreting hydrochloric acid from the 35,000,000 glands in the
stomach lining.
2. Read the texts below and answer the questions
1. The digestive system…
2. In the mouth…
a. controls respiration rate
a. food is smashed
b. chews food
b. food is excreted
c. works food
c. food is digested
3. After esophagus, food
a. passes into the mouth
b. passes into the stomach
c. passes into the alimentary canal
3. Match the words (1-5) with the definitions (A-E)
1. gland
A. circular movements
2. peristaltic
B. bite and work (food) in the mouth with the teeth,
to make it easier to swallow.
3. chew
C. decomposition
4. break down
D. the whole passage along which food passes through
the body from mouth to anus
5. alimentary canal
E. an organ in the human or animal body that secretes
particular chemical substances for use in the body
4. Fill in the blanks with one of the following words and phrases.
broken down,
1. …………………… is excreted by the salivary glands.
2. Food is ……………………….. in the mouth.
3. The taking of food into the body is called……………………..
4., The food’s carbohydrates are……………………….by the enzymes of saliva
5. Food is ………………………. by the digestive system.
6. Listen to a conversation between a doctor and a patient who is going to have a
gastroscopy. Mark the following sentences true (T) or False (F).
1. The patient doesn’t take any medication ___________
2. The patient doesn’t have any allergies ____________
3. The doctor reassures the patient that everything will be all right __________
7. Listen again and fill in the blanks with the appropriate words or phrases.
Doctor: Have you ever had a gastroscopy before?
Patient: No, this is the first time
Doctor: I will ask you a few questions so that both of us will feel comfortable
about the procedure. Do you take any 1)………………..?
Patient: Well, I have a pill for high blood 2)………………. every day.
Doctor: Do you have any 3)………………………?
Patient: No, I don’t
Doctor: Have you ever fainted?
Patient: No, I haven’t
Doctor: Have you eaten or drunk anything in the past four hours?
Patient: No, you’ve told me not to
Doctor: How are you feeling at the moment?
Patient: I’m a little 4)………………………..
Doctor: Don’t be. There’s nothing to worry about. Shall we start? If you feel
unwell or 5)………………………….., please let me know at once.
Patient: OK I will.
8. Speaking
With a partner, act out the roles below, based on the dialogue from the Listening
task. Student A is the nurse and student B is the patient.
Use words/questions for taking history.
Student A:
Student B:
You are a nurse. You are taking the
history from a patient who is going to
have colonoscopy.
You are about to have a
colonoscopy. Answer your doctor’s
questions. Ask questions yourself.
9. Writing
After the conversation you had with
your partner, fill in the information
about him/her.
Patient’s History
Age: ……………………………………..
Type of medical
Allergies: …………………………………
Fainting spells:………………………..
Date of operation: …………………
Chapter 13 Book 1 The Digestive system part II (in and out of the stomach)
1. Before you read the passage, talk about these questions
1. What happens in the stomach?
2. How long is the small intestine?
2. 1 Read the text below and answer the questions
After 30 minutes to three hours in the stomach, the food is converted into a semi liquid
state and passes into the small intestine, a tube about 20 feet long located in the lower
abdomen. Here, enzymes from pancreatic fluid and bile from the liver complete the
digestive process. Nutrients are absorbed into the blood. Then, they are used in
maintaining the body, or are burned for energy. What cannot be absorbed is passed out
through the large intestine as feces. Liquid wastes are eliminated through the urinary
Problems during digestion: indigestion: discomfort in the stomach
bloating: accumulation of gas in the stomach heartburn:
a form of indigestion felt as a burning sensation
vomiting: Eject matter from the stomach through the mouth
Constipation: when feces are dry and evacuation is
2. 2. Read the text and choose the correct answer
1. What is the main idea of this excerpt?
A. to talk about digestion in general
B. to explain how stomach works
C. to describe the final phase of digestion
2. Nutrients are not :
A. used in maintaining the body
B. excreted from the body
C. used for energy
3. Liquid wastes “abandon” the body in the form of
A. blood
B. urine
C. feces
3. Match the words (1-5) with the definitions (A-E)
1. small intestine
A. the part of the body that contains the stomach and other
2. fluid
B. waste
3. abdomen
C. liquid
4. feces
D. a bitter greenish-brown alkaline fluid that aids digestion and is
secreted by the liver and stored in the gallbladder.
5. bile
E. a 20 feet long tube located in the lower abdomen
4. Read the sentence pair. Choose where the words best fit the blanks.
1. feces/ urine
A. Liquid wastes are passed out of the body in the form of ……………………
B. What cannot be absorbed in the large intestine is passed out in the form of ………
2. large intestine / small intestine
A. Enzymes finish off the digestive process in the ……………………………………
B. The “left overs” are sent away via the ……………………………………………..
3. Vomit / Burn
A. After eating so much, he had to …………………………. to feel relieved
B. Human bodies ………………………… nutrients for energy
5. Listening
Listen and read the passage again. How do you think, problems with digestion
should be solved?
6. Listen to a conversation between a dietitian and a woman having digestion
problems. Mark the following sentences true (T) or False (F).
1. This is the first time that the woman visits the Nutrition -Dietitian _________
2. Bloating is due to a change in the woman’s diet _____________
3. The dietitian asked the woman to call him next month _________
7. Listen again and fill in the blanks with the appropriate words or phrases.
Nutrition- Dietitian: Hello Mrs Robins, my secretary told me that you’re here because
you’re having 1…………………….. problems is that right?
Woman: Yeah. I’ve had some bloating in the stomach in the past week.
Nutrition- Dietitian: As I see, we’ve increased the intake of fibers in your latest diet and
that, must have caused 2…………………..
Woman: In what way?
Nutrition- Dietitian: Well, fibers in food make you feel full as they
Woman: What needs to be 4………………?
Nutrition- Dietitian: We’ll 5……………….reduce the daily of fibres. In this way,
bloating will disappear.
Woman: Thank you very much
Nutrition- Dietitian: Let me know if anything else comes up.
With a partner, act out the roles below, based on the dialogue from the Listening
task. Student A is the nutrition-dietitian and student B is a person with digestion
Use words such as: You are here because, you’re having…problems, I’ve had, in
what way, We’ll probably, What needs to be done?
Student A:
Student B:
You are a nutrition-dietitian. Listen to
student B’s problem. Ask about his/her
symptoms and give him useful advice
about the changes he/she has to do in
his diet.
You feel heartburn in your
stomach. Describe the situation to
your nutrition- dietitian and ask
him/her what to do.
Chapter 14 The Nervous system
1. Before you read the passage, talk about these questions
1. Why is the nervous system important? 2. Which are its main parts?
2. Read the text below and answer the questions
The Nervous system controls all other body systems and bodily movements In addition to that,
it also helps the body to adjust to external and internal changes. Nerves carry sensory
impulses to the central nervous system and motor impulses from the central nervous system.
Motor impulses are those that control the muscles. Sensory impulses affect the senses that enable
human beings to feel, see, taste, smell and hear. The nervous system is divided into the central
nervous system (the brain and spinal cord) and the peripheral nervous system which consists of
the nerves and sensory organs. The brain is not only the most important component of the
nervous system but it is also in charge of all the bodily activities, thoughts and emotions.
2. 2. Read the text and choose the correct answer
1. What is the main idea of this excerpt?
a. to describe the peripheral nervous system
b. to describe what the brain does
c. to describe how the nervous system works
2. Nerves carry …………… from the central nervous system
a. sensory impulses
b. motor impulses
c. thoughts and emotions
3. Which ones are not senses?
a. hearing, sight
b. touch, smell
c. thoughts, emotions
3. Match the words (1-5) with the definitions (A-E)
1. adjust
A. it refers to the senses
2. component
B. adapt
3. peripheral
C. physical
4. bodily
D. perimetric
5. sensory
E. a part of something
4. Read the sentence pair. Choose which words best fit the blanks.
1. central / peripheral
a. The ……………….. nervous system consists of the brain and spinal cord
b. The nerves and sensory organs make up the……………………. nervous system
2. Sensory / Motor
a. …………………… impulses deal with movement
b. …………………….. impulses have to do with senses
3. affect / enable
a. Muscles ……………… the body to move
b. Senses might ………………….. people’s thoughts and emotions
Chapter 15 The Endocrine system
Before you read the passage, talk about the questions
1. What do you know about the endocrine system?
2. Why do you think that the endocrine system is important?
The endocrine system carries hormones which are secreted by glands of the endocrine
system directly into the bloodstream. These hormones control many functions of the
body including the body's ability to convert calories into energy. Additionally, the
endocrine system regulates reproduction, metabolism, growth and development to
mood, as well as mental abilities.
The thyroid gland, for example, secretes thyroxin, which controls the rate at which
energy is produced (the metabolic rate). Endocrine disease that results when a gland
produces too much or too little of an endocrine hormone is called a hormone imbalance.
When someone is struggling to improve their
metabolism’s efficiency in order to lose weight, it is
crucial to look at hormones.
2. Read the website on the endocrine system. Then
choose the correct answers
1. The main idea of the website is:
A. How body works
B. How important the endocrine system is
C. How important the thyroid gland is
D. How important metabolism is
2. The endocrine system does not control:
If your hormones aren’t
converting food into
energy efficiently, you
can exercise and eat
healthy without seeing
the results you expect
A. The reproductive system
B. Metabolism
C. Growth
D. Blood pressure
3. If someone is on diet but doesn’t lose weight, he/she has to:
A. Exercise compulsively
B. Check his/her cardiovascular system
C. Check his/her endocrine system
D. Cut down on food
3. Match the words (1-5) with the definitions (A-E)
1. reproduction
A. lack of proportion, when different things do not occur in
equal amounts
2. mental
B. an organ that removes materials from the blood and secretes
them for future use in the body
3. imbalance
C. capability
4. efficiency
D. the production of children
5. gland
E. relating to the mind
4. Read the sentence pair. Chose where the words best fit the blanks
1. Bloodstream / blood pressure
A. The doctor may check your …………………………….and pulse rate, to see if there is
anything abnormal.
B. The oxygen in the air can be absorbed into the …………………….and taken to the
rest of the body.
2. Metabolic rate / hormone imbalance
A. Many people visit doctors convinced that they have a low ………………
B. Mary can’t lose weight due to …………………………..
3. Additionally / in spite of the fact that
A. …………………… she cut down on food, she didn’t lose weight.
B. ……………………..., hormone imbalance might prevent weight loss
6. Listen to a conversation between a Nutritionist-Dietitian and a woman who’s
trying to lose weight. Mark the following sentences true (T) or False (F).
1. The woman hasn’t lost weight ______
2. The woman eats between meals __________
3. The Nutritionist – Dietitian is certain that the woman has a hormone imbalance
7. Listen again and fill in the blanks with the appropriate words or phrases.
Nutritionist – Dietitian: So, in spite of the fact that you are on diet, you don’t lose
……………. , do you?
Woman: Yes, indeed. Although I don’t “deviate” from my daily plan, my scale is stuck.
Nutritionist – Dietitian: Are you sure you don’t eat between meals?
Woman: Yes, despite my effort to keep the daily calories 2……………… as you’ve planned, I
don’t lose weight
Nutritionist – Dietitian: I see. I believe you might have a hormone 3……………….
Woman: Yeah, that’s possible. I think my mother had some problems with her
4………………….. system some years ago.
Nutritionist – Dietitian: That’s why I think you have to visit an endocrinologist
Woman: I will
Nutritionist – Dietitian: Let me know what the doctor said and if he 5…………….. any
9. Writing
After the conversation you had with your nutritionist – dietitian and the advice he/she gave
you, write a small paragraph to upload on your personal account on facebook about how
important and crucial it is to have a balanced endocrine system in order to lose weight.
I could have never imagined the importance of the endocrine system for weight loss. In spite of the fact that
somebody might be dieting,