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Chapter 3
Step One—Read the Chapter and Take Notes As You Go
This outline reflects the major headings and subheadings in this chapter of your textbook. Use it
to take notes as you read each section of the chapter. In your notes, try to restate the main idea of
each section.
CHAPTER 3: The Development of Greek Society and Culture, ca. 3000–338 B.C.E.
I. Greece in the Bronze Age
A. Geography and Settlement
1. Geographical Fragmentation
B. The Minoans
1. Crete
2. Minoan
C. The Mycenaeans
1. Mycenaeans
2. Greek Dark Age (ca. 1100–800 B.C.E.)
D. Homer, Hesiod, and the Epic
1. Epics
2. Homer — Iliad and Odyssey
3. Hesiod — Theogony
II. The Development of the Polis in the Archaic Age
A. Organization of the Polis
1. Polis
2. Acropolis
3. Agora
4. Hoplites
B. Governing Structures
1. Tyranny
2. Democracy
3. Oligarchy
C. Overseas Expansion
1. Increased Prosperity
2. Colonization
D. The Growth of Sparta
1. Conquest over Colonization
2. Messenian Wars
3. Political and Social Changes
4. Militarization
E. The Evolution of Athens
1. Draco
2. Solon
3. Pisistratus
4. Cleisthenes
5. Athenian Democracy
III. War and Turmoil in the Classical Period
A. The Persian Wars (499–479 B.C.E.)
1. Marathon, Thermopylae, Salamis, and Plataea
2. Greek Victory
B. Growth of the Athenian Empire
1. Delian League
2. Pericles
C. The Peloponnesian War (431–404 B.C.E.)
1. Extremely Destructive
2. Peace of Nicias
3. Alcibiades
4. Thucydides
5. Battle of Aegospotami
D. The Struggle for Dominance
1. Hegemony
2. Conflict
3. Battle of Leuctra
4. Federation of Cities
E. Philip II and Macedonian Supremacy
1. Macedonia
2. Philip II
3. Macedonian Victory
IV. Classical Greek Life and Culture
A. Athenian Arts in the Age of Pericles
1. Acropolis
2. Greek Drama
3. Aeschylus
4. Sophocles
5. Euripides
6. Aristophanes
B. Households and Work
1. Athenian Homes
2. Diet
3. Employment
4. Slavery
C. Gender and Sexuality
1. Athenian Women
2. Greek Sexuality
3. Sappho
D. Public and Personal Religion
1. Ritual and Priests
2. Greek Pantheon
3. Local and Domestic
4. Mystery Religions
5. Pan-Hellenic Festivals
E. The Flowering of Philosophy
1. Pre-Socratics
2. Thales
3. Heraclitus
4. Democritus
5. Hippocrates
6. Sophists
7. Socrates
8. Plato
9. Aristotle