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sociologijos studijų programų
išorinio išsamiojo
Vilnius University
study field of sociology
external assessment of
sociology study programmes
Final Report
Grupės vadovas:
prof. David P. Baker
Team leader:
Team members:
doc. Leo Granberg
dr. Gero Lenhardt
dr. Vladas Gaidys
Profile of Sociology Study Programmes
Title of study
Sociology and
State code
Kind of study1
Mode of study2
(duration in years)
F (4)
F (2)
F (2)
Volume of study
programme in credits
Degree and (or)
qualification to be
Bachelor of sociology
Master of sociology
Master of sociology
registration date,
order No.
1997-05-19, Nr.565
1997-05-19, Nr.565
1999-04-23, Nr. 560
NU – Non-university studies; U –Undergraduate studies; M – Masters’ studies;
SP – Specialised Professional studies; I – Integrated studies;
F – Full-time; PE – Part-time (Evening); PX – Part-time (Extramural).
Studijų kokybės vertinimo centras
1. Introduction
Vilnius University was visited by the expert’s team on October 31, 2003. The following meetings were
arranged: introductory meeting with administrative staff of the Faculty of Philosophy of Vilnius University
(dean including), meeting with staff responsible for a preparation of self-assessment report, meeting with
teaching staff, meeting with students, meeting with graduates and meeting with employees (representatives of
private market and public opinion research companies, representative of Open Society Fund, etc.). The study
programmes in sociology (BA and MA) are executing by two departments: Department of Sociology
(responsible for BA studies) and Department of Social Theory (responsible for MA studies).
2. Aims and goals of the Study Programme
Bachelor’s degree programme: objectives
to develop the abilities of applying different sociological perspectives in the analysis of social
to shape the skills of sociological investigations and research work;
to develop the capacities of students to use modern informational technologies in the amendment and
analysis of sociological and statistical data.
This programme’s stress on methodology develops professional skills in conducting empirical sociological
research, statistical and sociological analysis. These skills are in demand in broad sphere of social life and
business activity. Students are satisfied with course and see clear perspectives to use their knowledge in the
future work. During courses students are also getting knowledge about actual problems in society and skills
about how to analyse these problems from theoretical perspective. Aims and goals of the programme are
successfully carried out.
Master Study Programme: objectives
prepare students for academic research activity;
provide students with up to date knowledge in social theory and methodology
develop practical skills that could enable students to apply gained theoretical knowledge in practical
3. Analysis of the Programmes
3.1. Study programme Sociology
Studijų kokybės vertinimo centras
3.1.1 Structure, contents and study methods
The total duration of the programme is 6400 hours (8 semesters of full-time studies). Programme consist of
three sections:
compulsory courses (theoretical courses in sociology, the course in mathematics and statistics, the
modules of general university education, etc.)
compulsory electives (sociology of migration, sociology of education, courses in economics, public
administration, estimation of social policy)
full electives (chosen from the courses which are offered at Vilnius University)
This programme is well structured, covers main fields in sociology, gives good knowledge and skills in
statistical analysis. Compare to programmes in other universities Vilnius University programme pays more
attention to sociological subjects from very beginning of the studies. This approach is supported by the
students (according to their expressed opinions during meeting).
Execution of studies and support for students
The study programme in sociology has been formed as integrated process covering the studies at the BA and
MA levels. Information concerning the requirements and courses of the next semester is presented to the
monitors of student’s groups. During the meeting with a students the opinions were expressed that students
have more participate in discussing content of courses and other issues dealing with a process of learning.
The students are involved in the research work starting from the third semester, when they have to prepare
paper on the topics proposed by the lecturer. During the third year of studies the students have to carry out
sociological investigation. The BA thesis is prepared in the fourth year of studies with the aim to show the
knowledge of sociological theories and methodology as well as ability to apply the sociological research
methods in the analysis of social life. We had a possibility to review a sample of BA thesis and the
impression is that they are conducted on high theoretical and methodological level, students are using not
only descriptive statistics but also multidimensional analysis, correlations, etc. On the other hand during the
meetings opinions were expressed that it would be useful to get practical skills and understanding about real
social life from the beginning of the studies (practicum, for example).
Variation in the number of students
Studies in BA programme are popular at the University: in the year 2003 were 3107 applicants and only 42
of them were accepted to the studies. Number of students who were accepted in the period of 1997-2003
varied from 36 to 42. The absolute majority of students are women. The staff of the departments would like
that more men would participate in a programme but the same situation exists in other countries as well.
Teaching staff
In a teaching process 6 professors, 17 docents, 7 lecturers, 10 assistants are involved. Teaching staff is
young, well prepared, having sociological education background, participating in international programmes,
having many publications in international magazines and books. Many of them have good relations to the
Studijų kokybės vertinimo centras
universities around the world and have a possibility to get a new literature in the field of sociology and
disseminate this information for a students. The seminars and discussions are taking part in the Department
The problem is low salaries of the staff. It is the reason why part of lecturers are forced to work in different
institutions and to be in a hard time pressure.
Advantages and disadvantages of the Programme
It is difficult to find some evidences of disadvantages of the Programme. It coincides to the requirements of
international level of the studies. There are also some empirical evidences of the success of the Programme:
- the students and graduates are accepted to the Western universities and continue studies in sociology
on masters level;
- the graduates find jobs in public and private sectors easily.
Students and graduates evaluated the programme as well balanced, useful and interesting.
According to the staff of the department at least one problem exist : inadequate material base does not allow
introducing or widely applying the modern teaching methods.
3.2. Study programme Sociology(MA)
3.2.1 Structure, contents and study methods
The total duration of the programme is 3200 hours (768 classroom load, 800 preparation of thesis, 200
practical and 1432 self dependent work). Compulsory courses in the programme covers various aspects in
contemporary sociological theory and methodology, optional courses cover theoretical and practical aspects
of application of sociological theory and methodology in the areas of policy, law, economics and
communication, free choice courses can be chosen from the courses that are offered by other departments.
The courses reflect modern problems of theory and methodology of sociology, interdisciplinary trends in
social sciences. Many courses are taught by professors and lecturers who are leading experts in the
corresponding fields.
Study methods coincide to the aims, objectives and content of programme. Different forms of educational
process are well balanced (lectures, seminars, self dependent work, practical work).
During meeting students highly evaluated structure, contents and study methods in a programme.
3.2.2 Execution of studies and support for students
Department of Social Theory is responsible for realisation of the programme but it is in close co-operation to
Department of Sociology. The staff of both departments regularly discuses academic topics of common
interests, share ideas and information about educational and research activities.
The students are obliged to register in the corresponding list of optional and free choice courses till the
beginning of the next semester. During the first meeting the students are acquainted by professors with
content of course, mandatory literature and requirements which they have to fulfil.
Studijų kokybės vertinimo centras
The students of MA programme in sociology are taking active part in research activity. They are encouraged
to take part in the scientific projects, to participate in scientific conferences, to publish articles in the books
and magazines
3.2.3 Variation in the number of students
There were 7 – 13 MA students in the years 1998-2001. The number of places for Master Study Programme
in sociology was significantly reduced in 2000 due to introduction a new Master Study Programme in
Sociology and Criminology. Not all students complete the education in the study programme. One of the
reason: majority of students tries to combine studies with work outside University. However not all of them
are successful.
3.2.4 Teaching staff
In a teaching process 2 professors, 10 docents, 3 lecturers are involved. The absolute majority of courses in
this Programme are taught by professors and lecturers of Vilnius University. All professors and lecturers are
leading specialists in various areas of social sciences of social science in Lithuania, participate in
international research programmes, are lecturing not only in Lithuania but also abroad (USA, Germany,
Norway, Poland, etc.). The staff of the department has many publications in prestigious magazines and books
in western countries.
3.2.5 Advantages and disadvantages of the Programme
Positive sides:
- courses in a programme are modern, well prepared, coincides to requirements of the
international level;
- the interdisciplinary approach;
- good co-ordination between Bachelor and Master Study Programmes in Sociology;
- students participating in exchange programmes, successfully continue their studies abroad.
The problematical side of the programme is following: students have more actively to participate in the
Department’s discussions concerning the structure and content of a programme, teaching staff have to
intensify individual work with a students.
3.3. Study programme Sociology and Criminology
Interdisciplinary and inter-institutional program that puts criminological studies in the subject area of
sociology, and links them with legal and other social sciences disciplines. The main objectives
- to provide students with contemporary knowledge in theory and methodology of sociology, criminal
law and criminology:
- to develop criminological analytical and practical skills,
Studijų kokybės vertinimo centras
to promote better understanding of criminological professional ethics and moral principles of
criminological research,
to encourage students to interpret problems of social control and deviance in the broad cultural
to prepare students for academic research activity,
to cultivate students’ research creative abilities and independent, open, and critical thinking.
The programme as a whole is an important innovation in Lithuanian educational system, and reflects well on
the needs of contemporary society. Its interdisciplinary nature is unique in Central and Eastern Europe.
Inter-institutional nature of the programme is not fully realised, because the Master Study Programme in Law
and Criminology at the Law faculty is still waiting for its establishment.
3.3.1 Structure, contents and study methods
The total duration of the program is 3200 hours and accumulates 80 credit points. The share of compulsory
courses is 32 % and the structure is following>
- criminological courses (36 %)
- courses related to criminal law subjects (32 %)
- social sciences/sociological courses (32 %)
The share of optional courses is 25 % and free choice courses 13 %. The criminological practice occupies 6
% of all programmes and the work on the thesis 25 %.
This programme is well structured and balanced between theoretical and practical elements, lecturing,
training and research.
3.3.2 Execution of studies and support for students
Students are mainly coming to this program after bachelor studies in sociology in VU. Also, graduates of
Faculty of Economic at VU and graduates from Vilnius Pedagogical University have entered the program.
Bachelor Study Programme includes some elements from the area of criminology and sociology of Law. It
would seem useful, however, to have possibilities for stronger specialisation in the area already in bachelor
Relations between teachers and students are good and supervising works well.
3.3.3 Variation in the number of students
The number of students is small and more students could be accepted in the program, both thinking about
employment opportunities and resources of the teaching staff. Concerning employment opportunities the
short period of existence of the program does not allow to get whole picture yet. All evidence the Expert
Panel got told, however, that most sociologists find work were they can utilise their sociological competence.
3.3.4 Teaching staff
The staff is mainly same as in the study programme of sociology (see comments above)
Studijų kokybės vertinimo centras
Teaching staff is in their subject of high international quality. They have living international relations to
many important academic centres in Europe. Their academic activity was shortly very convincing both in
theoretical sense and in applied research.
The number of staff is reasonable.
3.3.5 Advantages and disadvantages of the Programme
In spite of the fully….. unrealised inter-institutional arrangement with law faculty, the programme is working
well in the department.
Teaching English is well organised but students have to pay in order to study other languages. In EU
capability to use several languages is a resource and students should not be punished if they take additional
courses in a third language.
4. Material conditions
The faculty has comparatively good library, students has a possibility also to use Universities library in the
central building. BA and MA students have a computer classes to learn SPSS, to analyse sociological
research data.
The main problem is inconvenient location, old building of the Faculty.
5. External relations
The important characteristic of departments is their wide, with close relations to other educational and
scientific research institutions in Lithuania: Institute for Social Research, Vytautas Magnus University. The
staff of the departments co-operates with Open Society Fund, Transparency International and other NGO’s.
Sociological researches are conducted to different state institutions as well (Ministry of Education, for
Also there is to stress international co-operation with universities in Poland, Finland, USA, Germany, etc.
The lecturers of the programmes are members of different of various organisations and institutions.
6. Feedback
BA graduate students are continuing their education at the master degree programme in sociology or
sociology-criminology, Central European University, etc. After finishing MA studies students have a good
possibilities to work at the universities as lecturers, in different research departments. Employees during the
conversation stressed high theoretical level of graduates and their practical skills.
7. Internal assurance of study quality
Studijų kokybės vertinimo centras
A procedure of certification of the programmes is repeated periodically by the council of the Faculty of
Philosophy. The programmes are evaluated by students as well by questionnaires and survey.
8. General assessment of the programmes within the study field
8.1 Recommendation to the higher education institution
Studying other foreign languages than English should be made free of charge.
To establish the Master Study Programme in Law and Criminology also at the Law faculty.
To add possibilities for specialisation in sociology and criminology in the bachelor study programme.
To increase somewhat the number of students in the program.
To give a possibility to the departments to have own Ph.D. council.
To pay attention to low salaries of the staff.
To find resources to develop research basis infrastructure.
Urgent need of more convenient premises in better location.
To organise better communication among young sociologists in different universities.
To give students opportunities to get more practical knowledge and skills in the first years of learning
To encourage students to participate more actively
learning process).
Studijų kokybės vertinimo centras
in activity of departments (content of courses,
Proposal on accreditation
Vilnius University:
undergraduate study programme Sociology (state code 61205S103) is given Full Accreditation.
master’s study programme Sociology (state code 62105S103) is given Full Accreditation.
master’s study programme Sociology and Criminology (state code 62105S104) is given Full
Head of the group: ……………………...... prof. David P. Baker
…………………………..… doc. Leo Granberg
……………………………. Dr. Gero Lenhardt
……………………………. Dr. Vladas Gaidys
Studijų kokybės vertinimo centras