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World History
Chapter 13 Section 1: Charlemagne Unites Germanic Kingdoms
GOAL  How did Germanic invasions, Christianity, and the rule of Charlemagne contribute to
the culture of the Middle Ages?
Middle Ages had its roots in
The repeated invasions and constant warfare caused five changes in the economy, government and culture:
What role did the Church have during the time of political chaos?
How did the concept of government change due to Germanic invasions?
Who was Clovis and for what two reasons is he significant?
How did Christianity spread?
What were the significances of monasteries during this time period?
How did Pope Gregory I modify the pope’s office (papacy)?
Who was Charles Martel and what was his significance?
What was the name of the new ruling family when the pope anointed Pepin “king by the grace of God”?
Describe the numerous achievements of Charlemagne (Charles the Great).
Chapter 13 Section 2: Feudalism in Europe
GOAL  What factors led to the development of feudalism and what impact did feudalism have
on Middle Ages society?
1) What was the impact of Viking, Magyar, and Muslim invasions on medieval Europe?
2) The feudal system was based on _______________________ and _________________________.
3) Define the following terms.
4) Medieval writers classified people into what three groups?
5) What was a manor? Explain how it was the basic economic arrangement and self-contained world.
6) What was life like for a serf or peasant on a manor?
7) Why did serfs accept their lot in life?
Feudalism Emerges
1. Which three groups invaded Europe in the early Middle Ages and how did this
impact society?
2. _______________________________ was a social system based on
 Emerged out of need for…
The Feudal System:
 Needed ________
 Gave ___________
Clergy were
also given
protection from
 Received __________ (land) from
king  became known as
 Had wealth & land but needed
 Provided _______________________ in exchange for
 Oath between
peasants &
knights (not
always spoken)
 Working the land
peasants to
their overlord
and the
overlord to the
 Followed code of ____________________________
 Included farmers, freeholders, shoemakers, blacksmiths, tailors,
weavers, bakers, etc.
 Those who needed _______________________ & __________________ became
__________________ who were _________________________________
o Had some rights but could not…..
o Given protection
4. __________________________= _______________________________ aspect of feudalism
______________= lord’s estate
(______________=military structure)
5. According to literature, there were three classes in Medieval Society:
1) Those who __________________ 2) Those who __________________3)Those who
Chapter 13 Section 3: The Age of Chivalry
GOAL  How did knights and chivalry impact the culture of the Middle Ages?
1) In what ways did the technology of warfare change?
2) What was a warrior’s (knight’s) role in feudal society?
3) Who were the three masters a knight had to defend in the Code of Chivalry?
4) How were castles defended in medieval warfare?
5) How did medieval literature portray warfare, castle life, and chivalry?
6) Who were troubadours?
7) Most women in feudal society were _________, just as most men were.
a) What roles and privileges did noblewomen have in feudal society?
b) What roles did peasant women have in feudal society?
Chapter 13 Section 4: The Power of the Church
GOAL  How did religion influence social structure and politics in the Middle Ages?
1. How did the sword analogy of
Gelasius I apply to religious and
political conflict in the Middle
2. How was the Church organized?
3. How was religion a unifying
4. What were sacraments? Give an
5. Why did medieval peasants
support the Church?
6. What was canon law?
7. How and why was
excommunication used?
8. What was the practice of
interdict and how was it used?
9. Why did Otto I ally himself with
the Church?
10. What did Otto I’s Roman
Empire of the German Nation later
become known as?
11. How did the practice of lay
investiture create conflict between
the pope and emperor?
12. What compromise was made in
the Concordat of Worms?
13. How and why did Frederick I fail to unify the
German states?
14. For what two reasons why the German states did
not unify in the Middle Ages?
World History
Chapter 14 Section 1: Church Reform and Crusades
1) What three main issues were troubling the
Church? Explain each.
2) Why did the Church reform movement begin at
the monastery at Cluny?
3) How was the Church restructured?
4) What was the papal Curia and what tasks did it
carry out?
5) Who were friars and how were they different
from monks?
6) What were three orders of friars?
7) Describe the churches built in the Romanesque
style of architecture.
8) Describe four characteristics of Gothic
9) What were the elements of Gothic architecture
meant to do?
10) Name one famous Gothic cathedral.
11) How did the goals of the Crusades change over
the years?
12) What was the Reconquista?
13) What was the Inquisition?
14) What were the effects of the Crusades?
Chapter 14 Section 2: Changes in Medieval Society
1) What were two new agricultural methods that increased the food supply?
2) What were the positive effects from a food production increase?
3) What was a guild and what did it work to do?
4) What was the Commercial Revolution? Explain.
5) How did trading from fair to fair impact business and banking?
6) Describe urban life in the growing cities of Europe.
7) Who were burghers and what was their significance in the social order?
8) How did the Crusades contribute to the expansion of trade and learning for Europe?
9) Describe the universities that were emerging in Europe.
10) Why was the use of the vernacular important?
11) Who were Thomas Aquinas and the Scholastics (no, they were not a band)?
Chapter 14 Section 3: England and France Develop
What was the conflict between William the
Conqueror and Harold Godwinson regarding?
What dynasty began with the rule of Hugh Capet?
What were some of the accomplishments of King
Philip II?
What two goals did English kings try to achieve
over the next few centuries?
Explain Henry’s system of royal judges and courts.
What were the accomplishments of Louis IX?
What is the significance of common law?
Why did Philip II call the Estates-General together?
Why did nobles force King John to sign the Magna
Who were the members of the First, Second, and
Third Estates?
Why did the nobles force King John to sign the
Magna Carta? What did the Magna Carta state?
What basic legal rights did the Magna Carta
guarantees that are used by both England and the
U.S. today?
Describe King Edward I’s Model Parliament and its
impact on royal power.
How was the Estates-General similar to the English
Parliament? How was it different form the EstatesGeneral?
What democratic traditions were emerging in
England and France?
Chapter 14 Section 4: Hundred Years’ War and the Plague
1. Summarize the causes of the division of the Church and the effects of the Great Schism.
2. Who was John Wycliffe & what were his beliefs?
3. What was the significance of the Bubonic Plague or Black Death?
4. How did the Hundred Years’ War begin?
5. Describe the longbow and its significance.
6. Who was Joan of Arc?
7. What were the impacts of the Hundred Years’ War?