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Introduction to Urology
Emily Marshall, PA-C, MPAP
Upon completion of this lecture, nurses should have
increased knowledge about epidemiology, symptoms, signs
and treatment options for the following conditions:
Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH)
Prostate Cancer
Bladder Cancer
Pelvic Prolapse
Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH)
Noncancerous enlargement of the prostate gland
Hypertrophy of the cells (↑ in the number of cells, NOT
growth in the size of the cells)
When significantly enlarged, the prostate compresses the
urethral canal, causes obstruction of urine flow
Signs/Symptoms of BPH
Obstructive: hesitancy, weak stream, straining to void,
incomplete bladder emptying, prolonged urination, acute
or recurrent urinary retention
Irritative: urgency, frequency, nocturia, urge incontinence
Epidemiology/Risk Factors of BPH
No racial differences
↑ age and normal androgen status are risk factors
An estimated 25% of males > 50 years old have
symptomatic BPH
1st degree relatives of patients with early onset BPH have
4 x the risk for development of BPH
Complications of BPH
Urinary retention
Bladder calculus (stones)
Chronic or acute renal failure
Bladder diverticulum
Bladder dysfunction
Upper urinary tract obstruction
Medical Treatment of BPH
Alpha-1 Adrenergic Blockers: tamsulosin (Flomax),
alfuzosin (Uroxatrol), doxazosin (Cardura), prazosin
(Minipress), terazosin (Hytrin)
Mechanism of Action: relaxes smooth muscle of the
bladder and prostate
Side Effects: orthostatic hypotension, dizziness, tiredness,
retrograde ejaculation, rhinitis, headache
Medical Treatment of BPH
5-Alpha-Reductase Inhibitors: finasteride (Proscar),
dutasteride (Avodart)
Mechanism of Action: decreases the epithelial component
of the prostate, resulting in ↓ size of gland and
improvement of symptoms
6 months of therapy required for maximal effects
Side Effects: ↓ libido, ↓ volume of ejaculate, impotence,
reduction in serum PSA by 50%
Surgical Treatment of BPH
Transurethral resection of the prostate (TURP)
Transurethral incision of the prostate (TUIP)
Open simple prostatectomy
Laser therapy
Transurethral needle ablation of the prostate (TUNA)
Transurethral electro-vaporization of the prostate
Microwave hyperthermia
Transurethral Resection of the Prostate
Risks/Complications of TURP
Risks: incontinence (<1%), impotence (5-10%), retrograde
ejaculation (75%)
Complications: bleeding, urethral stricture or bladder
neck contracture, perforation of prostate capsule with
extravasation, and if severe, transurethral resection
Transurethral Resection Syndrome
Hypervolemic, hyponatremic state resulting from
absorption of hypotonic irrigating solution
Risk ↑ with resection times > 90 minutes
Symptoms/Signs: nausea/vomiting, confusion, HTN,
bradycardia, visual disturbances
Treatment: diuresis and, in severe cases, hypertonic saline
Prostate Cancer
Most common cancer in American men
Incidence ↑ with age
A 50-year old American man has a lifetime risk of 40% for
latent prostate cancer & a 2.9% risk of death due to
prostate cancer
Risk Factors: Blacks, + Family Hx, ↑ fat intake
Most common site of metastasis is the axial skeleton, ↑
Alkaline Phosphatase
Symptoms/Signs of Prostate Cancer
Signs: prostate nodule found on digital rectal examination
(DRE), ↑serum Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA)
Usually asymptomatic
Possible Symptoms: obstructive voiding symptoms, lower
extremity lymphedema due to lymph node metastases,
back pain or pathologic fx’s due to metastases, neurologic
symptoms due to epidural metastases or cord
Prostate Biopsy
Transrectal ultrasound-guided biopsy is used to detect
prostate cancer
Prostate Cancer Pathology & Staging
Most prostate cancers are adenocarcinomas
Gleasons Score: five “grades” are possible
A primary grade is applied to the architectural pattern of
cancerous glands occupying the largest area
A secondary grade is applied to the next largest area of
cancerous growth
Adding the score of the primary and secondary patterns gives
a Gleason score
Gleasons Score Examples
5 + 5 most aggressive possible
4 + 3 fairly aggressive
3 + 3 moderate aggressiveness
2 + 3 fairly non-aggressive
1 + 1 very non-aggressive
Grades 4 and 5: ↑ risk of metastasis
Grades 1 and 2: usually confined to the prostate
Prostate Cancer Treatment Options
Active surveillance
Radical prostatectomy (open vs. robotic)
Radiation therapy
Androgen deprivation therapy (pharmacological or
surgical orchiectomy)
Chemotherapy (last resort treatment)
Radical Prostatectomy
Removal of the seminal vesicles, prostate & ampullae of
the vas deferens
After surgery, a foley catheter is left in place for 1-3
weeks and can only be removed when the surgeon
decides; it cannot be changed or removed until the
surgeon decides
Risks of Surgery: urinary incontinence, impotence & other
surgery risks (bleeding, etc.)
Dry orgasms (sperm banking prior to surgery)
Cryosurgery of the Prostate
Liquid nitrogen is circulated through small hollow-core
needles inserted into the prostate under ultrasound
Leads to tissue destruction
Great choice for aggressive, localized prostate cancer in a
patient who is not a good candidate for radical
Suprapubic catheter
Radiation Treatment
Survival of patients with localized cancers approaches
65% at 10 years
Urinary Side Effects: incontinence, dysuria, urgency,
frequency, hematuria
Impotence, infertility
Bowel Side Effects: bowel frequency & urgency, diarrhea,
burning sensation during BMs, hemorrhoids
Side effects tend to worsen over time
↑ risk of other cancers in regions affected
Pelvic Organ Prolapse
Uterine prolapse, cystocele, rectocele and enterocele are
vaginal hernias commonly seen in multiparous women
Symptoms: pelvic pressure or a dragging sensation as well
as bowel or lower urinary tract dysfunction such as stress
urinary incontinence
Supportive Treatment Options: high-fiber diet, ↓weight,
Surgical Options: bladder sling, anterior/posterior repair &
possible hysterectomy
Uterine Prolapse
Bladder Cancer
Risk Factors: cigarette smoking, exposure to industrial
dyes or solvents
Second most common urologic cancer
Mean age at diagnosis is 65 years
Men > women (2.7:1)
Most commonly presents with hematuria (gross or
microscopic, chronic or intermittent)
Symptoms/Signs of Bladder Cancer
Irritative voiding symptoms (frequency & urgency)
Masses detected on bimanual examination
Hepatomegaly or palpable lymphadenopathy, lymphedema
of lower extremities in patients with metastatic disease
Lab Findings – Bladder Cancer
Urinalysis: microscopic/gross hematuria, pyuria
Anemia due to chronic blood loss or bone marrow
Urine cytology is sensitive in detecting higher grade and
stage lesions but less so in detecting superficial, low-grade
Azotemia, ↑ creatinine due to ureteral obstruction
Bladder Cancer Diagnosis
Imaging: may be detected using ultrasound, CT or MRI
where filling defects may be noticed
Diagnosis cannot be ruled out with imaging
Gold Standard: cystoscopy & biopsy of lesion
Pathology of Bladder Cancer
Most common: urothelial cell carcinomas
Rare in the US: squamous cell carcinoma (associated with
schistosomiasis, bladder calculi or chronic catheter use) &
Bladder CA staging based on the extent of bladder wall
penetration & either regional or distant metastases
Bladder CA grading based on histologic appearance: size,
pleomorphism, mitotic rate & hyperchromatism
Frequency of recurrence & progression strongly
correlated with grade
Treatment of Bladder Cancer
Transurethral resection of bladder tumor
Initial tx for all bladder cancers
Diagnostic & allows for proper staging
Controls superficial cancers
Treatment for muscle infiltrating cancers
Partial cystectomy: for pts with solitary lesions or cancers in a
bladder diverticulum
Radical cystectomy: bilateral pelvic lymph node dissection,
removal of bladder, prostate, seminal vesicles & surrounding
fat/peritoneal attachments in men & in women also the uterus,
cervix, urethra, anterior vaginal vault & usually the ovaries
Prognosis-Bladder Cancer
At initial presentation, approximately 50-80% of bladder
cancers are superficial
Lymph node metastases & progression are uncommon in
such patients when properly treated & survival is
excellent at 81%
Long-term survival for patients with metastatic disease at
presentation is rare
Current Medical Diagnosis & Treatment (Lange)
The 5-Minute Urology Consult (Gomella)
Smith’s General Urology (Lange)