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Text 5.1: Page170-175
Just How Small is an Atom?
Developing Atomic Theory
Modern Model
Check & Reflect
Assignment – Timeline of the Development of
Atomic Theory
Learning Goals
By the end of the class, we should be able to
 Describe
how the model of the atom has changed over
 Describe the structure of the atom according to modern
atomic theory
 Calculate the number of protons, neutrons and electrons
in an atom based on the periodic table
Minds On: Just How Small is an Atom?
Development of Atomic Theory
Philosophers of
Ancient Greece
reasoned there
were 4 basic
forms of matter
 Fire,
Earth and Air
Development of Atomic Theory
In ancient China
they reasoned there
were 5 basic forms
of matter
 Fire,
water, wood,
metal and earth
Development of Atomic Theory
440 BCE, Greek philosopher
Democritus also hypothesized
about the atom
 He
thought that breaking down
rock into powder would reduce
it to tiny bits of matter that
couldn’t be broken down any
 Wasn’t popular at time because
there was no experimental
evidence to support his claim
Modern Atomic Theory
Rooted in the idea that an
understanding of atoms and
their structure can help us
predict the properties of
 Began
with John Dalton, who
reconsidered the ancient idea
that each different kind of
element is composed of a
different type of atom
Dalton’s Atom
Dalton’s theory stated:
All matter is made of small,
invisible particles called atoms
 Atoms of different elements
have different properties
 Atoms of different elements can
combine in specific ways to form
new substances
 All atoms of an element are
identical in proprieties such as
size and mass
Sound Familiar?
Building Off Dalton…
He had it right!
 All
matter is made of small,
invisible particles called atoms
 Atoms of different elements
have different properties
 Atoms of different elements
can combine in specific ways
to form new substances
 All atoms of an element are
identical in proprieties such as
size and mass
The Atom
JJ Thompson researched the idea that atoms may
be made of smaller parts that are charged
Experiment included using electric currents in glass
tubes called cathode ray tubes.
The Atom
JJ Thompson researched the
idea that atoms may be
made of smaller parts that
are charged
 Through
experimentation he
determined atoms must be
made of both + and –
charged pieces
 We now know these to be
electrons (-) and protons (+)
The Atom
Ernest Rutherford
expanded on the idea
of the size of the parts
of the atom
 He
calculated through
experimentation that
there was a tiny nucleus
in the center of orbiting
Finishing Touches
James Chadwick suggested in the
nucleus also contained neutral
Now known as neutrons
Niels Bohr suggested electrons
traveled in shells or energy levels
With each shells having a specific
number of electrons in them
 Also now sometimes described as
“electron clouds”
So What’s the Big Picture?
So What’s the Big Picture?
More Info on the Atom
Note: Atomic Mass= # Protons + # Neutrons
Check & Reflect
Skim & Scan Chapter 5.1
Complete questions 1-6 on page 175 ‘Learning
Answer in complete sentences in your notebook.
Assignment - TimeToast
Create a timeline of the development of the atomic
Include pictures, text, and info on two scientists per
time period.
Use p.g. 176 to help you…