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Chapter 7
Kinetic Energy and Work
In this chapter we will introduce the following concepts:
Kinetic energy of a moving object
Work done by a force
In addition, we will develop the work-kinetic energy
theorem and apply it to solve a variety of problems.
This approach is an alternative approach to mechanics. It
uses scalars such as work and kinetic energy rather than
vectors such as velocity and acceleration. Therefore it is
simpler to apply.
Principle of energy conservation:
Energy can be transformed from one type to another and
transferred from one object to another, but the total amount
is always the same (energy is conserved).
No exception to this has ever been found.
Think of the many types of energy as being numbers
representing money in many types of bank accounts. Rules
have been made about what such money numbers mean and
how they can be changed. You can transfer money numbers
from one account to another or from one system to another.
However, the total amount (the total of all the money
numbers) can always be accounted for: It is always conserved.
7.3 Kinetic Energy
Kinetic energy K is energy associated with the state
of motion of an object. The faster the object moves,
the greater is its kinetic energy. When the object is
stationary, its kinetic energy is zero.
For an object of mass m whose speed v is well below
the speed of light, the kinetic energy is:
1 2
K  mv
kinetic Energy is a scalar. The SI unit of kinetic energy (and every
other type of energy) is the joule (J).
J  kg. 2
Problem-5, Page 159
A father racing his son has half the kinetic
energy of the son, who has half the mass of
the father. The father speeds up by 1.0 m/s
and then has the same kinetic energy as the
son. What are the original speeds of (a) the
father and (b) the son?