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Exploiting SQL Server
Security Holes
Robert L Davis
Database Engineer
PASS Security Virtual Chapter
• Volunteers needed
Robert L Davis
• Microsoft Certified Master
• Data Platform MVP
Database Engineer
• BlueMountain Capital Management
• 16+ years working with SQL Server
Exploiting SQL Server Security Holes
 Permissions Superset
 Database Owner
 Bypassing Logins
 Trustworthy
Exploiting SQL Server Security Holes
Permissions Superset
Exploiting SQL Server Security Holes
Permissions Superset
 User gets all permissions available to them
 When grants and denies conflict deny wins
 Almost always
 Due to ANSI standards, an explicit grant on a column
overrides and explicit deny on a column
Exploiting SQL Server Security Holes
Database Owner
Exploiting SQL Server Security Holes
Database Owner
 Mapped automatically to the dbo account
 Has all perms inside of database (DML, DDL, etc)
 Has broad permissions for modifying the database
 Can make a variety of changes that can be damaging to the
database or even the server
 Page verification, file settings, recovery model, auto-shrink,
auto-close, etc
 Still cannot change TRUSTWORTHY
 Impersonated by sysadmin when sysadmin is in the
 If no valid owner, you may receive error that the user cannot
perform the requested action under the current security
Exploiting SQL Server Security Holes
Bypassing Logins
Exploiting SQL Server Security Holes
Bypassing Logins
 Relates directly to permissions superset
 If user can login via group membership, the
individual perms are included in the superset
 Even if the individual login doesn’t exist
Exploiting SQL Server Security Holes
Exploiting SQL Server Security Holes
 Sounds like a good thing to have
 Used for unsafe CLR assemblies or assemblies
with external access
 Used to allow cross-database permissions
 Can usually be done instead with signed modules
or signed assemblies
 Effectively allows a db owner to take over the
whole server
Exploiting SQL Server Security Holes
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